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Department of Artificial Intelligence Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology University of Malaya REVISION EXERCISE 1.

Define the following abbreviations/terminologies which are related to Artificial Intelligence: Agent AI Alpha Beta Pruning Ambiguity Ann Backward Chaining Best First Search Breadth First Breadth First Search Case Base Technique Chat Bot Cognitive Conceptual Graph Dendrite Depth First Discourse Domain Eliza E-Mycin Expert System Forward Chaining Frame Base Technique Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Heuristic Search Inference engine Inheritance Intelligent Agent Intelligent Software Robots Knowbots Knowledge Base Knowledge Representation Knowlegde Engineer LISP Machine Learning Matlab Minimax Search Multi Agent Neuron NLP Parse Tree Phonology

Prolog Predicate Logic Psycholinguistics Rule-Base Search Semantics Softbots Software Agent State Space Search Supervise Learning Synapse Syntax Turing Machine Unsupervised Learning Who Is The Father Of AI?

2. Briefly describe THREE elements of natural intelligence, which AI needs to mimic in order to make an intelligent machine? 3. Explain briefly the meaning of this applications area which used in AI and why we need these applications? Give an example of these applications. a) Natural Language Processing (NLP) b) Speech Recognition c) Robotics d) Neural Network e) Machine Learning f) Game Technology g) Expert System h) Genetic Algorithm

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