Turkish Delight Jellies

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make & do activity kit

Turkish Delight Jellies

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Pour 400ml of very warm water into a bowl or saucepan. Mix in 1 cup of icing sugar and stir with a fork or wisk until dissolved. Add 2 tablespoons of gelatine. Mix really well until dissolved. Add a 2 of drops of pink food colouring. Add rose water.

This activity kit contains:

1. Make and do activity steps 1 - 6

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Important: This recipe requires cutting with a

sharp knife. This should be done by an adult.

Wipe your glass or pyrex dish with a little oil to help the jelly slip out in one piece later. Pour your mixture in and put it into the fridge to set. When set, remove it from the fridge. Your jelly will come out easier if you pull the jelly off the sides gentle with your fingers before tiping the dish upside down onto a flat surface.

Things you need:

2 cups of icing sugar 2 tablespoons of rose water 2 tablespoons of corn flour 2 drops of pink food colouring 2 tablespoons of gelatine (approx. 28 grams) water a few drops of olive oil

Cut you jelliesinto cubes about 2cm square. Sift 2 tablespoons of cornflour and 1 cups of icing sugar together in a bowl.

500 Harris St Ultimo PO Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia tel: 02 6217 0111 web: http://play.powerhousemuseum.com

Just before serving roll the Turkish Delight Jellies in the icing sugar mixture or serve jellies on a plate with a dish of icing sugar mixture and allow your guests to roll their own.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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