How To Get List of User From AD

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How to get list of MCP users

Introduction:Quite often the Helpdesk Team gets Service request from users requesting for list of users . To get the users list; L2 Engineers have option from Active directory server.

Steps to get list of users from Active directory.

1. Login into the Active directory server. 2. Go on command prompt. 3. Type the command C:\CSVDE -f Userlist.csv -r objectCategory=person -l "givenName,mail,SAMAccountName,MEMBERof,sn" j C:\ 4. After typing the above command press Enter button. Refer below screen shot. Fig:-2

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

After running successfully close the command window. Go to C:\ and find the Userlist.csv file. Copy this file into your local PC. Open Userlist.csv file and filter the group you want. Copy the list of users in separate Excel sheet.

Summary:To get the list of users; L2 engineer can use a query in command prompt in Active directory server. With the help of the query L2 engineer can get the list of users.

By- Neeraj Pawar MBA IT Pune Mob:-9860997778


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