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Osei Sarfo-Kantanka

Definition & related terms

History and Examination Clinical Presentation

Differential diagnosis

Definition & related terms

Vomiting of gross blood derived from any source

proximal to ligament of trietz Hematochezia Melaena

i) Was it blood: if so was it coughed vomited? ii) What form and severity of blood loss iii) What is the state of health immediately before and

after bleeding? iv) Is there rectal blood loss? v) What symptoms accompany the blood loss vi) What are the possible causes of bleeding Is it benign or malignant? Is it from cirrhosis alcoholic ????how long Effect on other systems GIT, RS, CVS, CNS, GUS



Duodenal ulcer Gastric ulcer Liver cirrhosis Arthritis Any recent operation DVT & PE As above Alcohol intake Smoking

General state Anaemia, dehydration? Lymphadenopathy? Signs of Liver disease spider naevi, palmer erythema, gynaecomastia, clubbing, testicular atrophy Abdomen distended with ascitis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly PR malaena stools, blood stain stools, rectal masses.

Portal hypertension
Hepatic portal vein, splenic vein, celiac trunk, superior

mesenteric, inferior mesenteric veins. Portal pressure: Portal vein and hepatic vein >5mmHg Portosystemic anastamosis left gastric vein and azygol vein esophageal varix

Peptic Ulcer: Breach in epithelial surface of esophageal, stomach, duodenum H pylori infection NSAID alcohol Smoking Stress Zollinger-Ellision syndrome

OTHER CAUSES Esophagitis Eesophageal Ca Inflammatory bowel disease Mallory Weiss tear Hypertensive gastropathy Gastric Carcinoma Angiodysplasia Dieulafoy lesion Hemangioma Deodenitis Coagulopathy Aorta -enteric fistula

Initial evaluation A B C Mild bleed normal BP, normal pulse, normal respiration, state of mucosa ,< 15% Severe bleed weak, BP, orthostatic hypotention? Tachypnoeic, an uric, > 15% Large ball cannula CBC, PT, INR, Urea, Creatinine, liver enzymes Grouping and crossmatching Normal saline Blood replacement 15 31 PCV

Endoscopy (within 24 hrs) Peptic ulcer IV PPI Topical treatment Injection treatment Mechanic treatment Thermal treatment Surgical treatment

Portal hypertenson
Baloon tamponade Band ligation

IV octreotide IV telipressin

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