Readings. Second Custom Edition For Ozarks Technical Community College Ed. Boston

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Madeline Tate Mr. Neuburger Eng.

102-102 6 June 2012 Response Essay True Happiness Discovered In popular mind, a material item one possesses determines the happiness and success of that individual. However, in Lars Eighners, On Dumpster Diving the author describes the adventures he and his companion Lizbeth endure. After reading Eighners essay, one is lead to believe happiness does not come from the physical possessions of an individual, survival is the key but only obtained if certain techniques are followed. One may claim that dumpster diving is for the homeless, although Eightner began dumpster diving before his homeless days. Eighner states, finding of objects is becoming an urban art.(par.5) He adds, There is a technique to this art that requires talent. While scavenging Eighner only collets those materials he will utilize and passing up those that are not essential. When describing his basic rule for savaging food he asks himself, What is this safe?(par5) Eighner is so successful as a scrounger he feels he has found true happiness. He illustrates this when he states I find my desire to grab for the gaudy bauble He reinstates, millions who nightly scavenge the cable channels looking for they know not what. I am sorry for them (par 2) Words 191 Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." Power of Language/Language of Power A Collection of Readings. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 253-65. Print.

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