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13 specializations are offered at M2 level : * Fundamental Concepts of Physics : high energy physics, statistical physics , quantum optics, solid-state

physics, soft matter. * Complex Systems : statistical and non-linear physics, organization and dyn amics of complex matter, theory and modeling of complex systems, engineering of finely divided media. * Nuclei, Particles, Astroparticles and Cosmology : theory, modeling and ins trumentation in the fields of nuclei, elementary particles, astroparticles and c osmology. * Materials Science and Nano-Objects : structural and electronic properties of condensed matter, preparation and characterization of new materials. * Optics, Matter, Plasma : materials optics, biomedical optics, optoelectron ics, lasers, intense sources of light, particles sources and accelerators, plasm as, atoms and molecules. * Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering : astronomy, astrophysics, t he sun, plasma, planets, galaxies, stars, cosmology, astrometry, geodesy, instru mentation, space, numerical techniques, system approach, project study, quality. * Fusion Science : plasmas for thermonuclear fusion, inertial or magnetic co nfinement technology, heavy equipment and matter under extreme conditions. * Biophysics : concepts and technology in molecular and cellular biology, bi oinformatics and chemistry, in addition to physics for life sciences. * Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation : mastery of the complete chain g oing from sensor to signal acquisition to signal processing and data analysis. * Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate and Space Observation : understanding of dynami c, physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere and the ocean, in interacti on with the other components of the climate system. * Geoscience : study of the lithosphere and soil mechanics, geomaterials and mineral resources, applied geophysics, planetology. * Nuclear Engineering : materials, structures, fluids, new technical subject s, treatment and recycling of fuel. * Education and Training : training for physics and chemistry professors, preparation for recruiting by competitive examinations.

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