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By james sheridan

Todorovs theory states that in a media text there are five stages. ORIGINAL EQUILIBRIUM (normality) DISRUPTION RECOGNITION (of disruption) ATTEMPT TO RESTORE original equilibrium NEW EQUILIBRIUM

Original Equilibrium

An equalibruim is shown in the start of the music video when we see a bunch of typical motorcyclists on a road. This breaks when we see them enter the bar and start harrassing women for fun.


We see the disruption when the bikers walk into the bar and start harassing everyone and disrupting them from a possible daily routine. This doubles when they start shooting the place up and scaring everyone.


We see the disruption happening when the tables are turned over and glasses are smashed and this is then reinforced when the police start chasing chasing the bikers.

Attempt to restore equilibrium because all the fighting has ended so the violence has stopped so it is like the start of the video again where there is a sort of peace about

New Equilibrium

The bikers kill the police and then ride off into the sunset to another town to possibly start the whole sequence all over again.

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