Generic Name Dosage Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

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Generic name Losartan potassium

Dosage 50mg /tab OD

Side effects HA,dizziness,nausea, dry mouth, hypotension

Classification Antihypertensive Angiotensin Receptor Blocker

Indication Treatment of hypertension Mode of Action Selectively blocks the binding of angiotensin II to specific tissue receptors found in the vascular smooth muscle and adrenal gland; this action blocks the vasoconstriction effect of the RAAS as well as release of aldesterone leading to decreased bp.

Adverse reactions

Rash, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, URI symptoms, gout

Nursing responsibilities Hypersesnsitivity to losartan Monitor patient closely in any situation that may lead to a decrease in blood pressure Monitor vital signs ; watch out for hypotension Health Teaching instruct patient to take medication as prescribed; do not stop abruptly Change position slowly; watch for postural hypertension Tell patient to avoid alcohol and alcohol containing drugs Avoid driving car or performing hazardous task.

Generic name Maxitrol


Side effects

Health Teaching
Do not touch tube tip to any surface prevent contamination of contents.

Topical Ointment

Redness, itchiness and dryness of eyes, blurring of vision, and eye pain

Place the ointment in the lower eyelid Look downward before closing the eyes.

Classification Anti-infective steroid


Adverse reactions

Preoperative prophylactic
Mode of Action

combination Supresses the inflammatory and immune systems by inhibiting synthesis of chemical mediators and a concomitant antimicrobial is used to inhibit multiplication of bacteria rash, hives, swelling of face, mouth and lips, change in vision.

Generic name Senokot Forte


Side effects

Nursing Responsibilities
The drug should be given at bedtime Instruct client to drink a full glass of water after administration. Monitor bowel movement, hydration status and electrolyte level

1cap/ every HS

Abdominal discomfort Vomitting Nausea Rectal Hemorrhage

Classification Laxative


Adverse reactions

Mode of Action

Erythematous rash, maculopapular rash, perianal irritation

Health Teaching Instruct patient to eat foods high in fiber and increase fluid intake.

Enzymatic action by colonic bacteria converts the glycosides into aglycones, which induce colonic peristalsis through stimulation of the intrinsic peristaltic mechanism in the colonic wall

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