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Florian Ion PETRESCU Relly Victoria PETRESCU Department of Mechanisms and Robots, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independentei, 77206 Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail: Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independentei, 77206 Bucharest, ROMANIA E-mail:

ABSTRACT: The paper presents a new and original internal-combustion engine. It is presenting a method in determining the kinematics and the efficiency of a new mechanism, MF1, proposed (designed) to work and be tested like an internal-combustion engine. One determines the mechanical momentary efficiency, when the mechanism works like a steam roller and when the mechanism works like a motor. The determined efficiency is different in the two described situations. One presents an original way to determine the dynamic efficiency too. The dynamic momentary efficiency is the same in the two situations: when the mechanism works like a steam roller and when it works like a motor. One determines the efficiency without friction, but one can anytime add the effect of friction modulus. One presents the dynamic kinematics of this mechanism too: the dynamic velocity and the dynamic acceleration. When the constructive parameters are normal, the dynamic velocities take the same values like the classical speeds and the dynamic accelerations take the same values like the classical accelerations.

Keywords: Motor, connecting-rod, dynamic-velocity, dynamic-acceleration, dynamic-efficiency.

1. INTRODUCTION The paper shortly presents a new and original internal-combustion engine. The originality consists in the way of determining the mechanical and dynamic efficiency and in the way of determining the dynamic velocities and accelerations. 2. PRESENTING THE KINEMATICS OF MF1 In picture number 1, one can see the kinematics outline of the mechanism of the new presented motor (Motor Florio 1), [2,3]. The first modification of this model, having in view the classical model (Otto engine mechanism), is the use of two connecting-rod, (2 and 3) and the use of B couple, a dual couple: of rotation and translation. This motor mechanism is a new mechanism and his functionality will be different from the classical mechanisms functionality. The great advantage of this mechanism is that it can be regulated to have a bigger zone with constant acceleration at the piston (the element number five). The efficiency of this mechanism is the same like the Otto mechanism. The structural group 2-4 (a dyad) can improve the motor functionality without damage of power. The kinematics relations are the following (1-11):
2 2 a 2 = l0 + l1 2 l0 l1 sin 1

(1) (2) (3)

l1 cos 1 a e l1 cos 1 l2 cos 2 cos 3 = l3 cos 2 =

MOTOR FLORIO1-MF1 2003 Florian PETRESCU The Copyright-Law Of March, 01, 1989 U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, DC 20559-6000 202-707-3000

y D 3 l3 3 C 2 4
0 0

b B a l0 O

e yD l2 l1 A 1

2 x

Fig. 1. The MF1 kinematics outline

y D = l1 sin 1 + l2 sin 2 + l3 sin 3

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

2 =

l1 cos(1 2 ) 1 a l l cos 1 & a= 0 1 1 a

3 =

l1 1 [l0 cos 1 sin(3 2 ) + b cos(1 2 ) cos(3 2 )] a l3 & y D = 1 l1 cos 1 + 2 l2 cos 2 + 3 l3 cos 3

2 =
3 =

& l1 1 (1 2 ) sin(1 2 ) 2 a a

l1 1 [l0 1 sin 1 sin(3 2 ) + l0 (3 2 ) cos 1 cos(3 2 ) a l3

& a b (1 2 ) sin(1 2 ) cos(3 2 ) b (3 2 ) cos(1 2 ) sin(3 2 )] 3 a

2 2 2 &&D = 1 l1 sin 1 2 l2 sin 2 + 2 l2 cos 2 3 l3 sin 3 + 3 l3 cos 3 y

(10) (11)

3. DETERMINING THE MOMENTARY MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY WHEN THE MECHANISM WORKS LIKE A STEAM ROLLER One can determine the momentary mechanical efficiency, when the mechanism works like a steam roller, if one determines the distribution of forces, from the crank to the piston (figure 2); relations (12-19) [2,3]:
Fn = Fm sin( 2 1) F = F cos( ) A m 2 1 a a F C = F A = Fm cos( 2 1 ) b b

(12) (13)

FnI = Fn cos( 2 3 ) I F C = F C sin( 2 3 ) FT = FnI + FIC = Fn cos( 2 3 ) + F C sin( 2 3 ) = a = Fm sin( 2 1) cos( 2 3 ) + Fm cos( 2 1) sin( 2 3 ) = b a = Fm [sin( 2 1 ) cos( 2 3 ) + cos( 2 1) sin( 2 3 )] b FU = FT sin 3 FR = FT cos 3 a FU = Fm sin 3 [sin( 2 1 ) cos( 2 3 ) + cos( 2 1 ) sin( 2 3 )] b l2 cos 2 cos(1 2 ) vU = vm [cos 1 + a l0 cos 1 sin(3 2 ) + b cos(1 2 ) cos(3 2 ) cos 3 ] a F v a iC = U U = sin 3 [sin( 2 1) cos( 2 3 ) + cos( 2 1) sin( 2 3 )] Fm vm b



(16) (17)


[cos 1

l2 cos 2 cos(1 2 ) + a l cos 1 sin(3 2 ) + b cos(1 2 ) cos(3 2 ) + 0 cos 3 ] a


FU 2 Fn C


D 3 B Fn 2-1 a

FC b

MOTOR FLORIO1-MF1 2003 Florian PETRESCU The Copyright-Law Of March, 01, 1989 U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, DC 20559-6000 202-707-3000


2 A 1

Fig. 2. The MF1 distribution of forces, when the mechanism works like a steam roller 4. DETERMINING THE MOMENTARY MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY WHEN THE MECHANISM WORKS LIKE A MOTOR One can determine the momentary mechanical efficiency, when the mechanism works like a motor, if one determines the distribution of forces, from the piston to the crank (figure 3); relations (20-25) [2,3]:

FN = Fm sin 3 FR = Fm cos 3 Fn = FN cos( 2 3 ) F = F sin( ) C N 2 3 b b F A = F C = Fm sin 3 sin( 2 3 ) a a Fu1 = Fn sin(1 2 ) F = F cos( ) u2 A 1 2 Fu = Fu1 + Fu 2 = Fm sin 3 [cos( 2 3 ) sin(1 2 )
sin 3 [cos( 2 3 ) sin(1 2 )

(20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

b sin( 2 3 ) cos(1 2 )] a

b sin( 2 3 ) cos(1 2 )] a iM = l cos 1 sin(3 2 ) + b cos(1 2 ) cos(3 2 ) l2 cos 2 cos(1 2 ) cos 1 + cos 3 0 a a
MOTOR FLORIO1-MF1 2003 Florian PETRESCU The Copyright-Law Of March, 01, 1989 U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, DC 20559-6000 202-707-3000



3 3 Fm


2 b Fn

FN 3


2 1


1 O


Fig. 3. The MF1 distribution of forces, when the mechanism works like a motor 5. DETERMINING THE MOMENTARY DYNAMIC EFFICIENCY The dynamic efficiency of the mechanism is the same, anytime (when the mechanism works like a steam roller and when its working like a motor). It can be determined approximately with the relation (26):
D D iD = iM = iC = sin 2 3 sin 2 with : = 2 2 1 3


One can determine the exactly momentary dynamic efficiency of the mechanism, if one takes in calculation the dynamic velocities (in this case the speeds distribution is the same like the forces distribution), see the relations (27-29):

Fu b = sin 3 [sin( 2 1) cos( 2 3 ) + sin( 2 3 ) cos( 2 1)] Fm a vu a = sin 3 [sin( 2 1 ) cos( 2 3 ) + sin( 2 3 ) cos( 2 1 )] vm b

(27) (28)

iD = sin 2 3 {sin 2 ( 2 1 ) cos 2 ( 2 3 ) + sin 2 ( 2 3 ) cos 2 ( 2 1) +

+ a 2 + b2 sin[2 ( 2 1)] sin[2 ( 2 3 )]} 4ab


6. THE DYNAMIC KINEMATICS OF THE MECHANISM One can determine now the dynamic velocity (30) and the dynamic acceleration of the piston (31):
Din vD = l1 1 sin 3 [sin( 2 1 ) cos( 2 3 ) + Din aD = {3 cos 3 [sin( 2 1) cos( 2 3 ) +

a sin( 2 3 ) cos( 2 1)] b


a cos( 2 1) sin( 2 3 )] + b + sin 3 [cos( 2 1 ) cos( 2 3 ) (2 1) sin( 2 1 ) sin( 2 3 ) (2 3 ) a a sin( 2 1) sin( 2 3 ) (2 1) + cos( 2 1) cos( 2 3 ) (2 3 ) + b b & & a aa + cos( 2 1) sin( 2 3 ) + 2 cos( 2 1 ) sin( 2 3 )]} l1 1 b b


7. DISCUTION If the values of the constructive parameters of the mechanism are normal, the dynamic speeds and the dynamic acceleration of the piston (30-31), are practical the same like the classical kinematics values (811), see the picture number (4, 5 and 6):

a[m/s ];n=5000[rot/min];l1=0.01;l2=0.3;l3=0.5;l0=0.15;e=0 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 0 -2000 -3000 -4000 100 200 300 400

0.503427825 D =2


Fig. 4. The MF1 piston acceleration, when the constructive parameters are normal


1.5 1 0.5 0

V(Din)/(l1.w) V(Cin)/(l1.w)


2000 1000 0 -1000 0 -2000 -3000 -4000

aD(D) aD(Cin) 100 200 300 400

-0.5 -1 -1.5





Fig. 5. The kinematical and dynamic velocities

Fig. 6. The kinematical and dynamic accelerations

When the values of the constructive parameters are different from the normal, the dynamic speeds and the dynamic acceleration of the piston (30-31), are not the same like the classical kinematics values (8-11), see the picture number (7 and 8):


2 1



1.5 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -1 -1.5 -2 100

V(Din)/(l1.w) V(Cin)/(l1.w)

0 -50000 -100000 400 -150000 -200000 0 100 200 300 400



aD(D) aD(Cin)

Fig. 7. The kinematical and dynamic velocities

Fig. 8. The kinematical and dynamic accelerations

8. CONCLUSION Some mechanisms have the same parameters for the classical and for the dynamic kinematics (gears, cams with plate followers, the planar tetra-later mechanism, etc). Others dont. At the presented mechanism, the dynamic-kinematics is different from the classical-kinematics, but, if the constructive parameters are normal, the dynamic velocities practically take the same values like the classical speeds and the dynamic accelerations take the same values like the classical accelerations. Structurally, the mechanism has two dyad, when it works like steam roller and it generates a triad, when works like motor. REFERENCES 1. Pelecudi, Chr., .a., Mecanisme. E.D.P., Bucureti, 1985. 2. Petrescu, V., Petrescu, I., Randamentul cuplei superioare de la angrenajele cu roi dinate cu axe fixe, In: The Proceedings of 7th National Symposium PRASIC, Braov, vol. I, pp. 333-338, 2002. 3. Petrescu, F.I., Petrescu, R.V., Cteva elemente privind mbuntirea designului mecanismului motor, In: The Proceedings of 8th National Symposium on GTD, Braov, vol. I, pp. 353-358, 2003.

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