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Mevln Jelaluddin Rumi

Mevln Jelaluddin Mohammad Molav Rumi, the Sufi and poet lived in 13th century Konya (now in Turkey) the capital of the Seljuk Empire. He was already a renowned scholar, teacher and spiritual leader when his encounters with the traveling mystic, Shems-i-Tabriz, led to the blossoming of his full spiritual light. It was because of Shems that he started writing poetry. His written legacy is contained in six texts. Three are poetry: the Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi - a collection of lyric poems, the Mathnawi Manawi Spiritual couplets, and the Ruba'iyyat. Three are prose: his Discourses: Fihi ma Fihi It is what it is, his collected letters: Makatib, and a collection of seven talks: Majalis-i sab'ah. Rumi, a Muslim, respected all traditions. At his funeral in 1273, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Turks and Romans honored him. His students and followers have maintained his teachings and practices from that time to the present day. Now, over seven hundred years later, he is Americas best-selling poet, inspiring many with his devotion, love and instruction in human ripening. There are 1,641 results when searching Rumi on, and about 20,900,000 results (0.12 seconds) when searching on 1207 born near Balkh (present-day Afghanistan) on September 30 1244 met the travelling dervish, Shams of Tabriz 1273 died on December 17

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