Four Weeks On Hacker News: Front-Page Articles

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Four Weeks on Hacker News: All Front-Page Articles

normalized front page presence vs. time

1.00 ___

0.80 ___

0.60 ___

0.40 ___

0.20 ___

0.00 ___ 05/21/2012 05/28/2012 06/04/2012 06/11/2012

This graph shows the presence of all articles that have appeared on the front page of Hacker News over the last four weeks. Front page presence is derived from each article's number of upvotes, number of comments, and rank on the front page. Each bar on the graph links to the Hacker News discussion page for that article. From that page, you can click a direct link to the article iteself. This graph was made as a simple experiment about which language figures more prominently on Hacker News, Python or Ruby. You can read a full description of this project at

Top 10 Articles (with links to HN discussion pages)

1: Hunting

Top 10 Python and Ruby Articles

1: Show

Down My Son\u0027s Killer 2: Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it 3: It all began with a strange email 4: Oracle v. Google - Judge Alsup Rules APIs Not Protected By Copyright 5: 20 lines of code that beat A/B testing every time 6: R.I.P. Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles 7: Space Station grabs SpaceX Dragon ship 8: Famous judge spikes Apple-Google case, calls patent system dysfunctional 9: Verdict for Google in Oracle\u0027s patent infringement case 10: 6.5 Million LinkedIn Password Hashes Leaked

HN: script Excel with Python 2: Virtualenv to be part of Python 3.3 3: Why Django Sucks 4: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Rails 5: Ruby on Rails Tutorial screencasts, 2nd edition 6: Light Table funding successful, including Python support (over $300k raised) 7: New to Ruby? 15 tips for the new Rubyist. 8: PostgreSQL when it is not your job [DjangoCon] 9: Python for Data Analysis (new O\u0027Reilly book from creator of Pandas) 10: Light Table: 24 Hours to Get Another $7000 in the Kickstarter for Python Support

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