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1. Compare & contrast btwn liposm and niosm 2. Wht is drg delivery system?

explain wth kinetic schm the basic pincipl of devlping a nonimmediate release dosage form. 3. State hw SRDS is superior ovr conventional dosage form 4. Diff. betwn control rels prolongd rels DF.describe the in vitro evaluation of SRDF as a guide to devlp of anew formulatn. 5. Define and classify deprt formulatn.give the application and future aspects of implant in pharmacy. 6. Diff betwn resrvr and matrix system.mntn the possible mech of drg release frm a matrix device 7. Wht r the diff types of SRPDF ? why liposm are called the most widely studied mordrn DDS. 8. Name the frmulatn methd fr OSRRDF.discuss brif the cmn methd emplyd to develp reservr system 9. Wht r the principl and application of self emulsifying drug delivery system 10. Dicuss basic components of osmotically control drug delivery system 11. Illustrate OROS push pull OS.hw it is diff frm elementary OPS. 12. DIFINE THE TERM SOLID dispersion. Hw isit significance in drug delivery system 13. Brief describe diff methd of prep of solid dispersion 14. Wht is rate contrld DDS expln with kinetic schm the basic principl of devlping a non immediate rels DF 15. Define peck and vally and steady state frm atypical drg bld level-time profile of multipl dosage regimn of conventional DF 16. Wht r pro drugs? 17. Define SRDF.mntn the criteria of a drg required for designing as SR profile 18. Compare and contrast btwn conventional and SRDT 19. Name the ffrmulation methds for ORSRDF.dicuss in bif the commn methds emlyd to devlp reservoir sytem 20. Wht r basic principl and mechanism involvd in controlling the relese of drug frm ion exchng resin complxes 21. Wht r the mtrix sys? 22. Wht r probabl mech.of drg rels frm a mtrix device 23. Brif describe the in vitro evaluatn of SRDF as a guide to devlpmnt of new formulatn 24. The devlpmnt and usefulness of polymers in DDS in well establisd-jstify 25. Describe shrtly major catagories of polymer currently available for controlld release 26.

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