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At the theater

A- Excuse me; Do you know where I can buy/Buying/buys my ticket concert? C- Of course. It is right besides the lobby. A- Thank you very much. By the way, my name is/are/being Alex. And you? C- I am Caroline. Nice to meet/meets/meeting you. So, Do you like music? A- Of course I like it. And you? C- I love/loves/loving it. That is way I am a musician. A- Really? That is great. Tell me what other kind of stuff do you like to do/doing/does? C-Well, I like go/goes/going to the cinema with my friends. Also, I like playing/plays/to play tennis in my free time. A- What a nice surprise. Besides to be/being/are a musician, you practice sports I like plays/to play/playing tennis too. But I hate to play/playing/plays basketball. I think I dont have the length for the sport. C- I think you should not quit playing basketball. And what is your favorite kind of music? A- I like listen/listening/to listen classical music. But I dislike playing/to play/play in the college orchestra because we always play the same themes. C- I like classical music too. Nevertheless, I prefer jazz rather than classical music. A- Jazz is O.K. too. But I dont understand it. C- Oh look at the time. The show is about to start. A- O.K. Lets go.

Key: 1.- Buy 2.- Is 3.- Meet 4.- Love 5.-To do 6.- Going 7.- Playing 8.- Being 9.- Playing 10.-Playing 11.-Listening 12.- Playing

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