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Inquirer's Obnoxious Joe DiStefano is, like Inquirer's non-management employees, a "Union Man".

Up to now, I had though Joe DiStefano's "PhillyDeals" was the only reason to read the Inquirer because he presented information and news found almost nowhere else. Now, Joe has thought it appropriate to name the names behind Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania, including me doing to us what we did to the school teachers except they have no reason to fear of personal harm. Joe intimates that CAP and its truth-telling ad campaign shamed the teachers into calling off their ill-timed strike prematurely.

Apparently, Joe DiStefano want so target CAP and its supporters as the "Scott Walker" of Pennsylvania. Unionized Inquirer is flummoxed because taxpayers are uniting against the relentless and insatiable greed of the public sector unions. Some may think Joe reported the facts, and he did, but I know what is in his unionized mind. Out the Bastards. Make them targets of the union thugs. After what is the point of writing a story about something no other media sources is writing about. Not nice, Joe.

FYI "Philadelphia landlord" - if Joe thinks I am lord of the land, he is a ass. Joe, infected by the Weltanschauung of the Inquirer's Group Thinking Unionized Reporters, driven by envy, resentment, grievance and an entitled victim-hood (why do they so much and I have so little that Alinsky's Marxist exploit so well) have difficulty grasping the fact there is an organization and people willing to fund it who are centered on principles of Constitutional Limited Government, Economic Freedom and Personal Responsibility and who think that workers should not be forced to pay union dues to get a job. Automatic Payroll Deduction is an affront to Individual Liberty and a Free Market. CAP is dedicated to replacing with Union Hack Republicans with Free Market Constitutional Republicans and has been effective informing voters in a number April 2012 Primaries as Rick Geist, hacking for 34 years in Harrisburg, and his minions Charlie Gerow, Jerry Stern and others will attest. The Inquirer has now set us up for the inevitable Union Retaliation. FYI contributions to CAP, a 501(c)(4) are private and anonymous for a reason. CAP is the Scott Walker of Pennsylvania.

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