Nur 207 CTQ 8

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RUNNING HEAD: Endocrine and Anti-diabetic drugs

Endocrine and Anti-diabetic Drugs Nur 207 CTQ 7

1. Type 2 DM is becoming more prevalent in the obese population. Discuss the different treatment options and indications for pharmacological interventions?

RUNNING HEAD: Endocrine and Anti-diabetic drugs

Treatment options include close monitoring of diet (high protein, low sugar diet) and regular exercise (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.790). Indications for pharmacological interventions include oral antidiabetic drugs. About 1/3 of these patients need drugs to control theyre hyperglycemia (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.790). Patients with this type of diabetes must have some pancreatic functions so that these drugs may stimulate these cells to release insulin or they alter the metabolic response to hyperglycemia. (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.790).

2. Discuss the ethics in the use of OTC Human Growth Hormone. Over the counter Human Growth Hormone raises many ethical issues. One would be if it should be made available over the counter. If made available would people take it for the right reasons? Would they exploit it for ulterior motives for example enhancing physical looks rather than for a deficiency? Would certain parities with a lot of money buy the entire supply and sell it at a much higher price after gaining a monopoly. Not to mention the side effects of this drug. We must weigh the benefits and burdens of the side effects when prescribing or recommending the drug. (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.772-773.)

3. List the common side effects and the contraindications for the use of the glucorticoids. Common side effects: increased blood sugar, abnormal fat deposits in the face and the trunk, decrease in extremity size, muscle wasting, edema, sodium and water retention, hypertension, euphoria, thinned skin with purpura, increased intraocular pressure, peptic ulcers and growth retardation. (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.784).

RUNNING HEAD: Endocrine and Anti-diabetic drugs

Contraindications: These types of drugs are contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity , psychosis, fungal infections and caution is indicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2009 p.784).

RUNNING HEAD: Endocrine and Anti-diabetic drugs Bibliography Kee, J. L., Hayes, E.R., McCuistion, L. E. (2009). Pharmacology A Nursing Process Approach. St. Louis, MO, (772-773, 784, 790)

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