Acca P3 - Professional Level: Business Analysis

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Business Analysis

SMART Notes Prepared by Darren Sparkes Email:

ACCA P3 - Business analysis These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus Darren Sparkes, 2010


Page no.

Paper 3 Examiners Approach..... 3 Extracts from the Examiners report ....4 Examination Technique.....7 Background and examination format..............9 Syllabus Overview...........10 Strategic Planning........11 Mission and Objectives12 Business & Professional Ethics......13 Internal Analysis...14 External Analysis......15 Strategic Options..17 Method of Growth............18 Portfolio Analysis..19 Strategic Choice & Change Management....20 Marketing...21 Organisational Structure..22 International Market Place......23 Business Process Change.....24 Information Technology.............25 Quality.......26 Project Management...27 Role of Finance...28 Review and Control....29 Strategy and People30

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Approach Required
Differentiation is important to individuals seeking to pass a management and strategy examination. It is the ability to link strategic and financial analysis; it is the confidence to use creative thinking in the way you answer a particular problemwith alternative ways of viewing and solving a problem
Ralph Bedrock (Paper 3 Assessor)

There is no absolutely correct answer candidates who provided coherent justification awarded appropriate marks
Steve Skidmore (P3 Examiner)

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Extracts from the Examiners comments

In general: Candidates were stronger in strategic concepts (strategic position, Porters Diamond) and less comfortable with business process modelling and customer relationship management. Part questions on specific factual areas (competency frameworks and CMMI) were either answered well (because the candidate was familiar with them) or poorly (because the area was not studied or revised). There was some evidence of poor time management, apparently caused by over-answering question 1. Section A - Question 1 In general the first part of the question was answered well, using a wide range of appropriate models and frameworks. However, candidates must be careful in the future to stick to external issues if a PESTEL analysis is specified in the question. some candidates did not restrict themselves to assessing the strategic position. They began to suggest strategic solutions and options which were not required by the question and so no credit was given. This reinforces the need for the candidate to carefully read the question and to answer within its scope. many answers well written and well-structured, so gaining most of the professional marks on offer. Part bCandidates failed to spot glaring errors in the process. Part cIn many cases, candidates provided good answers to a very different question.

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Section B Question 2 part aCandidates answered thisrelatively well, using appropriate calculations Question 2 part bcandidates answered this part question very well, not only showing knowledge of the model but were also confident in applying it to a case study scenario Question 3 part basked candidates to analyse these competencies. Some of these were clearly signposted in the scenario. Many candidates failed to identify any relevant competenciesfalling back on generalisations such as good communication skills and hence did not score well on this part of the question. Question 4 part aIn general, this part of the question was answered well by most candidates Question 4 part bThis was not particularly well answered by most candidates. Most candidates seemed to be unfamiliar with the concept of competency frameworks or their potential application. This was despite an article in Student Accountant magazine.

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Therefore, to pass P3 learn from the examiners comments: Analyse the requirements verbs and keywords Planning think before you write the answer Application, application, application Theoretical answers score few marks You can only apply what you know learn it! Use and interpret the numbers (they are usually easy calculations so its the interpretation that gets the marks) Time management the marks are your guide

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Examination Technique to give the Examiner what he wants PADI Plan, Analyse, Design, Implement
1. USE 15 MINUTES READING TIME WISELY Examine section B questions and choose the two on which you can MAXIMISE MARKS (not necessarily those on your favourite topics) If you have some time left then analyse Question 1 requirements and skim read the Q1 scenario to get a feel for the relevant issues and identify where the information is for each part of the requirements. 2. WORK OUT TIMINGS Q1 = 90 minutes. Planning = 20-25 minutes, Writing answer = 65-70 minutes Section B Questions = 45 minutes each. Planning up to 10 minutes, Writing answer 35 minutes. Break down the time required for each part of the requirements using the marks as a guide. 1.8 minutes per mark in total, 1.4 minutes per mark after planning. I suggest you start with Question 1 as you know you have 90 minutes to complete it. START PLANNING IN YOUR ANSWER BOOK 3. ANALYSE THE REQUIREMENTS Identify the verb, or verbs, and make it stand out. The verb tells you what the examiner wants you to do, e.g. evaluate, recommend, analyse, calculate. Be sure to identify all the verbs in the requirement just in case there is more than one thing to do, e.g. analyse and discuss, evaluate and recommend. Identify key words. These tell you what to do it on or about, e.g. evaluate what?, recommend what? 4. ALLOCATE MARKS TO EACH VERB IN THE REQUIREMENT This can now determine how much to write for each verb in the requirement 5. IDENTIFY RELEVANT MODELS, TOOLS, THEORIES FROM YOUR KNOWLEDGE BANK

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

6. DEVELOP HEADINGS AND NUMBERS LAYOUT Put key elements of model in plan as headings, e.g. Porters 5 Forces analysis = 5 headings. Headings will give your answer a framework and structure. Use requirements to develop headings to show marker that you are answering the question asked 7. DISTRIBUTE MARKS ACROSS HEADINGS This can now determine how much you write under each heading

8. ANALYSE THE SCENARIO Make brief notes in your plan under relevant headings from models/tools/theories and requirement Find relevant numbers for calculations

9. THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE Decide which points you are going to put in your answer (trying to put in everything usually leads to going over time) and start with your strongest points Decide how you are going to layout your answer to make life easy for the marker and maximise marks

10. WRITE UP YOUR ANSWER TO MAXIMISE MARKS Layout calculations in a logical and easy to mark format - Add value to calculations by asking SO WHAT? Use as many headings as possible to give the answer structure Work on 2 sentences for 1 mark 1) Make your point, 2) Give evidence from the scenario PEE for 2 marks Point, Evidence, Explain (So what?) Leave a blank line between paragraphs to make your answer easy on the eye Be strict with timings. When time is up on a question, or part of a question, move on. Stick to answering the requirement use your plan to keep you on track REMEMBER THE THREE GOLDEN RULES 1) APPLICATION 2) APPLICATION and 3)APPLICATION

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010

Exercise professional judgement Select relevant data Determine appropriate techniques Apply knowledge and skills

Candidate Requirements

Assess the strategic position of the organisation Evaluate strategic choices available to an organisation Discuss how an organisation might go about its strategic implementation Model and redesign business processes and structures to implement and support the organisations strategy taking account of customer and other major stakeholder requirements Integrate appropriate information technology solutions to support the organisations strategy Apply appropriate quality initiatives to implement and support the organisations strategy Advise on the principles of project management to enable the implementation of aspects of the organisations strategy with the twin objectives of managing risk and ensuring benefits realisation Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a companys strategy and the financial consequences of implementing strategic decisions The role of leadership and people management in formulating and implementing business strategy

Paper Background
Objectives of the paper Format of paper

Section A 50%
Compulsory Major case study Usually four parts Case will include numbers

Section B 50%
ACCA P3 Business Analysis Choice of two from three Each question likely to include two parts Will include short scenario May include numbers Darren Sparkes, 2010

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Cultural Web

Syllabus Overview
Mission and objectives


Purpose, Strategy, Policies, Values

Mendelow's power-interest matrix Product Life Cycle Resource audit


Stakeholder Analysis External Analysis Corporate Appraisal

Porters Generic Strategies The Strategy Clock TOWS Matrix

Porters 5 Forces

Internal Analysis
Core competences

Porters Diamond


Porters Value Chain CSFS BCG, PSPM, DPM, APD, Mkt attract/SBU strength Ansoffs productmarket matrix


Portfolio analysis

Strategic Options


Acquisition vs organic vs joint development Suitability, Acceptability, Feasibility International Trading Structure

Strategic Choice

Cost/Benefit Change Management



Sources of Finance Quality

Project Management


Software Quality

Review and Control

Business Process Change Software Solutions Financial Measures ACCA P3 Business Analysis Investment Appraisal BSC These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus Darren Sparkes, 2010 Not for Profit Organisations Non-financial Measures


Integrates activities

Competitive advantage Relationship with environment

Corporate = Strategic level Business = Tactical level

Position Analysis

Whole organisation

All stakeholders Long-term

Functional = Operational level


Freewheeling Opportunism Market Driven reactive Hands on management Exploit complacent players Relies on leaders vision No formula for success Take advantage of market opportunities Stock market problems a course of action, including the specification of resources, to achieve a specific objective



Johnson, Scholes & Whittington

Strategic Lenses




Strategic Planning
Rational Top Down Approach Mission & Objectives Corporate appraisal Strategic options Strategic choice Implementation Advantages Identification of strategic issues Consistency of goals Improve performance/survival Pro-active Recognises environment Optimum use of resources



Incrementalism (Lindblom) Building block approach Build strategy through incremental steps not radical shifts Accepts uncertainty of future Builds commitment May be too slow Ideas often compromised

Respond and fit to environment Utilise scarce resources Provide direction Ensure consistent objectives Monitor progress

Emergent Strategy - Bottom up (Mintzberg) Intended Strategy Unrealised Strategy Deliberate Strategy Realised Strategy

Disadvantages Expensive (time and money) Bureaucracy Stifles creativity Less relevant in a crisis

Emergent strategy


E.G. Hondas entry into the USA, 3M ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Purpose Strategy

Policies and standards

Advantages Resolve stakeholder conflict Set direction Help formulate strategy Communicates values to employees Marketing to customers

Criticisms Meaningless terms used Written retrospectively? Not communicated to employees Ignored by managers


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound

Values the most generalised type of objective which can be thought of as its raison detre.

Objectives Culture

Mission Statement
Published version of the Mission


Mission and Objectives

Critical Success Factors
"The limited number of areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the organization. They are the few key areas where things must go right for the business to flourish.

The way we do things around here

Mendelows Power Interest Matrix

Low Interest High

Cultural Web cultural paradigm Routines & Rituals Stories & Myths Symbols Power structure Organisation structure Control systems


Minimal Effort Give Direction

Keep Informed Education / Communication

Not for Profit Organisations

Features of objective setting Multiple and contradictory objectives Participation in objective setting Providers of funding different to beneficiaries of service Priorities may change frequently Value for money a requirement not an objective Increased role of personal objectives


High Keep Satisfied Intervention

Key Players Participation Keep Close

If results in these areas are not adequate, the organization's efforts for the period will be less than desired."



Effectiveness ACCA P3 Business Analysis These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus Darren Sparkes, 2010


Equal opportunities

Corporate Governance
Strategic impact: SCRAPI Short-termism Control the business Risk assessment Acquisitions & Mergers Power of governance bodies Increasing shareholder power


Competence Objectivity Professional due care Politeness Integrity Technical Standards

Consumer health and safety Bribes Safety in the workplace Sustainability Environment


Fair Trade Honesty in Advertising

Professional Ethics
Self control, not self interest

Corporate Social Responsibility

Johnson, Scholes & Whittington Ethical Stances

Short-term shareholder interest Long-term shareholder interest Multiple stakeholder obligation Shaper of society Views on Business Ethics

Save time and money on investigations Attract customers and employees

Business and Professional Ethics

Long-term Self-Interest / Stakeholder view
Firms should acknowledge their social responsibilities.

The business of business is business (Shareholder View Friedman)

Management to concentrate on maximising profits and shareholder wealth. Businesses have no duty to society. Societal benefits will arise as a result of commercial success.

Avoid paying damages and fines

Benefits to Business SALSA

Strategic Alliances

Lower Risk

Potential problems

No universal acceptance of morals & ethics

Conflict of CSR with shareholder wealth

Competitive disadvantage Disclosure of business information Reduced revenues Increased costs Diverts funds from shareholders Distracts management Darren Sparkes, 2010

Deciding what is ethical ACCA P3 Business Analysis

Bad publicity from monitoring and enforcement

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Same as competitor / easy to copy Resources

Different to competitor / difficult to copy

Manpower Management Money Make-up Manufacturing Material Markets

Valuable Rare Cant be copied Not substitutable Give access to wide range of markets

Strategic Assets Architecture



Basic Threshold

Unique Core



Strategic Capability Resource audit

Core Competences the activities or processes that critically underpin competitive advantage.

Innovative Ability

Knowledge Management Tacit

Internal Analysis (Strengths & Weaknesses)

Porters Value Chain

identify activities within the firm which add value to customers and those that do not

Uncover Knowledge Discover Knowledge Capture Knowledge Share Knowledge Distribute Knowledge Lever Knowledge Maintain Knowledge

Product Life-cycle Introduction: high risk, little

competition, low volume, high advertising = losses + negative cash Growth: increased competition, growing volumes, EOS, high advertising = losses to profits + negative to positive cash Maturity: steady repeat sales, high volumes, EOS, low level advertising = profits + positive cash Decline: falling volumes, falling prices = profits to losses + positive to negative cash, divest

Primary Activities
Inbound Logistics Operations Outbound logistics Marketing and sales Service

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select processes to be benchmark Assign responsibilities Choose type of benchmarking Choose partner Interaction Collect data Implement changes

Support/secondary activities
Procurement HRM Technology development Firm infrastructure

Explicit Knowledge Workers

Roving role Temporary roles Selection based on skill & competences Input into own development Separate & relevant incentive schemes Remote locations Flexible working ACCA P3 Business Analysis

Streamline linkages Eliminate non-value added activities Business Process Re-engineering Benchmark key processes

Competitive Internal

Balance the portfolio Problems:


No common shape Unpredictable BEST IN PRACTICE Self-fulfilling prophecy Product orientated These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Value Networks

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Economic Globalisation Economic cycle Interest rates Inflation Employment levels Exchange rates

Social & Demographic Income distribution Education levels Population size Age profile Lifestyle changes Fashions and tastes Consumerism

Technological Internet Government spending on RnD Communications Speed/rate of change Processes and methods of production

Ecological Globalisation Pollution Energy usage Disposal of waste Sustainability of resources

Political Taxation Government policy Foreign trade regulations Protectionism Globalisation

PESTEL analysis (External, Environmental analysis)

External Analysis (Opportunities and Threats)

Porters 5 Forces (Competitive, Industry analysis)

Legal Health And Safety Employment Consumer protection Monopoly legislation Industry watch dogs

Threat from New Market Entrants

Barriers to Entry: Economies of Scale Other cost advantages Capital requirements Access to distribution channels Patents, Government policy Reaction of existing firms

Threat from Substitute Technologies

Can same features be produced cheaper? Can new features be provided for same cost? Level of danger may be influenced by barriers to entry and/or power of buyers

Competitive Rivalry
Greatest where: Competitors of similar size Slow market growth rate High fixed cost industry Lack of differentiation

Power of Buyers
Power greatest where: Few buyers High number of suppliers available Cost is high proportion of buyers total cost Low switching costs Buyers have low profits Buyers have full information Little product differentiation

Power of Suppliers
Power greatest where: Few suppliers Few substitutes High switching costs Threat from forward integration Customer not significant to supplier Supplier has differentiated product

External Analysis (Opportunities and Threats)

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Firm structure, strategy, rivalry

External Analysis (Opportunities and Threats)

Factor conditions

Porters Diamond
National Competitive Advantage

Demand conditions

Related and supporting industries

Corporate Appraisal
Internal + External Analysis = Corporate Appraisal = Position Appraisal= SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses


Internal Analysis
Factors specific to the organisation

External Analysis
Factors open to all in the industry



ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010





Focused Differentiation


Porters Five Forces

To beat the five forces Porters Generic Strategies


Low Price

Strategic Clock


Strategically develop organisation in line with environment challenges Market Facing Positioning view

Overall Cost Leadership

(better margin, potential price cuts, entry barrier, reduce supplier power)


No Frills


(Premium price, better margin, barrier, reduce buyer power)




Focus (Niche)
(Cost or Differentiation, focus on market needs, develop core competencies)

Method (see next page)

Definition of market Ignores factors such as competitors Suggests strategies in isolation

Resource Based View

Beware of Stuck in the Middle Uses
Analyse rivals Suggest own strategy SBU level strategy

Strategic Options
competitive products,

Horizontal diversification
complementary products, by-products

Do nothing / Withdraw Ansoffs Matrix Products, existing and new (PEN) Markets, existing and new (MEN)

Limitations Unclear definition of industry Defines advantage in terms of position not

resources Lack of empirical evidence Ignores middle ground Restricts firm to position in present industry Requires perfect information

Vertical Integration
Advantages Economies of combined ops Economies of control and coordination Avoiding the market Tap into technology Disadvantages Increased operational gearing Reduced flexibility to change partners Capital investment needs Disadvantages No additional benefit to shareholders through synergies No operating advantages

Market Penetration (cost reductions,

price reductions, advertising, minor product modifications) Product Development (exploit existing customers, RnD, buy-in and badge, JVs, Licensing) Market Development (new markets such as foreign markets, new segments such as adult to child or industrial to consumer) Diversification (related = vertical integration or unrelated = conglomerate


Advantages Flexibility Quick growth Access to capital Portfolio effect Avoidance of antimonopoly legislation

Risks Product Market Operations and management Financial

Darren Sparkes, 2010

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Quick Lower risk Overcomes barriers to entry Same number of competitors Can block a competitor Possible synergies Possible under-valuation of target

Purchase premium Integration issues o Systems o People o Culture Synergies do not materialise Reputation of target

No premium for assets People development Staged investment Established culture Introduction of new technology and systems easier Possibility of grants

Slow Increases number of competitors Overcoming barriers to entry No opportunity for synergies Higher risk

Acquisition Possible synergies

Market Economies of scale Shared activities Surplus assets Vertical integration Skills transfer Dilution of risk Reduced power of buyers/suppliers Tax advantages

Acquisition versus Organic growth

Organic Growth Divestment

Quick Higher price due to strategic value

Method of Growth?


Gives shareholders an exit route Management can focus on core areas Two companies can develop separate identities

Joint Venture
Separate business entity with equity form two or more businesses

Joint Development Methods Licensing

Giving the right to exploit brand, recipe, process etc for a share of the profits Quick growth Access to competences Less financial risk/outlay Overcome product, market, operational risk May lose competences Train future competitors Brand infection Operational and contractual disputes Ownership of assets Sharing of profits

Management Buyout (MBO)

Consider On-going involvement of holding company Why is holding company selling? Loss of Holding company help, e.g. technical support, finance services Quality of management team Price Personal risk, e.g. home at risk? Darren Sparkes, 2010

Strategic Alliance
Long-term agreement to share knowledge, competences, technology for mutual benefit

Giving the right to exploit a business method/model in return for a capital sum plus a share of the profits. Franchisor usually provides support e.g. marketing, training, technical ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Problems: Definition of axes Definition of market No account of complimentary goods Assumes high market share = advantage

Directional Policy Matrix


Business Sector Prospects Average Phased withdrawal Proceed with care Proceed with care Growth Growth Attractive

BCG Matrix
High High Market growth Low Relative market share Low Weak Withdrawal Double or quit

STAR Build then Hold Losses to profits, negative to positive cash CASH COW Hold then Harvest Profits and positive cash

PROBLEM CHILD Build or Divest Losses, negative cash DOG Harvest then Divest Profits to losses, positive to negative cash

Companys Competitiv Avge e capabilities Strong

Phased withdrawal

Try harder

Cash Generation Leader


Public Sector Portfolio Matrix

High High Public need & Funding effective ness Low Public sector Star Political hot box Value for money Low

Portfolio Analysis
Market Attractiveness/SBU Strength matrix
Business strength/Competitive position

Golden Fleece

Back drawer issues discontinue

Strong Enhance Lead Diversify Re-invest Avoid me too Differentiate Re-invest Segment focus Seek advantage

Average Hold leadership Leverage strengths Use EOS Segment between growth and harvest Harvest through sale of business

Weak Maintain leadership In attractive segments Harvest Price-up Cut costs Line pruning Divest/Liquidate

Low High Ballast

Opportunities to add value Heartland Edge of Heartland



Long-term Industry attractiveness


Ability to Add value Low Low Alien Territory Value trap

Ashridge Portfolio Display Corporate Parents

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Is the proposed strategy suitable for the present situation and circumstances of the organisation? i.e. Is it suitable given the SWOT analysis?

Will the proposed strategy meet the objectives of the organisation and, therefore, be acceptable to the major stakeholders?

Has the organisation got, or can it get, the necessary resources to carry out the strategy?

Risk `

Strategic Choice (SAF) Strategic Drift

Strategy Environment


Types of Change
Transformation Incremental Speed of Change Big Bang Revolution Reconstruction Evolution Extent of change Realignment Adaptation

Lewins Force Field Analysis

Job Factors Personal Factors

Driving Forces

Restraining Forces Social Factors

Change Management



Organisational Factors



Supporting Mechanisms

Time Scope Preservation

Change Kaleidoscope

Readiness Capacity



Participation Education & communication Facilitation & support Negotiation Manipulation Coercion
Darren Sparkes, 2010

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Implementation Issues
Customer needs Target Markets

Coordinated marketing


Marketing Strategy

Analyse environment and competitors PEST / Porters five forces

Kotlers Four Pillars A I D A Marketing identify, anticipate and satisfy customer requirements
Production Product Sales

Market Segmentation and Target Market

division of the market into homogenous groups of potential customers who may be treated similarly for marketing purposes Geographic Demographic o Age o Gender o Income o Family life-cycle Social class Psychological Education Hobbies Undifferentiated Differentiated Concentrated

Awareness Interest Desire Action Communications Mix: Advertising Sales promotion Public relations Personal selling

Physical Evidence Processes People

Firms orientation


Promotion 7 Ps Marketing Mix 4Ps Price

set of controllable marketing variables used to produce desired response in the target market


Distribution channels Market coverage Outlet locations Warehousing

Marketing Research
systematic gathering, recording and analysing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services

Price levels Discounts Allowances Payment terms Delivery options

Product qualities Features, options, range, warranty, branding, packaging

Field Research (Primary data) Interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, experiments, Test marketing

Desk research (secondary data) Internal Accounts, Sales reports, Customer complaints External CSO reports, Business monitors, Trade journals, newspapers

Product Life Cycle Product to meet needs

Product mix

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Implementation Issues Divisional Entrepreneurial

Fast decisions Responsive to market Congruence No career structure No autonomy Single product & market

Economies of scale Specialists with some autonomy Career structures Frees up entrepreneur Slow decisions (bureaucratic) Functional silos Few products & markets

Centralised vs Decentralised S T O P T I E S
Strategy Technology Objectives People

Multiple products & markets Autonomy for SBU managers Training of SBU managers Frees up senior managers Focus on specific products/markets Loss of congruence? Duplication of effort Isolation of SBU managers

Breakdown of silos Shared knowledge Skill development Innovation and creativity Dual command Dilution of functional authority Time consuming meetings

Types of Structure

Network Organisation

Virtual Organisation

Planning and control

Tasks Ideology Environment Size

Advantages: Frees senior management Better local decisions Better motivation Flexibility Training/career path

Direct supervision Planning processes Performance management Internal market Culture Self-control

Organisational Structure
Managing Business Units

External Relationships

Mintzbergs Structural Configurations

Strategic Apex Middle Line Operating core Technostructure Support Staff

Reduced cost Skill shortages Flexibility Focus on core business Loss of control Supplier dependency Confidentiality Loss of in-house skills

Strategic Planning co.s

Synergy Manager

Simple structure = entrepreneurial Machine bureaucracy = functional Professional bureaucracy = decentralised Divisional form Adhocracy = matrix

Disadvantages: Loss of control Loss of congruence Duplication of effort Extra costs of control

Financial Control co.s

Portfolio Manager

Strategic Control co.s

Parental Developer Darren Sparkes, 2010

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Country specific costs Economies of scale Cost advantages

Political Influences

Acquire resources Expand sales Diversify sources of sales & supply


Legal Economic

Convergence of Markets

Reasons for growth in international business


Trend to Global products

Objectives of international growth

General risks


Competitive Forces

Low capital outlay Low risk Can learn about market May not meet customer needs Perceived lack of commitment High distribution costs

The International Market Place

Methods of International Expansion

Joint Venture & Franchising

Access to local resources Reduced national sentiment Shared capital input Access to competences and knowledge Shared profits Lose competences Train competitor Operational disputes

Perceives foreign markets as similar to domestic market Products & marketing mix constant Standardisation to save time and money Supply-driven policy

See overseas market as distinctive Customised products and marketing mix Increased overseas sales volumes BUT Fewer EOS giving higher costs, so volumes not turned into profits

Standardise wherever possible, e.g. RnD, Branding Market convergence may allow standardised product BUT Demand-driven Customised marketing mix where necessary = GLOCAL

Foreign Direct Investment

Closer to market Retain profits More control Reduced operational conflicts High financial risk Staffing decision Integration difficulties STAFFING Overcomes lack of host skills, unified culture, Transfers competencies Resentment by host, single cultural view Multi-cultural view, inexpensive Limits career mobility, isolates HQ from subsidiaries

Efficient use of HR, builds strong culture and management network Subject to National immigration policies, expensive Darren Sparkes, 2010

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus


Transition Implementation Issues

Low High Process Complexity Dynamics Low Strategic Importance High

Process Re-engineering

Complex but not core competence - Outsource Static / commodity Outsource/Automate Minimum resources

Complex & dynamic High strategic value for advantage - Process Improvement Static but valuable - automate for efficiency

Process Redesign

Process Improvement

Planning Improving Processes

Harmons Process-Strategy Matrix

Gaps & disconnects Failures in communication Value -added analysis Eliminate non-value added activities

Business Process Change

Interviews Questionnaires Observation Documenting tools Workshops Protocol Analysis Prototyping

Simplification Eliminate duplicated activities

Process Measures

Feedback control systems

Software Solutions Systems Development Life Cycle Action Establish business needs Design & Select Software

TARA Review Targets

Staff training Installation File conversion Testing

Weighting and Scoring Quality of Support User Friendliness Ability to meet needs Compatibility/Integration Costs Supplier factors



Software System Project


ACCA P3 Business Analysis

Generic Solutions Speed Cost Risk Support Unique needs Supplier power Compatibility/Integration No advantage These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Implementation Issues
Value chain Generic strategies

Barriers Technophobia Security Set-up costs Running costs Limited opportunities Limited resource Disinterested customers


Integrated E-commerce Porters Five Forces E-commerce

Strategic Context

WebPresence Push vs Pull

Customer Relationship Management Customer Life Cycle 6 Is Integration Industry structure Independent locations Individualisation Intelligence Interactivity Downstream (Customers)

Information Technology
Supply Chain Management
Upstream (Suppliers) Risks

Push = Supplier led Pull = Customer led

E-sourcing E-procurement






Retention -Recency -Frequency -Monetary value 7Ps 4Ps People Processes Physical evidence

Switching costs Disintermediation Re-intermediation Updates Communication User community Tracking preferences Customisation


Technology Organisational No cost savings


ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Internal External Appraisal Costs (PAF) Failure

Implementation Issues
Commitment Communication Quality Standards Competence

Quality Certification


6 Cs
Customers Continuous improvement

Proactive Quality Assurance Reactive Quality Control

Fitness for Use

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Get it right first time


Level 1 Performed process Level 2 Managed process Level 3 Defined process Level 4 Quantitatively Mangd Level 5 Optimising process

Six Sigma Quality Software
Key Requirements Problem Solving Process (DMAIC) 3.4 defects in 1 million

Team Roles

6 Cs
Master Black belt

The V Model
Test Plans

Define Measure Analyse Improve

6 Sigma Champion Implementation Leader Black Belt

Requirement spec Functional spec System Design Unit Design

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

A C S S I s C C T C s Coding s s

Acceptance testing System testing Integration testing Unit testing

Green Belt Control

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Darren Sparkes, 2010


Implementation Issues
Technological Operational Economic Social Tolerate / Accept Treat / Reduce Transfer / Insure Terminate / Avoid Risk Quality Project Initiation Document


Purpose Scope Deliverables Costs Time Objectives Stakeholders Org structure Time

Critical Path Analysis

SWOT Feasibility Project Appraisal

Time Sponsor Manager Team



Quality Resources Evaluation Dissemination Exit Sustainability

Work Breakdown Structure

Tie up loose ends Compare PID to Outcome Formally terminate project Ensure Completed

Project Management (IPECC)

Monitor And Control


Execution Completion
Put plan into action

Final report & audit

Project Leader TARA

Evaluate performance

Smooth handover Corrective Action Adjust Plan Complexity Risk Cost Frequency

Project Initiation Document

Fast Track Crashing Motivation

Motivation Planning Co-ordination Communication Problem solving Change Mgt Budgeting Meetings

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

Increase resource These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Competitive Strategy

Strategic funding Self generated income Developmental funding Cost minimisation Apportion overheads to projects

Management R&D Support Services

Cost Gearing Control Security Cash flow Availability Exit routes

Core Funding Investment Strategy Financial Strategy

Core Costs Considerations

Retained earnings Ordinary shares

Not for Profit Organisations Strategy

ROCE Payback Traditional Methods


Financing Decisions


Pref shares



Role of Finance
Investment Appraisal Ratios
Discounted cash flow techniques NPV IRR Asset turnover ROCE Receivables Payables Inventory Revenue/employee Profitability

Debentures Loans HP/Leasing Overdraft Trade Creditors

ROCE Gross/Net Margin ROE

Efficiency Current ratio Quick ratio

Liquidity Inter-firm comparison Limitations Accounting policies Bias by large/small firms Unrepresentative avge Industry classifications Financial periods Limitations Only comparative Inflation Definitions Accounting policies Availability of info Historical

Gearing Dividend cover Interest cover EPS PE ratio

Investor ratios

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Problem: no account taken of invested capital used to generate profits Examples Gross margin Net margin Cost % sales Profit

Return On Investment (ROI)

PBIT X 100 = % CE

Residual Income (RI)

PBIT (CE x imputed interest rate) RI

Profit Related Measures

Relative Measure % Absolute Measure s

Longer-term measures More difficult to manipulate Measures determinants and results Promotes goal congruence Includes stakeholders

Review and Control

The Balanced Scorecard
Financial Perspective

Sub-optimal investment decisions Deplete capital assets too early

Absolute measure poor for performance comparisons

Joint issues when used in isolation

Internal Business Perspective Backwards looking measures Short-termist decisions Open to easy manipulation of discretionary costs and capital employed

Potential Drawbacks
Measures conflict with each other Requires cultural change Overload paralysis by analysis Time and cost No obvious relationship with shareholder wealth

Customer Perspective Learning & Growth Perspective

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Identify CSFs Identify competences required for CSFs Develop KPIs for competences Measure competence Take action continuous improvement

Conclusion Financial measures should not be used in isolation to measure performance but should be combined with non-financial measures.

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


Implementation Issues
Current & future HR needs Trait Style Contingency Situational

Exploitative autocratic Benevolent authoritative Participative Democratic

HR Gap

Labour supply

Charismatic Transformational Transactional

Current HR position

Communication Teamwork Delegation Motivation Trust

Classical Likert's Management Styles Performance Potential Training

HR Planning

Strategic and coherent approach

Leadership Recruitment

Learning organisation


Knowledge Management

Workplace Learning

Strategy and People

Job design Reward Management

Assessment & Appraisal


Competency Frameworks

Performance Measurement

Scientific Mgt Job enrichment Japanese Mgt BPR Teamwork Succession planning Categories Levels Design Issues Techniques Strategic alignment

Confrontation Judgement Chat Bureaucracy Event Unfinished business

Analyse behaviour Recruitment Training needs Manage performance Benchmarking

Considerations: Fair & consistent Motivation Reward performance Recognise job factors Control salary costs

Employee ranking Rating scales Checklists Critical incident method Free reporting Performance contract BARS Appraisal interviews

ACCA P3 Business Analysis

These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus

Darren Sparkes, 2010


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