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IPPD FORM 2: Review of the Accomplished IPPD

This Form has been developed to support a Review Process of the accomplished individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD). The School Head and Department Heads/Coordinators should review the IPPD completed by the teachers.

Rating Guide: Numerical Rating Interpretation Description 4 Very High Extent In a very significant way 3 High Extent In a meaningful way 2 Low Extent In a limited way only 1 Very Low Extent Not in a meaningful way Use the scale above to evaluate the extent to which the accomplished IPPD adheres to the following standards: To what extent. 1 1. does the IPPD goal focus on improvement of school effectiveness and learning outcomes? does the IPPD focus on the mandated functions, competency standards for the profession and the development priorities of the 2. school, national goals and trust? does the IPPD adhere to the following SMART standards: 3. - Specific and focused on learners and school priorities? - Measurable progress and accomplishments through a monitoring and evaluation scheme? - Attainable and results-oriented? - Relevant strategies appropriately connected to goals and objective? - Time-bound within targets but flexible to afford revisions and updates? 4. 5. does the IPPD reflect andragogical (adult learning) methodologies/activities that are known to be effective in attaining the IPPD goal and objective? does the IPPD reflect a process that is embedded in the practice of learning profession

Name: ______________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________

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