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Goal setting theory of motivation

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About goal setting theory:

In 1960s, Edwin Locke put forward the Goal-setting theory of motivation. This theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to task performance. It states that specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback contribute to higher and better task performance. In simple words, goals indicate and give direction to an employee about 6/15/12 shamseer

features of goalsetting theory

The willingness to work towards attainment of goal is main source of job motivation. v Specific and clear goals lead to greater output and better performance. Measurable and clear-cut goals accompanied by a deadline for completion avoids misunderstanding. v Goals should be realistic and challenging. v Better and appropriate feedback of results. v Employees participation in goal is not 6/15/12 shamseer always desirable.

Goal setting theory has certain eventualities such as: Self-efficiency- Self-efficiency is the individuals self-confidence and faith that he has potential of performing the task. Goal commitment- Goal setting theory assumes that the individual is committed to the goal and will not leave the goal.
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Advantages of Goal Setting Theory

Goal setting theory is a technique used to raise incentives for employees to complete work quickly and effectively. Goal setting leads to better performance by increasing motivation and efforts, but also shamseer through increasing and6/15/12

Limitations of Goal Setting Theory


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difficult and complex goals


Clear goals and subsequent feedback could motivate the employees greatly. They were enthused by the idea of collectively working towards the achievement of goals. The people were more ignited by goals that were challenging and specific as compared to goals that 6/15/12 shamseer

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