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Thomas Woods Mr.

Neuburger Eng 102-102 6 June 2012 Response Essay America the Wasteful On Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner describes about how Americans can be some of the most wasteful people around and on how one man lived on that waste being homeless. Lars Eighner expresses through this writing that because Americans are wasteful, a homeless person can live through a life of dumpster diving with relative ease. Eighner states, Canned goods, for example, turn up fairly often in the Dumpsters I frequent. (par. 10) People are getting rid of canned foods because they think food is spoiled or not good anymore, which it turns out to still be good after all. Eighner makes the point, The diver, after all, has the last laugh. He is finding all manner of good things that are his for the taking. (par. 35) Eighner is mentioning that people who believe dumpster divers are not grabbing anything good when they do this are wrong; dumpster divers are grabbing a wasteful gold mine of stuff. People in America are allowing homeless people to have an easy life with dumpster divers because Americans just will not ever stop being wasteful. (181 words)

Works Cited Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." Power of Language Language of Power A Collection of Readings. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Techincal Community College ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 253-65. Print.

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