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Industrial Training ON Telemarketing

Undertaken at

Business Associates With Indian Health Organisation (An Aetna Company)


Submitted to:
Prof. Prabhjot kaur .

Submitted by:
Simrandeep Kaur. Class: B.B.A 3rd year. College Roll no: 204

Uni Roll no: 11554

B.Z.S.F.S. Khalsa Girls College Morinda (Ropar).

(Punjabi university Patiala)


I Simrandeep kaur declare that the entitled Telemarketing submitted to Punjabi University, Patiala in partial in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is a record of original sproject work done by me period of study in B.Z.S.F.S.Khalsa girls college, Morinda. I further declare that this project report has not been submitted to any university/institution /board for award of any degree.

Place Mohali Simrandeep kaur

(Signature of the student)

It is rightly said that practical is far better than classroom training. During practical training a person comes to know about actual difficulties faced at work place. Without practical training management Education is meaningless. So along with the theory, practical training is provided to the student to expose them to the actual working environment of any organization. Such training provides framework of knowledge related to concepts and practice of the assigned topic in the organization, which is relevant to the organization also. It has been my privilege to receive to training opportunity in ivelop solutions. I learnt much things from it. It liked a job. This training also made me aware of importance of discipline, punctuality, teamwork, sense of responsibility, value of team. The training is definitely going to play an important role in developing an aptitude for hand work and self confidence for my successful future.

Acknowledgement I want to especially thanks to Mr. Karandeep Singh and Mr Amit Mehta of managing director of my company. very nice. They have helped me in my project. Amit Mehta has told me clearly out my topic namely Tele marketing. Karandeep singh has told me about how to work in the field? I have also thanked to Rupinder mam, she also help me too much

I would like to thank the entire team of the constant Support and help in the successful completion of my project.

Contents Chapters

Company profile Introduction History Research methodology
Data collection

Page no
8 8 17 18 19 20 21 25 25 31 33 37 45 48 53 55 62 63 65 66 67 67 67 67 68 69 70

Objectives of study
3 Introduction about study

Introduction of Telemarketing Process Of Telemarketing scope of telemarketing

importance of telemarketing integrated telemarketing with other media Objectives of telemarketing Rules and regulations of telemarketing Guidelines of Telemarketing 4

Indian health organisation

Benefits of IHO

Advantage of telemarketing Disadvantages of telemarketing Telemarketing fraud

5 Swot analysis Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Limitations of study Conclusion Bibliography

Companys profile

Introduction. 1. Aetna is the world second health insurance company. Not only India but Aetna spread all another countries also. 2. Aetna is the first who starts health insurance. 3. It offers a variety of health insurance plans for individuals, families and the self-employed. Choose from hundreds of Aetna insurance options, including plans that provide broad benefits and coverage, short-term health insurance solutions, the tax-advantaged savings of a Health Savings Account. 4. The year that was 2008 - ... Aetna a US based healthcare benefits company recently acquired Indian Health Organization. Indian Health Organization has a network of 3,000 doctors, dentists, clinics and labs, as well as preventive care and wellness programmes. 5.It has a customer base of 80,000 members. While this acquisition allowed Aetna to diversify into a new geography, it is also aligned with its long-term strategy of providing healthcare services that focus on wellness and prevention domain.

== History of Aetna

* ''1819''[Henry Leavitt ] graduate and attorney, becomes first president of Aetna (Fire) Insurance Company, succeeding Thomas K. Brace. Ellsworth, who later became the first [[United States Patent and Trademark Office|U. S. Patent Commissioner]], served as Aetna's

president for two years until 1821, when he resigned, but Ellsworth continued as a director for another 16 years.|

==== 1850s ==== ''1850'' Aetna began operation of an Annuity Fund to sell life insurance, choosing Hartford, Connecticut judge Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley, who was a general counsel to the company and on its board of directors, to head it. At the time, some church leaders and others believed life insurance was sinful. * ''1853'' The Annuity department separated from Aetna Insurance to be incorporated as the Aetna Life Insurance Company, with Eliphalet Bulkeley as president. * ''1854'' Aetna hired its first full-time employee, Thomas O. Enders, later to become company president. * ''1857'' Aetna moved to new offices on Hungerford and Cone Streets in Hartford. The [[Panic of 1857]] struck Hartford and the nation, causing the closing of all but one bank and many other businesses. Eliphalet Bulky blocked a move to liquidate the company during the economic downturn. * The Aetna Insurance Company issued [[life insurance]] policies on an undetermined number of [[African-American]] [[slaves]], naming their owners as beneficiaries. * ''1861'' Aetna began offering participating life insurance policies which paid [[dividend]]s to policyholders just as the mutual life insurance policies did. Aetna launched its new product with a promotional effort including higher commissions for its agents while most companies were cutting back due to the outbreak of the [[American Civil War]] and the consequent loss of premium payments from Southern policyholders. However, the death toll of the war coupled with the booming wartime economy caused an expansion of the life insurance business to match Aetna's expansion. * ''1865'' By 1864 Aetna had increased its volume of business by 600% over 1861 and its annual premium income ninefold, exceeding one million dollars. As a result, Aetna possessed the financial stability and resources it needed to meet the stringent regulatory requirements placed on life insurance companies in Massachusetts and New York; by 1865 the company was authorized to begin soliciting business in these states. * ''1867'' Company income rose from $78,000 in 1861 to $5,129,000 by 1867. Aetna moved to its third home office at 670 Main Street, Hartford. By 1924, Aetna had 94 million dollars, 43% of its assets, invested in farm mortgages.

* ''1868'' Aetna altered its business practices, hiring its first [[actuary]] and abandoning the halfnote premium system in favor of an all-cash premium plan.

==== 1870s ====

* ''1872'' Eliphalet A. Bulkeley died and Thomas O. Enders became president. * ''1878'' Aetna increased its capitalization from $150,000 to $750,000. * ''1879'' Enders' failing health forced him to resign and Eliphalet Bulkeley's son [[Morgan G. Bulkeley]] replaced him.

==== 1880s ====

* ''1888'' Aetna outgrew its old offices on 670 Main Street in Hartford and purchased its fourth home office, next door at 650 Main Street; the first building Aetna actually owned, and Aetna's home office for the next 42 years.

==== 1890s ====

* ''1891'' Aetna issued its first accident policy, purchased by Morgan Bulkeley hims. * ''1892'' Aetna held its first general agents conference in Chicago. * ''1899'' Aetna became one of the first publicly held insurance companies to enter the health insurance field.

==== 1900s (decade) ====

* ''1902'' Aetna created an Accident and Liability department to offer employers' liability and workmen's collective insurance, in reaction to the growing strength of the rogressive

Era|Progressive social reform movement. This would become the cornerstone of the Aetna Accident and Liability Company. * ''1903'' An Engineering and Inspection Division was created to improve workplace safety. * ''1904'' Aetna introduced its first [[corporate seal]], conveying Aetna's status as the largest life insurer in the world writing accident, health and liability coverage; the logo portrayed the company's home office bursting out from within a globe, with large block typeface spelling out Ae''tna's ranking. * ''1907'' Aetna created a casualty subsidiary to handle items such as automobile property coverage; Aetna soon began aggressively expanding into related lines such as collision and damage. This business developed into the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company. * ''1908'' Aetna hired its first [[home office]] female employee (Julia Kinghorn, [[telephone switchboard]] operator), the first of what has become more than two-thirds of Aetnas employees.

==== 1910s ====

* ''1910'' Under the management of E. E. Cammack, Aetna began using [[Hollerith]] [[punched card]]s machines for tabulating and hired 35 women to input [[Life insurance#Costs, insurability, and underwriting|mortality statistics]] on [[keypunch machine]]s, the company's first female [[Clerk (position)|home office clerks]. * ''1911'' Aetna began its first national advertising campaign. The same year, Aetna formed a [[bond (finance)|bond]] department to market fidelity and [[surety]] coverages. * ''1912'' Aetna introduced the first combination automobile policy, with several separate types of coverage combined into one contract. Several Aetna insureds were killed on the [[RMS Titanic]]. * ''1913'' Aetna formed its second affiliate, the Automobile Insurance Company, to write fire insurance on cars. This soon expanded to include [[windstorm]], [[tornado]], [[leasehold]], and ocean and inland [[marine insurance]]. Aetna formed a Group department to sell [[Life insurance#Related Life Insurance Products|group life insurance]], one of the first insurers to do so; the first step towards Aetnas current health care business.

==== 1960s ====


* ''1960'' Aetna expanded outside the U. S., buying a [[Canadian]] company, Excelsior Life Insurance Company. In 1968, it bought a majority interest in Producer's and Citizen's Cooperative Assurance Company, of [[Sydney]], [[Australia]]. In 1981, it bought a 40 percent interest in two [[Chile]]an companies, and soon thereafter invested in ventures in England, Spain, [[Hong K* ''1960'' Aetna expanded outside the U. S., buying a [[Canadian]] company, Excelsior Life Insurance Company. In 1968, it bought a majority interest in Producer's and Citizen's Cooperative Assurance Company, of [[Sydney]], [[Australia]]. In 1981, it bought a 40 percent interest in two [[Chile]]an companies, and soon thereafter invested in ventures in England, Spain, [[Hong Kong]], [[Taiwan]], [[Indonesia]] and [[Korea]].

==== 1990s ====

* Between 1996 and 1999, Aetna initiated a series of company [[acquisitions]]. In 1998, Aetna bought NYLCare Health Plans for $1.05 billion, adding 2.2 million members. The next year, it bought Prudential HealthCare for $1 billion, making it the largest provider of health benefits in the U. S., with more than 21 million members. The company spent more than $20 million that it received in fees and premiums from customers to revamp its computer systems, enabling the company to identify and discontinue unprofitable accounts. With this new and extensive information about policyholders, new management, and a shift in strategy, Aetna sharply raised premiums on less profitable accounts. Within a few years, Aetna shed 8 million covered lives due to premiums that customers could no longer afford.<ref>Behind Aetnas Turnaround: Small Steps to Pare Cost of Care, Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2004

==== 2000s (decade) ====

* ''2000'' Aetna hired [[John W. Rowe]] as CEO and executive chairman. Rowe cut approximately 15,000 jobs and raised insurance premiums by 16 percent per year. He also shrunk Aetna's customer base from 19 million members to 13 million by abandoning unprofitable markets, including almost half of the counties nationwide in which it offered Medicare products * ''2000'' Aetna sold its financial services and international businesses to [[ING Group|ING]] for $7.7 billion, spun off its health business to its [[shareholders]], thus focusing its business as an independent health and group benefits company.

* ''2006'' John Rowe ended his 65 months as CEO and executive chairman of Aetna; during his tenure, the former [[Harvard]] [[geriatrician]] earned $225,000 a day (including Sundays and holidays. * ''2007'' Aetna chief medical officer Troy Brennan told the Aetna Investor Conference that, "The (U. S.) [[healthcare system]] is not timely. " He cited "recent statistics from the Institution of Healthcare Improvement that people are waiting an average of about 70 days to try to see a provider. And in many circumstances people initially diagnosed with [[cancer]] are waiting over a month, which is intolerable. * ''2007'' Aetna acquired plan operator Schaller Anderson in July, signaling a push into the growing business of running plans for Medicaid and the [[State Children's Health Insurance Program.

* ''2008'' Aetna CEO Ron Williams received $38.12 million in [[Executive compensation|compensation]] - the highest annual compensation in the insurance sector and the 22nd-highest compensation of all American CEOs. * ''2008'' Aetna began offering [[pet]] health insurance in Alabama, District of Columbia, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, North Dakota and Texas, with plans to quickly expand to all 50 states. As the new [[underwriter]] for Pets Best policies, we look forward to working closely with Pets Best and the AVMA GHLIT to extend the reach of the pet insurance industry to bring trusted, affordable pet [[health insurance]] products to pet owners nationwide, said Gretchen Spann, Aetnas head of pet insurance * ''2008'' Aetna's 2008 [[revenue]], excluding net realized [[capital losses]], increased 14 percent over 2007 to $31.6 billion.

* Through June 30, Aetna took in $14 billion in premiums: $10.7 billion of that amount from employers and employees, $2.9 billion more from [[Medicare (United States)|Medicare]] recipients who bought a supplemental insurance plan to cover the gaps in what Medicare covers, and another $400 million for handling [[Medicaid]] claims. Aetna reported that it paid out $11.9 billion in health care reimbursements and $2.3 billion in [[administrative]] expenses (20 percent.

* On September 22, more than 200 people gathered in front of Aetna's Hartford headquarters to call for a [[public health insurance option]] they said is essential to true national [[health care reform]]. The [[insurance industry]], including Aetna, has opposed a public option.

* On October 2, Connecticut Attorney General [[Richard Blumenthal]] and Healthcare Advocate [[Kevin P. Lembo]] asked Aetna and four other insurance companies for information the companies may have sent policyholders regarding the impact of proposed legislation on [[Medicare Advantage]] and prescription drug programs. According to Blumenthal, some insurance companies have exaggerated or stretched the impact of health care reform. * On October 27, Aetna stock values shot up when U. S. Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut broke with the Democratic caucus that he is a member of and vowed to join a Republican-led [[filibuster]] if the [[public option]] was not removed from the Senate's health care reform bill. * On October 30, Aetna reported a third quarter profit increase of 18 percent. * On November 3, US Senator [[Tom Harkin]], chairman of the [[Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions]], launched an investigation into health insurance pricing, asking Aetna and three other major insurers to justify their pricing practices. The investigation began after [[small business]] owners testified before Harkin's committee that skyrocketing health care premiums were severely hurting their livelihoods * On November 19, Aetna announced the layoff off some 3.5% of its work force625 employees now and a similar number of reductions early next year. The current cuts include 160 jobs in Connecticut. "Streamlining our business now will enable us to improve our competitiveness and redirect resources to areas with a greater potential for future growth, " said Aetna CEO Ron Williams * On November 30, Aetna CEO Ron Williams told analysts that Aetna would increase prices in 2010 and force 600,000 to 650,000 Aetna customers to drop their coverage. * On December 7, Aetna filed a $4.9 billion correction to its 2008 health insurance regulatory filings. The new filings show that Aetna spends less on small business health care than previously reported. Health insurance companies have a duty to provide accurate financial information both to consumers and to their regulators about how much money they actually spend on health care and how much they spend on profits, on executive salaries, and on figuring out how to deny care to people when they really need it, said Senator [[Jay Rockefeller]], Chairman of the [[U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation]]. Unfortunately, it looks like Aetna and other health insurers havent been taking this duty very seriously. Im disappointed that my Committee had to launch a full-scale congressional investigation to get these companies to meet their basic reporting obligations. * On December 14, Aetna stocks rose dramatically after U. S. Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut threatened to filibuster the Senate health care reform bill if it included a Medicare buy-in proposal.


* December 29: Aetna chief executive Ron Williams owns approximately 7.6 million Aetna stock and options. The price gain for Aetna stocks of $8.50 from October lows to December 29 adds at least $37 million in value to Williams' holdings. === 2010 ===

* On January 19, Aetna stocks rose $1.23 to $32.59, due to the possibility that a Republican candidate could win a previously Democratic U. S. Senate seat in Massachusetts. Such a victory could deprive Democrats of the 60-vote majority they need in the Senate to stop a potential filibuster of the national healthcare reform bill. * On February 3, Aetna laid off more than 100 Connecticut workers. This follows the lay off of 160 Connecticut Aetna employees in November 2009 * On February 6, Aetna reported 2009 fourth-quarter net income of $165.9 million, or 38 cents per share, on $8.69 billion in revenue. * On April 30, Aetna announced a 29 percent increase in net income for the first quarter of 2010 compared with the same quarter a year ago, as the insurer benefited from higher investment income.

* In April, Aetna notified policyholders that it was in a contract dispute with [[Continuum Health Partners]] and that its contract with Continuum Health Partners would lapse as of June 5, 2010. Continuum Health Partners comprises five major New York City hospitals: [[Beth Israel Medical Center]], [[Roosevelt Hospital]], [[St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center|St. Luke's Hospital]], [[Long Island College Hospital]] and [[New York Eye and Ear Infirmary]]. The June 5th date passed and the contract lapsed, an outcome that could mean much higher costs for thousands of New Yorkers. Aetna a US based healthcare benefits company recently acquired Indian Health Organisation (IHO), an Indian start-up that offers access to quality medical and dental care at a savings through a credentialed provider network. The acquisition marks Aetna International's entry in India and potential for managed care companies.

With a base of 80,000 members already enlisted as IHO customers, this acquisition provides Aetna with the right platform to build a broader provider network in the country and work towards its vision of helping people live healthier lives. While this allows an opportunity for Aetna to diversify into a new geography, this acquisition also aligns with their long term strategy of providing health care services that focus on the wellness and prevention domain.


While the financial terms of the transaction have not been disclosed, Aetna benefits with direct access to a robust customer base and also a network of approximately 3,000 doctors, dentists, clinics and labs, as well as preventative care and wellness programmes.

Derek Goldberg, Aetna's MD, South East Asia, said, "India's growing healthcare market presents tremendous opportunity. The out-of-pocket medical spend in India is more than $30 billion annually, which is more than 60 per cent of the total health care expenditure in the country. The service offered by IHO targets that direct consumer spending on health care by providing access to primary and preventative care."

Visham Sikand, IHO's co-founder and business development head, said, "Aetna has the expertise and resources to take IHO's business to the next level. I am excited about the prospects of making quality health care and wellness programs more affordable and accessible for consumers in India."

Aetna is convinced that IHO's network and market insight coupled with Aetna's global expertise and resource strength will make a strong statement.2011-02-12. In July, the Faculty Union of [[Pratt Institute]], United Federation of College Teachers Local 1460, prepared a letter to Aetna expressing their unhappiness over the termination of the contract. * In June, Crystal Run Healthcare, a 170-doctor group practice in [[Orange County, New York]] and [[Sullivan County, New York]], announced that it would terminate its contract with Aetna on July 31, 2011.< "NY doctors break talks with Aetna over rates", June 23, 2010 [[Crain Communications|Crain's NY Business: Crain's Health Pulse Healthcare Crystal Run stated that, "Aetna proposes to pay us significantly less than other commercial health care plans with whom we contract. Despite good faith efforts, we cannot come to an agreement at this time. We want to afford every opportunity to our patients to make informed choices regarding their health care coverage. " Aetna replied, "It is extraordinary that a responsible physician group would alarm patients in this manner more than a year before there could be any impact to those patients. * On July 27, Aetna reported that its second-quarter profit rose 42 percent, as the percentage of premiums the company spent on medical care fell versus a year ago. The insurer earned $491 million, or $1.14 a share, in the three months ended June 30. That compares with net income of $346.6 million, or 77 cents a share, in the same period last year. * On September 9, Aetna announced that it would demolish its {{convert|1300000|sqft|m2|adj=on}} structure in Middletown, Connecticut that once housed approximately 5,000 Aetna employees on a {{convert|261|acre|km2|adj=on}} campus. Aetna has

not said exactly how it will redevelop the site, although a data center currently located there will remain regardless of future plans.

Research methodology


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. Research methodology constitutes of research methods, selection criterion of research methods, used in context of research study and explanation of using of a particular method or technique so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others. Why a research study has been undertaken, how the research problem has been formulated, why data have been collected and what particular technique of analyzing data has been used and a best of similar other question are usually answered when we talk of Research methodology concerning a research problem or study. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet.

Sources of Data collections:

1. Secondary Data

Secondary Data:
Secondary data is the information that has been gathered not for the immediate study but for some other purpose. In my study I have use both primary as well as secondary data such as annual reports, surveys, questions etc. 1.Through internet, various official sites of the companies. 2.Through pamphlets and brochures of the companies.


3.Journals & Magazine

Objectives of the study:

To know about telemarketing To know how to communicate on telephones with customers To sale the product to customers To know how to create the market To gain knowledge about product To know how to handle the negative response




An Introduction to Telemarketing
Telemarketing is the largest advertising medium today which comes under direct marketing. Telemarketing is an important part of an integrated marketing communications program (IMC). The telemarketing objective is to reach customers in a personalized, cost-effective interaction that meets customer need, a well planned telephone marketing program is a carefully through out and controlled activity. In this, the person called out has been identified as actual or potential members of a firms target market. The most effective telemarketing programs make use of the latest technologies, including communication hardware and software, particularly database technologies.

Telemarketing is a direct marketing method, which is concerned with selling products and services to prospective customers via the telephone. The person engaged in such an activity is called a salesperson. There are times when there is no need for such a salesperson to perform, as sales pitches can be recorded and played via automatic dialing. The two major categories of telemarketing are Business-to-business and Business-to-consumer. The former is concerned with transacting goods and services between businesses, whereas the latter focuses on serving products and services to the end consumer. Subcategories of telemarketing include lead generation, which refers to the gathering of information, sales, which are primarily concerned with selling products and/or services and doing so by means of persuasion, inbound, which refers to reacting receptively to incoming requests for information and orders, and outbound, also known as proactive marketing. With inbound, it is mainly the outside salespersons, but also advertising and publicity that generally create demand. With outbound, the preexisting or prospective customers are contacted directly via the telephone, either by salespeople or through recorded messages. Telemarketing can originate from a callcenter, from a company office or from home. If it involves a recorded message, telemarketing uses voice broadcasting and is also known as

automated telemarketing . Another form of voice broadcasting, frequently used in sending out political messages, is robocalling . A callcenter is a centralized office which serves the purpose of transmitting and receiving requests via the telephone. Companies usually administer callcenters in order to provide consumers with product support or provide answers to their information inquiries. A callcenter also serves a place where outgoing calls for clientele, debt collection and telemarketing are made. Callcenters are used by most major businesses with the purpose of interacting with their customers or that of servicing internal functions. Examples of such businesses include customer support for computer software and hardware, utility companies, and so forth. A callcenter is generally operated with work stations and through an extensive open workspace. Work stations usually include a computer for each callcenter agent, supervisor stations and telephone sets connected to a telecom switch. Basically, a callcenter is concerned with call management, which aims at reducing costs and improving the operations of a certain company, while providing uniform and standardized service for its consumers. This is the reason why callcenters are ideal for large companies when their customer support needs are extensive. Calls are usually handles in an efficient manner due to the multi-tier support system that the callcenter staff are organized in. As mentioned before, the types of calls in a callcenter can be divided into inbound and outbound. Inbound calls are made by customers who wish to obtain information, ask for help, report a malfunction, etc. Outbound calls are more closely related to telemarketing, as they are placed by agents to potential customers with the intention of providing services or selling products. However, telemarketing is not entirely about selling something prospective customers. It is also used to solicit donations, and, in this case, its most frequent users are alumni associations, charitable organizations or political parties. Telemarketing can also serve as a means of conducting public opinion polls.

The act of selling, soliciting or promoting a product or service over the telephone.


Telemarketing is the practice of calling established or potential customers and getting them to buy a product or service. Federal regulations dictate when people can be called, and even if they can be called. In the same way telemarketers employ rapid-dial phone systems and computers, survey companies use the same technology to contact respondents to conduct telephonic surveys for the purpose of gathering information for clients.

Telesales or Telemarketing
Telemarketing is the most interactive marketing tool available. Telemarketing allows you to answer your prospects questions, address their concerns, and overcome their objections.

Telemarketing is the only marketing medium that allows you to adjust your strategy and make any changes at any time necessary to increase results. With telemarketing, you can change both your offer and audience with just one phone call. Telemarketing scripts can be edited with a moments notice. And telemarketing calling hours can be adjusted to meet your target audience.

Where else can you change your marketing program at a moments notice? Telemarketing is the only medium that offers this flexibility.

Telemarketing provides you with immediate feedback and valuable information that can be quickly analysed.

Telemarketing consistently outperforms all other forms of marketing and is a powerful, costeffective marketing vehicle. It should be part of your marketing plan. Telemarketing is the only form of advertising that requires an immediate response.

Newspaper and magazine ads, radio promotions, or direct mail demand little or no immediate attention. They can all be ignored. Not telemarketing. When the phone rings, the natural response is to answer it. Rarely do you just ignore it.

Telemarketing provides you with a captive audience the minute the phone is answered.

With telemarketing, you can instantly establish a conversation. It is much easier to get your message across when you engage in a dialogue and questions can be answered. Two-way communication using telemarketing is very powerful, and very productive.

Telemarketing provides you with endless opportunities to increase and better your business.

Inbound telemarketing allows you to respond and sell to your clients and prospects 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

Telemarketing also has powerful inbound applications. Inbound telemarketing is perfect for order taking, customer service, any type of answering service, after hours/overflow calls, taking credit card orders, voice mail service, seminar registration, reservation desk, inquiry service, and direct immediate response to print ads and virtually any form of advertisement.

Objective Marketing advises on Telemarketing strategies. The average returns are between 58%. If their skills are honed, your telesales team can even exceed the 8% ceiling.

Process of telemarketing


Scope of Telemarketing
The scope of Telemarketing is limited only by the imagination of the direct marketer. Although no other direct marketing tool can match the cost effectives, flexibility, control and speed of the telephone, it takes more than just telephone to get good result. A telemarketing firm must have qualified telephone operators who have been well trained in the use of the telephone as a marketing tool this includes training in proper voice inflections, listening skills, persistence and patience.

The seven most significant uses of telemarketing are the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Selling, including inbound and outbound calls. Setting qualified appointments. Generating leads. Surveying. Providing customer service. Advertising (Public Relations). Pursuing collections. 24

1. Selling

There are two main types of Telemarketing based on selling they are Inbound and Outbound.

Inbound Telemarketing
Inbound Telemarketing relies on calls from prospects already interested in a product or service interested enough to place an order, ask questions that will help them make a purchase, or make an appointment with a sales representative. During the call, the telephone Sales Representative may simply capture the information about the order or may try to increase the size of the consumer's order by suggesting complementary merchandise.

The people who want to reach companies call a special 800 number. This possibility has grown up only since the introduction of toll-free 800 numbers by AT&T in 1967, which made it practical to have call centers receiving calls from the entire country. In brief, toll-free service led to centralized nationwide call facilities which led to increased call volumes at single locations, which increased the incentive to maximize revenue and cut costs. In fact, Americans dialed AT&T 800 numbers over six billion times during 1988 (more than sixteen million times a day! AT&T estimates the number of calls is increasing by a billion calls a year. One of the biggest inbound operations in the United States is operated by the Home Shopping Network, which handles 200,000 inbound calls daily for its 24 hours shopping channels (such as channel 60 in Chicago area) and other clients. Airlines, hotels, and virtually every catalog company rely on inbound Telemarketing to take reservations and merchandise orders. Inbound calls can also focus on customer service or consumer information. For example: The General Electric's GE Answer Center, a force of 250 answer 250,000 questions a month about how to get the most from GE products, they rely on a centralized consumer product database that allows them to call up information on just about anything that has to do with GE products. Many companies now have consumer information lines to serve customers. Successful inbound Telemarketing programs are created by paying careful attention to such factors as the type of telephone service chosen, the carrier picked to provide the service, the planning to meet fluctuating call volumes, and the design of the advertising that carries the phone number.


Outbound Telemarketing
The objective of most outbound Telemarketing calls is to sell a product or a service to a new or existing customer. It is through telephone calls that lure customers to buy products or query the condition of customers using a product in order to improve selling and hold customer's demand. This is usually a "cold call", a call placed to someone who has no prior relationship to the firm.

Cold calls can generate leads to sell products. A good example of a lead-generating call would be one placed by an insurance agent to a new community resident about home insurance. The agent is trying to get his or her foot in the door and will not try to sell a policy until a subsequent face-to-face meeting. By contrast, a TSR who calls a consumer to subscribe to a product will try to take an order before the call ends. According to the Direct Marketing Association, large numbers of companies place outbound calls to sell products and services to their customers. They include: 31% of all consumer publications, 70% of all business publications, 5% of all consumer catalogs, 25% of all business catalogs, 25% of all consumer products and service companies, 71% of all business products and services companies, 39% of all clubs and continuity offers, 18% of all financial services organizations, and 50% of all computer hardware and program software organizations. Outbound Telemarketing also can be used to notify existing customers of an unexpected delay in shipments or other problems in an order, or to qualify leads from prospective customers by determining their interest in a product before passing the name on to a field sales representative for a personal sales call.

2. Setting qualified appointments

Telemarketing is no longer classified as the "dead-end job" it was in the past. There are more industry opportunities available than ever before. And the telemarketing hiring criteria is no longer "just" anyone who can speak, read a script and get to work. It is more complex than that. The various telemarketing sales/service representative (TSR) position requirements are now much more stringent. Today's TSRs must also possess excellent communication and verbal skills such as, professional language, customer servicing techniques, selling background, and in many environments a college education. This last requirement is especially necessary in the area of business-tobusiness marketing. Also, depending upon their specific job function and the products or services they are marketing, TSRs can earn a substantial amount of income.

Setting qualified appointments involves calling prospects, qualifying them and setting appointments for salespeople.

3. Generating leads
A lead generating program provides a source of information about prospects who have expressed an interest in the product or service offered by a firm. As a result, the prospect is contacted by a sales representative or is sent more information to stimulate a sale. To ensure the success of lead generating programs, the firm needs to manage a database of every lead. Sales representatives should fill out a contact form after each appointment and each follow-up call. Data from these forms become part of the database. A firm can have the best product or service in the marketplace, but only a list of target market members who are good prospects to make a purchase will result in a successful campaign. Therefore, it is very important that the names of those to telephone are carefully selected. These leads may be either customers with whom the firm already has a relationship or people who fit the profile of the firms existing customers and therefore should have a high tendency to buy.

4. Surveying
Marketing surveys can be a very useful tool in determining demand for a product line. Some firms use telemarketing surveys to gather market data about customers and prospects, including information about the decision in the household or business, what the customer product needs are, and any product purchasing plans. This activity generates leads by identifying potential candidates for future selling. The information collected through surveys is entered in a database for future reference. Especially if the product is for business, then telemarketers ought to make calls before a lot of expense is made in generating industrial clients. A survey questionnaire can be developed which determines if there is demand or interest in the product.

5. Providing customer services

When telemarketing is used in connection with a customer service function, customers call for example to inquire about where their order is, to complain that they have received the wrong products, or to report that their shipment has been damaged. After solving the customers problem, the customer service representation may take the opportunity to announce new products or product modifications, along with price

information. This will not only enhance the sale, but will let that customer know that they are an important part of your companys business.

6. Advertising (Public Relation)

Advertising serves also as a public relations function involves calling companies or individuals that could benefits from a firms products or services and describing the opportunity to them. Such calls are scripted in much the same way as general advertising copy. The caller communicates information about a new product or service or a modification to an existing product or service. No sales attempt is made on this kind of call because it just informs the customer of something him or her find of interest.

7. Pursuing collection
Credit department telemarketing does not sell a companys products or services. Rather, it pursues receiving payment. Collections are often overlooked aspects of telemarketing. The credit departments phone related activities also include credit verifications.

The two major categories of telemarketing are :-

1. Business-to-business

2. Business-to-consumer.

1. Business-to-business:-

Business-to-business (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G).


The volume of B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions is much higher than the volume of B2C transactions. [1][2][3] The primary reason for this is that in a typical supply chain there will be many B2B transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one B2C transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. For example, an automobile manufacturer makes several B2B transactions such as buying tires, glass for windscreens, and rubber hoses for its vehicles. The final transaction, a finished vehicle sold to the consumer, is a single (B2C) transaction. B2B is also used in the context of communication and collaboration. Many businesses are now using social media to connect with their consumers (B2C); however, they are now using similar tools within the business so employees can connect with one another. When communication is taking place amongst employees, this can be referred to as "B2B" communication. Etymology : The term was originally coined to describe the electronic communications between businesses or enterprises in order to distinguish it from the communications between businesses and consumers ("business-to-consumer"). It eventually came to be used in marketing as well, initially describing only industrial or capital goods marketing. Today it is widely used to describe all products and services used by enterprises. Many professional institutions and the trade publications focus much more on B2C than B2B, although most sales and marketing personnel are in the B2B sector.

2. Business-to-consumer:Retail consists of the sale of physical goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mall, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.[1] Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Purchasers may be individuals or businesses. In commerce, a "retailer" buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user. Retail establishments are often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a necessary part of their overall distribution strategy. The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the needs of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility, like electric power.

Shops may be on residential streets, shopping streets with few or no houses or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to protect customers from precipitation. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and mail order, are forms of nonshop retailing. Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it is done as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not buying) and browsing and does not always result in a purchase. Etymology : Retail comes from the Old French word tailer (compare modern French retailler), which means "to cut off, clip, pare, divide" in terms of tailoring (1365). It was first recorded as a noun with the meaning of a "sale in small quantities" in 1433 (from the Middle French retail, "piece cut off, shred, scrap, paring"). Like the French, the word retail in both Dutch and German (detailhandel and Einzelhandel, respectively) also refers to the sale of small quantities of items.

Importance of telemarketing
Today's business world is one that never sleeps - and that is why telemarketing has become such a big industry. If a business needs to stay competitive and on top in this dynamic milieu, it has to search out ways in which to be offered for his or her customers around the clock. Whereas most businesses cannot afford to operate a call center 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-aweek, most can afford to rent a telemarketing services provider to choose-up the slack. Outbound selling and telemarketing calls are simply 2 of the many services offered by telemarketing firms. Busy firms will choose the services that they need for their business or they will opt to hire the telemarketing supplier to take care of all their customer and consumer care needs. Telemarketing companies are therefore a lot of additional than the sort of decision centers that the majority people assume that they are. They can offer very specific market research choices plus being able to supply a more tailored approached based on your business needs. Telemarketing's role has grown from simply offering market research services, to providing outbound promoting and fielding all manner of calls. For instance, telemarketing corporations

will offer client support, they will take and process orders and they will act as a call center taking calls and messages for your staff after-hours. Depending on what your firm desires, they can even decision you once hours to forward necessary business messages. With the marketplace having spread out to the planet, a business cannot hope to stay competitive unless they are obtainable to markets across the globe. Naturally, the kind of overhead required to support a 24-hour business model would be restrictive for many businesses, which is why telemarketing providers became therefore popular. In fact, the importance and therefore the role of outbound telemarketing suppliers and call centers is predicted to continue growing over the short term. Telemarketing service suppliers have become therefore important to the correct functioning of so several businesses that it'd be quite disastrous if telemarketing services were to suddenly dry up. Many people currently earn a living working for telemarketing companies and the companies they serve would be laborious pressed to find alternate solutions to their decision center needs. One amongst the most effective options of telemarketing service suppliers is that there's no need to sign a long term contract with them. Businesses have the prerogative of hiring a telemarketing service for a brief period or for an extended contract depending on what they want to accomplish. If a business merely wants to possess a short telemarketing campaign, then a business will walk away once the contract ends. But, if they require on-going call center support, then they'll sign a contract for such services as well. Telemarketing service providers have proven themselves therefore valuable that almost all giant businesses no longer have call centers on-site. Instead they need out-sourced their call center and telemarketing needs to those companies specialised in providing these services. Big businesses no longer have to rent, workers and train customer phone representatives; as a result of of this, telemarketing corporations are in a position to grow - it really could be a winwin situation. Telemarketing suppliers are definitely looking to a rosy future. Their services became indispensable to businesses everywhere the world and thanks to their offerings, it's possible for even little businesses to remain competitive on the globe stage.

Integrated Telemarketing with other Media


Responses to a media combination will be greater than responses to only one medium due to which inbound and outbound telemarketing enjoy a synergy with other media.

Newspapers and magazines carry abundant print ads offering books, articles of clothing, appliances, vacations, and other goods and services that individuals can order by dialing a tollfree number.

Radio ads present offers to listeners 24 hours a day.

Telemarketing and Print Advertising

1. Usually, along with a phone number print ads contain a coupon the prospect can fill out and mail in to place a order or get information. 2. Telephone enquiries are more popular. 3. For example, Ads in newspapers saying, Call 800 to know more Or Dial 1800 123 123 to order a pizza.

Telemarketing and the Yellow Pages

1. 2. 3. 4.

Big and small businesses mainly use this Direct Marketing approach. Gives a regional or national coverage. Potential customers call up mainly to get information. Is widely used by Airlines.

Telemarketing and Catalogs


1. Telephone ordering especially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week variety has been a boon to the catalog business. 2. Catalogs enjoy considerable success with 800 numbers by offering toll-free ordering privileges. 3. Average phone order is 20% larger than average mail order.

Telemarketing and Direct Mail

1. Direct Mail recipients get a choice of either making a toll-free call or returning a reply card which increases the total response of an offer. 2. A call can evoke a more immediate action and shorter response time to an offer. 3. Telephone follow-ups also, clarify mailings that deal with complicated or complex products. 4. For example, Yellow pages sent direct mailers to their prospective customers that contain business reply cards along with their toll-free number.

Telemarketing and Television Advertising.

1. Links Television ad offers with the telephone. 2. Some television channels are dedicated to selling good and services which broadcast 24 hours a day. For example, Shop 24 seven (T.V. channel). 3. The Program hosts offer bargain prices on products such as clothing, Jewellery lamps, exercise machines etc. For example, Tele brands, Asian Sky Shop etc. 4. Viewers call in to place orders on a toll free number and receive delivery within 48 hours. 5. Much research is going on to combine T.V., Telephones and computers into interactive T.V. 6. For example, the Dominoes Pizza TVC which claims dial and order your pizza. And, whats more, if you dont get your pizza delivered in half an hour it will be given free.

Telemarketing and Radio


1. Radio promotes phone-in information requests and orders. 2. Radio has the advantages of specific program formats, which lend themselves to market segmentation and low costs for its time periods. 3. Success is achieved if the correct station format based on the target audience is selected. 4. For example, Invites for a rock show being given to callers during rock music based radio programs. 5. Another example is of radio ads with the voice over saying, Call 123123 today, to enjoy a club Mahindra holiday.

Telemarketing and Internet

1. Now-a-days, internet is also, integrated with telemarketing. 2. The details of the products or services are given online on websites and phone numbers are provided for orders or for further information. 3. For example, bank websites show flash ads with messages such as Call our helpline at 1600 123 123

Thus, if used efficiently with other media telemarketing can be successful Direct Marketing medium.

Sales techniques :-

Behind the scenes at retail, there is another factor at work. Corporations and independent store owners alike are always trying to get the edge on their competitors. One way to do this is to hire a merchandising solutions company to design custom store displays that will attract more customers in a certain demographic. The nation's largest retailers spend millions every year on in-store marketing programs that correspond to seasonal and promotional changes. As products change, so will a retail landscape. Retailers can also use facing techniques to create the look of a perfectly stocked store, even when it is not.

A destination store is one that customers will initiate a trip specifically to visit, sometimes over a large area. These stores are often used to "anchor" a shopping mall or plaza, generating foot traffic, which is capitalized upon by smaller retailers.


Lack of educational infrastructure enabling prospective market entrants to respond to the above challenges.

Subcategories :- Lead Generation, the gathering of information

- Sales, using persuasion to sell a product or service

- Outbound, proactive marketing in which prospective and preexisting customers are contacted directly

- Inbound, reception of incoming orders and requests for information. Demand is generally created by advertising, publicity, or the efforts of outside salespeople.

Objectives of the telemarketing:

Handle difficult objections Understand the difference between telephone and face-to-face selling Sell long-term relationships rather than low bids Interview customers instead of pushing products Think and relate like a business consultant Understand different buyer types and behaviors, and adapt to the needs of each Develop an effective strategy to outmaneuver the competition Differentiate your product and company Deal with multi-level sales structures

Identify and quantify the costs of sales

Discover opportunities to add value to a customers business To creat new customers eaily. to advertise their product. to tell the benifits about the product to save the cost to take feedback from the consumers to sale the products to save time of customers as well as supervisors. increase a positive response from an employer .

Service operation






Once a firm has chosen to institute a telemarketing program it must be decided if it should execute its own telemarketing program in house or use telemarketing service bureau . the firm may also begin the program at a service bureau and then transfer the efforts in house . Every situation is unique and requires a review of needs and requirements of the firm to determine the advantages and disadvantages.

What are service bureaus?

A Service bureau is an organization or business that offers outsourced telecommunications services on a wholesale basis to other service providers, which typically offer retail services, directly or indirectly, to end-users.


Service bureaus provide production oriented operations that are specialized in handeling high call volumes whether incoming or outgoing . because these firms focus on telemarketing they tend to utilize the most advanced technology available to stay efficient . they are useful if a firm does not have the firm is planning for a large number of phone calls over a short period of time.

Another application for a Service bureau is in handeling incoming telemarketing in response to a new television campaign or other direct response program.

The four main advantages to using an outside service bureau to conduct a firms telemarketing program

Securing solutions from a service bureau provider allows the operating company, such as a wireless service provider, to focus on its core business including marketing, sales, and network operation rather than new service creation, implementation, and maintenance.

Low initial investment

If a firm elects to use a service bureau, it pays for the program only on a short term or limited basis. There is no large investment for creating a telemarketing unit, which includes the need for more employees, telephones and lines, and other additional equipment. If the firm is starting from starch, such costs can be considerable, thus making the service bureau an attractive.

Fixed operating cost

A service bureau offers a defineded reate sechedule , allowing a company to project exactly what the operation will cost. There normally is a setup charge but the amount of that charge depends on whether the firm program is a setup charge , but the amount of that charge depends on whether the firms program is inbound or out bound and the nature of its complexcities. Firm 37

may be charged on a per call or per hr basis. Per call charges are usually applied to inbound activity. While outbound calls are charged at an hourly rate.

Quick start

Telephone service bureaus can quickly implement a telemarketing program. But how long implementation take is highly dependent on program.

Time Flexibility

Service bureaus generally offer 24 hrs , seven day a week service for inbound programs and as required by la, restricted hrs for out bound calling. It is necessary that all outbound calls has to take place only in morning and in the early evening, While coustomers may call to place order at ant time of the day or night.


Lack of Direct Control

Firms does ot have direct control of the operations of service bureaus. This may lead to problems in telemarketing plan.

Lack of direct security


Because of service bureaus is an external location a firm does not have its consumer information in its exclusive possession, Nevertheless because these bureaus do take elaborate security measures to protect confidential data.

Lack of employee loyalty Service bureau employee works first for the bureau that employs them and second for the firm that pays for the bureaus service.

Maas Market approach

Bureaus has vomume businesses the quality of work for any one firm paying for their services can suffer.

Caliber of personnel

Service bureaus are businesses that operate based on the differences between their hourly fees or their per-cal fees and the wages they must pay. Some control their hourly fees or their per call fees and the wages that must pay. Some control this cost by paying the lowest possible wages to their telemarketing staff. IN HOUSE OPERATIONS In house operations has very narrow role in telecommunication firms. It is only suggested to have in house operations it the firm if it is selling products and services which needs to have deep knowledge about the product and service to answer the customers calls ( both in bound and out bound calls ). It is also suggested to have in house operations for firms selling products or service where highly confidential information is involved.


An in house program is also a better option for firms with offering that demand is high level of professionalism with respect to firm and product knowledge.

Managing and Motivating Telemarketing Representative

Effective telemarketing operations are based on four primary elements:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Planning People Process Tools

Telemarketing operators spend a great deal of time and resources planning for their telemarketing operations, developing appropriate processes, and selecting and implementing various phone and information systems to support their telemarketing activities. The most common problem of telemarketing operations is how to use the people they employ more effectively and efficiently.

Most telemarketing operations can benefit from improvements in how they mnage their phone representatives. This management involves directing and guiding those phone representatives to achieve maximum results. Without proper day to day management, phone representatives individually and telemarketing as a whole, will perform at less than optimum levels.

Managing phone representatives is simple in concept yet difficult in practice, because it deals with the least controllable aspect of a telemarketing operation, namely, people. Thus by following the few steps, managers can make their jobs both easier and more rewarding.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Determing job responsibilities Establishing performance measurements and expected performance levels Preparing the job description Provide phone representatives with feedback based on the performance measurements.

1. Determing job responsibilities

Determining what phone representatives should be doing while on the job includes spelling out everything from the scope of their overall responsibilities to the step by step procedures they must follow when taking or making call and recording information gathered during that phone call.

2. Establishing performance measurements and expected performance levels

The measurements should be based on the most important aspects of the phone reps position. For example, if the phone representative is making outbound calls to sell a product, the performance measurement can be expressed in completed calls per hour and total sales volume per hour. The manager may also add rate of returned sales as performance measurement in case of low quality calls.

Once the performance measurements are determined, the manager needs to establish the level of each measurement that a phone representative are expected to achieve. For example: 3 sales per hour may be required from an entry level phone representative, but five from a representative with a considerable tenure and additional training.

The performance expectations should be as objective as possible so that firm can impartially gauge whether or not phone representative are performing at acceptable levels. In addition to being objective, performance expectations must be consistent with the goals of the telemarketing group. For example, the performance expectations for each phone representative in an incoming call group might include the following:


Answer all calls within 3 rings Maintain an average call time of less than 3 times

3. Preparing the job description

The job description should include an itemized listing of the major elements of phone representatives duties and responsibilities, as well as performance expectations. The entire job description and especially the performance expectations should be carefully explained to phone representatives so that they fully understand them.

4. Providing feedback
Managers need to provide phone representatives with frequent performance feedback, both formal and informal, so that they can maintain a positive attitude on a continuing basis. Some phone representatives may need feedback more frequently than others, either because their performance level needs to improve or because they tend to work better with more consistent reinforcement. For example: formal feedback should be provided at least semiannually and preferably quarterly. Informal feedback, both positive and negative, should be provided for phone representatives at least weekly by their immediate supervisor or manager.

The two most proven motivators for phone representatives are recognition and compensation. These may be supplemented or combined with other types of motivation.

1. Recognition


Recognition not only provides phone representatives with the type of positive reinforcement that most of us seeks but also motivates other phone representatives to perform well in order to receive that same recognition. For newer or lower performing phone representatives recognition often provides them with the confidence they need to continue believing that attaining higher performance levels is possible.

2. Compensation

Most phone representatives are paid with a combination of a base wage and variable payment in the form of commission, bonus, or incentive. Generally, wage rates should be based on the type of telemarketing work the phone representatives is performing and on competitive wage rates available locally. Phone representatives who receive higher wages will tend to be more mature, experienced and stable. In the long run, paying higher wages to attract better phone representatives is usually more than justified by lower costs of hiring and training and avoiding high turnover helps to avoid a tendency towards diluting overall group productivity.

Although recognition can and does provide an essential form of motivation, seasoned phone representatives may still be profoundly motivated by the ability to earn additional compensation based on their performance.

Rules and Regulations :-

In 1995 the Federal Tread Commission ( FTC )has issued a comprehensive set of rules that will significantly affect all telemarketers The rule covers the sales of goods or services by telephone as well as by computer modem or any other telephonic medium. FTC keeps record of all out bound calls from telephone operator to consumers and from consumers to tale phone operator. FTC rules also impose mandatory oral and written disclosures. The nature and types of disclosure required depend on the type of program being conducted. 43

At the beginning of all the calls , the callers first and the last name must be disclosed. In addition before any request of payment is made all material information about the offers ,including total cost, and material restrictions then quantity of goods and service offered must be disclosed. Along with this it is also necessary to let customer know about cancellation of product and refund policies must be disclosed.

Telemarketing program also needs to give customer the complete information about prizes and offers. In addition to general disclosure the fact that no purchase is necessary the retail value of prizes must be disclosed. The written disclosure must be sent to consumer with other necessary enclosures. There should not be any misinterpretation of information that is sent to customer. FTC rule also prohibits certain types of business practices and conducts, which would severely alter many comman business practices.

Payment is the most critical part in telemarketing that has to be volunteered , because often it leads to malpractices and unlawful acts which is punishable.

Telemarketing and the Law

Asterik v/s Inhouse suppression

An Asterik bill is a legislation that would require a telephone company or the state government to maintain a list of persons who object to receiving unsolicited telephone calls. Marketers can, then, obtain the list of those people and eliminate their names from the calling lists. But, since, the marketers are prone to legal action if the lists are not kept up-to-date, it is difficult to enforce this law.

Inhouse suppression is supported by the direct marketing association. 44

Registration legalization is a law that requires the registration of telephone solicitors in a state, generally, with the attorney general or secretary of the state.

It includes bonding requirements, submission of scripts and /or names of employees, and other administrative information to help the states create a paper trail to track fraudulent marketers.

The Direct Marketing Association co-operates with the state legislators and law enforcement officials to ensure that legitimate marketers are not penalized in an attempt to track down the fraud marketers

Hours legislation requires the marketers to restrict themselves to certain hours in a day. Generally marketing calls are not allowed after 9.00pm local time. The Direct marketing association also, supports this legislation.

Contracts and Cancellation

Contracts and cancellation bills seek to prohibit the completion of some types of telephone sales unless a written contract is signed and returned by consumer. The Direct marketing association works with state legislature to ensure that marketers who offer consumer the right to examine the product and, if they want, return it in exchange for a refund are exempt from contract provisions.

Recording / Monitoring
Many of the state legislators have legislation that would prohibit the practice of service observation of the customer service employees who work via telephone. The direct marketing association sees to it that the legislation enacts laws that protect employees from illegal or abusive of information collected during service observation.


It also sees that the employers right to monitor their employees contact with the public is also protected.

In some countries telemarketing is subject to regulatory and legislative controls related to consumer privacy and protection.

Guidelines for Telemarketing

The Direct Marketing Association, Guidelines for marketing by telephone provide the individuals and telemarketing organizations with accepted principles of conduct, which are ethical guidelines for other marketing media also, with all federal and state laws and regulations.

Telemarketers should be aware of Direct Marketing Associations guidelines for Ethical Business Practice. These guidelines are self-regulatory. Telephone marketers are urged to honour them in spirit and in letter.

Also, telephone marketers should comply with all federal state and local laws and regulation, including the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Some of the guidelines are as follows:

1. Prompt disclosure: Identity of seller/purpose of call

When calling a consumer, telephone marketers should promptly disclose the name of the seller, the name of the individual caller, and the primary purpose of the contact. Additional information to allow contact with the seller should also be provided. All documents relating to the telephone marketing offer and shipment should sufficiently identify the full name, street address, or telephone number of the seller so that the consumer may contact the seller by mail or by telephone.


If a telephone marketer is placing or receiving calls on behalf of a seller, and the consumer inquires about the telephone marketers identity or affiliation to the seller, the telephone marketer should disclose its own name, address, and telephone number as well.

2. Honesty
All offers should be clear, honest, and complete so that the consumer may know the exact nature of what is being offered and the commitment involved in the placing of an order or donating to a charity.

3. Disclosure of Terms of the Offer/Tactics

prior to asking consumers for payment authorization, telephone marketers should disclose the cost of the merchandise or service and all terms and conditions, including payment plans, the availability of refund and cancellation policies, limitation on use, and the amount or exercise of any extra charges such as shipping and handling and insurance. At no time should high pressure tactics be utilized.

4. Reasonable Hours

Telephone contacts must be made during reasonable hours, as specified by federal and state laws and regulations.

5. Taping of conversations
Taping of telephone conversation made by telephone marketers should only be conducted with notice to or consent of all parties, or the use of a beeping device, as required by applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

6. Monitoring
Monitoring of telephone marketing and customer relations conversations should be conducted for purposes of training, quality assurance, and to ensure compliance with consumer protection 47

laws and regulations. All employees should be informed of call monitoring, should be made fully aware of why and how call monitoring is done, and should be informed of the results of any monitoring.

7. Name Removal/ Restricted Contacts

Marketers should remove consumers names from telephone marketing lists upon consumer request and at no charge. Marketers should maintain and suppress names of consumers who do not want to be called as part of their in-house suppression practices and in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Names found on such suppression lists should not be rented, sold, or exchanged. A telephone marketer should not knowingly call anyone who has an unlisted or unpublished telephone number. Random dialing techniques, whether manual or automated, in which identification of those parties to be called is left to chance should not be used in marketing solicitations.

8. Collection and transfer of data

Consumer who provide data that may be rented, sold, or exchanged for marketing purposes should be informed promptly and periodically thereafter of the potential for the rental, sale, or exchange of such data and of the opportunity to opt out of the marketing process.

Consumer requests regarding restrictions of the collection, rental, sale, or exchange of data relating to them should be honored.

9. Promotions for response by toll-free numbers

Promotions for response by toll free numbers should be used only when there is no change to the consumer for call itself and when there is no transfer from a toll free number to a pay call. Promotions for response by any other type of pay-per-call program should clearly and conspicuously disclose all charges for the call. A preamble at the beginning of a pay-per-call should include the nature of the service or program, charge per minute and the estimated total charge for the call, as well as the name, address, and telephone number of the sponsor. The 48

caller should also be given the option to disconnect the call at any time during the preamble without incurring any charge.

The pay-per-call should only use equipment that ceases accumulating time and charges immediately upon disconnection by the caller.

10. Prompt Delivery

Telephone marketers should abide by the FTC regulation regarding the prompt shipment of prepaid merchandise, the mail or telephone order merchandise (thirty-day) rule. As a normal business procedure, telephone marketers are urged to ship all orders as soon as practical.

11. Law, Codes and Regulations

Telephone marketers should operate in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Board, and other applicable federal, state, and local laws governing advertising, marketing practices, and the transaction of business by mail, telephone, print and broadcast media or any other media.

Procedure :Telemarketing may be done from a company office, from a call centre, or from home. It may involve either a live operator or a recorded message, in which case it is known as "automated telemarketing" using voice broadcasting. "Robocalling" is a form of voice broadcasting which is most frequently associated with political messages. An effective telemarketing process often involves two or more calls. The first call (or series of calls) determines the customers needs. The final call (or series of calls) motivates the customer to make a purchase.


Prospective customers are identified by various means, including past purchase history, previous requests for information, credit limit, competition entry forms, and application forms. Names may also be purchased from another company's consumer database or obtained from a telephone directory or another public list. The qualification process is intended to determine which customers are most likely to purchase the product or service. Charitable organizations, alumni associations, and political parties often use telemarketing to solicit donations. Marketing research companies use telemarketing techniques to survey the prospective or past customers of a clients business in order to assess market acceptance of or satisfaction with a particular product, service, brand, or company. Public opinion polls are conducted in a similar manner. Telemarketing techniques are also applied to other forms of electronic marketing using e-mail or fax messages, in which case they are frequently considered spam by receivers.n phones is indian health organisation. a health saver plan...


Indian Health Organisation


Introduction of indian health organisation

Good quality healthcare services are one of the most important requirements in India. However, there has been a complete lack of focus on preventive health care in India with less than 2% of the population focusing on it. IHOs aim is to build the biggest network of high quality doctors in India who are easily accessible and are far more affordable to the general population

* IHO is a part of Aetna Inc, a leading diversified healthcare benefits company serving more than 35 million customers across the world with information and resources to help them make better informed healthcare decisions. * IHO is an organisation formed for the cause of making high quality healthcare more affordable in India * IDA (Indian Dental Association) has partnered & collaborated with IHO. Both organisations have come together to work towards the cause of promoting preventive health care within India * IHO provides certification to high-quality medical practitioners, based on strict empanelment criteria designed by senior members of the medical fraternity * As a first step, IHO has launched Health Saver a first of its kind benefit in India

Partnering With IHO


Indian Health Organisation is the first company in India who, along with its corporate partners, has introduced their Health Saver concept to the Indian population. IHO has partnered with leading medical specialists across India to provide professional and personalized treatments to patients. We seek to match patients with practitioners through our unique concept of having personal assistant services promoting your clinics 365 days a year.

Our mission is to connect patients to high quality healthcare providers that provide high quality of care and accessibility.Our Health cards have been carefully designed to help patients get affordable, high quality, well located and accredited medical practitioners.

Get connected with IHO and start working with thousands of patients from all over India.


* Get connected with thousands of patients * Work with a pioneer in medical health care * Get connected with large corporate/ institutes / schools * Get free training of your staff from our team of experienced professionals from various industries * Get referrals of patients pertaining to your area of speciality * Administrative support to handle enquires * Free marketing of your services and centres

Membership Benefits


The Health Saver takes care of all preventive & pre-hospitalisation healthcare needs, providing free or subsidised services across the following categories:

* Dentists * Doctors of virtually all specialisations * Pathology labs * Radiology labs * Pharmacies (this offer is presently available in select cities only) * Nursing Homes/ Hospitals Subsidised charges on both in-patient and outpatient treatments/ procedures. * Dial a Doctor you can receive medical advice related to routine or minor illnesses instantly over the phone from a qualified medical practitioner * Second Opinion If you would like a second opinion for critical diseases, IHO will help arrange this free of cost from expert doctors on the panel.

Enrollment Benefits

* FREE Thyrocare Health Checkup Voucher: This voucher entitles you to a FREE comprehensive health checkup at Thyrocare the voucher covers the 44 most important diagnostic tests required to get an accurate health assessment, and helps you save up to Rs 6,000*! For more details, please refer to * Free Dental Cleaning/ Scaling Voucher: This voucher entitles you to a FREE cleaning & scaling of your teeth (basic oral prophylaxis treatment - one sitting of ultrasonic cleaning & scaling). This voucher helps you save up to Rs 1,500! * Concessional Health Check vouchers: Up to 3 Health Check Up vouchers, covering all important tests, are sent along with the welcome kit. These vouchers each offer a saving of 50% on the tests covered, helping you save up to Rs 4,000 on each voucher!


The hospitals which is tie up with the Indian health organization in india is shown on the map..



Tele marketing:In todays hyper-competitive markets, businesses are searching for every opportunity to lower costs and increase productivity. Many of these companies are discovering that a well-conceived and professionally implemented telemarketing program is the answer to their prayers. A great telesales program can quadruple the number of contacts your company makes every day, and do it for a fraction of the cost. Whether you are interested in surveying customers, qualifying leads, inbound or outbound calls, setting appointments or even closing sales, telemarketing affords the flexibility and cost-effectiveness you need to stay one step ahead of the pack. Our one-day Telephone Skills seminar is a great introduction to the basics of effective telemarketing. Designed with an emphasis on qualifying leads and setting appointments, this fast-paced, interactive training course reviews proven principles of successful telemarketing such as Active Listening and Questioning Skills. The course uses small group activities and taped role-plays to provide students with hands-on, real-time practice. Each student will receive personal coaching from our senior training staff to help them refine their telephone skills during the course of the day. Seminar Objectives: Participants in the Telemarketing Skills training seminar will experience/learn to: Take part in three audio-taped role plays and receive specific feedback Learn to use effective interviewing skills to discover important information Receive training in highly effective telephone etiquette Discover how to make better use of product knowledge Identify the difference between needs, wants, and opportunities Be able to listen more effectively and retain more important information Become more confident and effective at closing for appointments

Telemarketing Script
Telemarketing scripts are as good as a script for movie or a play or like reading a poem where each and every agent is asked to follow it verbatim but whether they follow it or not is a different question altogether. Writing telemarketing script is like an art which requires a special artist just as we require editor to write in newspaper and what plays a very important role in writing a telemarketing script is not talent but psychology of a writer where he has to wear the 57

shoes of the company, agent and customers while writing. There are various companies who are into the business of writing telemarketing scripts as well as there are many individuals who are indulged into the business of writing telemarketing scripts. Telemarketing companies pays quite a handsome to get the telemarketing script sometimes a script can cost in lakhs also but before giving any script to telemarketing company many trials are been done on the script and than only it is approved. Script writer not only needs to play with the words on papers but also needs to Study Companys objective, customers mind and need to study legal language of Federal Trade Commission. The telemarketing script can be with the example of Videx Company. Videx is a leader in the field of audio visual corporate education. It offers the broadcast spectrum of film strips, slides, cartridges, videocassettes and allied material available to train business professionals in corporations across the United states and worldwide. The objectives of the telemarketing are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To expand Videx active customer. To increase revenue. To improve preview to purchase rate. To develop a consistently successful tracking system. To integrate optimally the telemarketing arm with existing departments. To gather research data for future product development and marketing strategy. To build awareness of Videxs highly professional products and services.

Call Flowchart
The call flowchart is actually a road map that shows how an ideal telemarketing call should progress from initial contact to close. Every stage performs a certain role in taking the caller to a successful conclusion.


Locate contact

President or Director Training or Director of marketing or Director of human resources or

Decision Maker?

Ask for Proper contact


Identify self from VIDEX/VIDEOTRAIN Product Info

Determine Potential and Qualify Determine programs needs

No Budgeted for purchase within 90 days?

Determine buying cycle, send it, end call



Key benefits

State-of-the-art AV business education Highest quality content and production values Cost effective

Specific program needs known

No future need or budget

Future need for nonpromo products Send catalog

ss Close


Sale on phone Preview Specialist to call Send catalog Send lit Research data Future needs


Advantages Of Telemarketing:
1. Provides a venue where you can easily interact with the prospect, answering any questions or concerns they may have about your product or service. 2. its easy to prospect and find the right person to talk to. 3. Its cost-effective compared to direct sales. 4. Results are highly measurable. 5. You can get a lot of information across if your script is properly structured. 6. If outsourcing, set-up cost is minimal 7. Increased efficiency since you can reach many more prospects by phone than you can with inperson sales calls. 8. Great tool to improve relationship and maintain contact with existing customers, as well as to introduce new products to the 9. Makes it easy to expand sales territory as the phone allows you to call local, national and even global prospects. 10.provide a more interactive and personal sale service create an immediate rapport with your customers 12.explain technical issues more clearly 13.generate leads and appointments 14.sell from a distance to increase your sales territory 15.reach more customers than with in-person sales calls 16.sell to both existing and new customers 17.achieve results that are measurable 18.Prospects struggle to tell people know directly but have no problem throwing away a mail piece. 19.Conversation rate of calls to sales, if using a good telesales script is about 7%. 20.See results instantly and if calls are monitored you can modify the script at parts where to telemarketer is losing the sale. 21.The advantages of telemarketing are that it: 22.Increases your sales territory (you can win customers nationwide or globally without leaving your home or office) while reducing the cost of sales visits. 23.Increases your efficiency because you can reach more prospects per hour, day and week by phone than you can with in-person sales calls.

24.Provides an effective way to perform relationship marketing. You can use the phone to stay in touch with existing customers, introduce new products to them and make additional sales. 25.Allows for interaction and personal selling. You can immediately respond to feedback from prospects while you're engaged in the sales process. This differs from less interactive sales methods, such as direct mail.

Disadvantages of Telemarketing:
1. An increasing number of people have become averse to telemarketing. 2. More people are using technology to screen out unwanted callers, particularly telemarketers 3. Government is implementing tougher measures to curb unscrupulous telemarketers 4. Lots of businesses use telemarketing. 5. If hiring an outside firm to do telemarketing, there is lesser control in the process given that the people doing the calls are not your employees 6. May need to hire a professional to prepare a well-crafted and effective script 7. It can be extremely expensive, particularly if the telemarketing is outsourced to an outside firm 8. It is most appropriate for high-ticket retail items or professional services. 9.telemarketing can be resented - particularly when dealing with business-to-consumer customers, and when calls are made in the evenings 10.customer lists may not always be clean and opted-out - this leaves you with a potential risk of breaking the law 11.customer lists can be very costly 12.telemarketing has a negative image that could damage your business' reputation - if carried out poorly 13.telemarketing has the potential to replace a sales team and this could lead to negative feelings among employees training staff can be time-consuming and costly may need to prepare a script outside service provider can result in your losing control over your sales processes because the people doing the work aren't your employees.

16- if you don't have a chin for rejection you will hate telemarketing. Hire someone to do it for you. 17- Without a telesales script that systematically moves the prospect through a buying process you won't be very successful and may lose thousands of dollars. 18.There is a high acquisition cost per sale for purchased prospect lists that typically contain many unqualified prospects. For example, if you purchase a list of home owners in a particular zip code, you will most likely have a low number of interested and qualified prospects. So, you will be making lots of calls that have no yield. 19.Telemarketing has become a nuisance to many consumers, and has legal ramifications that must be strictly followed. 20.Telemarketing has a negative image and that negative image can tarnish your business reputation. 21.Despite the sales value that telemarketing offers, many consumers associate it with a negative image. Customer reactions are not always friendly, as bad experiences with telemarketers contribute to the negative stereotype. Some customers find the unwanted calls annoying or are wary of scams. Another major disadvantage of telemarketing is that the customer lists are expensive to purchase and may not be up to date. Often, they do not result in a high number of actual sales. In many cases, the lists include the names of people who do not want unsolicited sales calls. Worthwhile telemarketing lists have the names of customers who have demographic characteristics that closely match those of your target market or who have previously purchased products similar to what your business offers.

Telemarketing fraud
Telemarketing fraud is fraudulent selling conducted over the phone. It most often targets the poor and elderly. Common types include:

Advance fee fraud (typically claiming that the victim will receive a lottery prize, government grant or loan, etc) Pyramid schemes and other misrepresented investments or business opportunities Overpayment fraud (where the victim is overpaid for a classified advertising or online auction purchase, with a counterfeit check or money order, and asked to wire back some of the excess) Charity fraud Preacquired account telemarketing fraud and cramming Bank-assisted telemarketing fraud and cramming

Misrepresented office supplies (most comNegative perceptions and criticism :-

Telemarketing has been negatively associated with various scams and frauds, such as pyramid schemes, and with deceptively overpriced products and services. Fraudulent telemarketing companies are frequently referred to as "telemarketing boiler rooms" or simply "boiler rooms". Telemarketing is often criticized as an unethical business practice due to the perception of high-pressure sales techniques during unsolicited calls. Telemarketers marketing telephone companies may participate in telephone slamming, the practice of switching a customer's telephone service without their knowledge or authorization. Telemarketing calls are often considered an annoyance, especially when they occur during the dinner hour, early in the morning, or late in the evening. Some companies have capitalized on these negative emotions. Since 2007 several forums have sprouted and act as complaint boards where consumers can voice their concerns and criticism. In response some telemarketing companies have filed law suits against these portals[2][3][4]. The current legal system in the U.S grants such forums a certain degree of protection through "Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C 230" and California's Anti-SLAPP law. A recent trend in telemarketing is to use robocalls: automated telephone calls that use both computerized autodialers and computer-delivered pre-recorded messages in a sales pitch. These often include intentionally deceptive tactics, with computer recorded messages saying things like "Don't panic but this is your final notice" or "We have already attempted to contact you through the mail." These messages are often outright lies, intended to incite concern or fear in the potential customer. Robocalls are known for failing to add numbers to their do-not-call list and repeatedly interrupting individuals at all hours of the day.monly toner) or directory listing services Creation of false Third-party verification recordings attributed to customers of other telephone carriers, used for telephone slamming


Swot analysis


It is good for old age people and that people which face very long disease and need regular

check ups by doctors and cannot face too much high fees of doctors. It is not insurance so that the compensation is paid after the treatment. The discount is given to patients on the support when he/she will pay the bill..

It is not more useable for youngsters . it is for minor disease like cold, fever, cough etc. It is not insurance because in that all the compensation will given to the patient and in this only some discount is provided to patient. Full body check up is provided to only one single person in couple as well as family pack but in reality full body needed to check up is everyone in the family.

Opportunities It has opportunity to enroll the doctors and hospitals in its panel so that people of other states also take its benefits

Insurance companies like health insurance and life insurance give challenge to Indian health organisation.


Limitations of the study:

There may be limitations to this study because the study duration is short and its not possible to observe every aspect Telemarketing. To make conversation with callers is very difficult. Lack of transportation facilities because it was located outside of the city.



Telemarketing today is regarded as a million dollar business. It is regarded as the most important tool in direct marketing. There are systematic rules which have to be followed by each and every member of telemarketing. Most importantly, hiring the right type of telemarketing representatives, and managing them by establishing performance expectations and providing feedback, will generally result in good performance in a telemarketing group. However, to get the most of those valuable human resources, a firm must also motivate them to achieve higher performance levels.




Web sites: http://www.Indian health organisation .com.

Sontakki C.N. (Principles of Marketing Management kalyani publishers, New Delhi). Gupta Shashi K & Sharma R.K. (Human Resource Management, Kalyani Publishers , New Delhi).


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