Physics IA

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( 1st Year, 1st Semester )

Time : Three hours Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks 1. a) Find expressions for the radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration of a particle moving on a plane. 10 Full Marks : 100

b) What is meant by a central force ? Give an example of the same. Show that when a particle moves under a central force the angular momentum is conserved. Derive the general differential equation to a central orbit. 2. 10

a) Define the moment of inertia and the radius of gyration of a body about an axis. 5

b) Find the moment of inertia of a right circular cylinder of mass M. length l and radius of cross section a, about an axis passing through its centre of mass and parpendicular to its length. 10

c) Show that the moment of inertia of the cylinder will be minimum if the ratio of l to a vs
3 2 .

5 [ Turn over

[2] 3. a) Define the term coefficient of viscosity of a liquid. Assuming a stream line motion, obtain an expression for the rate of flow of a liquid through a capillary tube of circular cross section. 10 7.

[3] Obtain expression for critical constants in terms of the constant of equation. 8

What are the different operations involved in a Carnot Cycle. Find an expression for the efficiency. State 2nd Law of thermodynamic. 4+12+4

b) Ethanol of density = 791 Kg/m3 flows smoothly through a horizontal tube that tapers in cross sectional area from 8.

Write short notes on : 1) Entropy and its physical significance. 2) Reversible and irreversible process. 10 10

A1 = 1 2 103 m2

A to A 2 = 1 . The pressure difference 2

between the wide and the narrow sections of the tube

is 4120 pa. what is the volume flow rate R of the ethanol? 10 4. a) Considering the propagation of a plane wave of constant type derive the wave equation in one dimension. What is the phase velocity of the wave ? 10

b) What is a standing wave ? Find the positions of the nodes and the antinodes of such a wave. 5. 10

On the basis of Kinetic theory of gases deduce the following

1 expression of pressure p = PC2 3

where the symbols have usual significance. Write down and explain Maxwell law of distribution of speed of gasmolecules. 6. 6

Describe Andrews experiment. Explain Vander Waals equation of state. 6

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