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The following paper was put together for the said requirements in English 3. In the pages that follow I aimed to discuss the specifics of Social Networking. How did Social Networking come to be? What problems does Social Networking present and what solutions have we come up with? The discussion is designed so that the reader will gain in depth knowledge and develop an understanding of this global phenomenon. In light, may this serve as a guide not only for knowledge based interfaces, but also in the development of responsibility in the usage of the different Social Networks. One must realize that although these networks allow for freedom of expression; expression must still be properly channeled. As they say no freedom is worth having if it does not connote the freedom to err. It is indeed an ever changing society and I myself am a user in a particular Social Networking Site. The concept of Social Networking has changed how we interact and how we transfer data. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is for the specific individual to decide.

The Author

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