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Madarszn Plfy Erika Senior CRM Consultant


Hungary Date of Birth: 1977

Economist (Business Administration Faculty, information management, marketing communication, excellent grade, Diploma dissertation: Electronic commerce in Hungary) Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, 2000 (In 1995 I have written perfect Math with no mistake and got max. points) Computer Programmer Kalmr Lszl Secondary School of Computing, 1995


Hungarian English German

Native Advanced (intermediate examination, type C, in use) Basic (intermediate examination, type C, not used)

Professional Experience
Profile Customer Relationship Management, SAP-CRM, business/IT consultancy, strategic planning, change management, project management 02/2006 - to date IBM Global Services, Global Business Services, Hungary Senior Consultant 01/2003 - 01/2006 Major Management Consulting Company IBM Business Consulting Services, Hungary Consultant 09/2000 - 12/2002 Leading International Consultancy Firm PwC Consulting, Hungary Consultant Assignment History 02/2011- to date IBM Services Business Unit Integration Team Project manager of Bid and Proposal Process transition program for CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) and MEA (Middle East and Africa) regions CRM process support for Siebel Sales Stages 4,5,6 Analysis of bid management process solutions Process redesign, reporting capabilities assessment
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Career History

Global Services Global Business Services

and comparison, proposals for solution Change management, user acceptance Change readiness study, SWOT analysis of new opportunity support tool to gain management commitment New standard CRM process adaptation including opportunity approval tracking, claim code request Role mapping, confirmation of responsibilities Change agent briefing, stakeholder management Role-based training localization Data Quality enhancement, report (Excel) pivot table customizations, data mappings Reporting fixes, data flow tests and amendments, spend controlling via automatic alerts Process simplification, cost reduction 10/2010- to date IBM Hungary GBS Portal Development Initiative Marketing specialist 11/2010 - 12/2010 Groupama Garancia Data Warehouse development projects Data Security & Privacy specialist, mentor 03/2010-09/2010 IBM Czech Republic Business Control Team; Data Security & Privacy specialist; CRM QA Mentoring PMs in project self assessments; proactive reviews, remediation, risk management Ensure compliance with our CRM processes, security and data handling (Business Sensitive Information, Personal Information) policies, industry standards Quality Assurance (project management + methodology + SAP + CRM) 07/2009-03/2010 ING Insurance Partner Portal Development Contribution as Senior Business Consultant: Functional Specifications, data migration Unit test planning, testing

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User Manual, Bug fixing coordination, documentation 05/2009-09/2009 IBM GBS Global CFO Study 2010 Interviewer Contribution: 4 interviews with chief financial leaders Hungarian version of the show cards and questionnaire


Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. Retail CRM strategy (Customer Relationship Management) as a senior CRM expert Contribution: Refined the CRM methodology of the client based on the CRM Done Right framework and Reference model (best practices and benchmarks of IBM) Participation in the CRM maturity assessment (interviews, Diagnostic study and presentation) Secure the operative methodology basics of doing the CRM strategy developing project right and in the highest possible quality Responsibility for the Information management dimension of the maturity assessment


IBM GBS (internal project) Updating the GBS site (from my initiative) Contribution: Coordination Updating the CRM page (text, pictures, links)


IBM GBS (internal project) Business Partner Sales Kit; GBS part


IBM GBS (internal project) GBS solutions campaign; SAP Release Change SMB DM campaign and GBS case studies (Dreher) Contribution: Target group-refinement, mailing-list update Assemble of the information package to be sent DM-letter and creative flyer wording based on a
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Swiss model Editing an internet landing-page and the GBS solutions page with additional information to provide integrated marketing communication Writing the Dreher case study for weekly advertisement in Figyel and HVG 03/2006-09/2006 Raiffeisen Bank Rt. BCM (Business Continuity Management) implementation; project manager; senior business consultant, banking expert Contribution: Project management, administration, professional support BCM planning according to the RZB directives and the BCM policy of the Bank Writing the BCM implementation plan Interviews (11 interview with the key areas) to select the critical processes of the Bank Process mapping to Peregrine database Forming the Business administration, writing CEO directions, BCM-manuals Coordination of the old BCM database review, gathering plans, updating them 11/2005- 12/2005 HVB Rt. CRM Program Contribution: Quick Win project 10: Development and popularization of the website and the intranet: research, writing a study and a presentation International and Hungarian benchmarking based on studies, methodology and own research Identification of 3-3 development phase / generation according to the level of functionality Analysis of the portal of the 6 competitor and HVB, gathering of missing functions Searching of supportable jobs, proposing to create a role-specific view and a document repository

6/2005- 9/2005

HVB Rt. CRM Conceptual Study Contribution: Refinement of the CRM Maturity Model of IBM: splitting of the 27 capabilities to clear, basic
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elements Participation in the leading of the CRM maturity assessment interviews (28) and workshops (12), gathering and digesting of the results Drawing the actual CRM Maturity Profile and CRM vision of HVB, framing the CRM strategy Identification of the CRM maturity gaps between the current and the desired state I have consolidated, categorized the improvement needs and add further development proposals based on the model, experiences and best practice of IBM I made detailed proposal for the projects necessary to implement the CRM-transformation roadmap I have made a check-list of the systemimplementation requirements based on a case study of IBM and my own project experiences I compared the functionality of the Siebel application and the operative CRM solution of HVB

3/2005- 10/2005

Dreher Rt (Subsidiary of South-African Breweries) CRM 3 project: SAP Enterprise Portal, contract management, approval work-flow Contribution: I had investigated the current process and needs, partially have written the plan to modernise the approval process, advising strategic changes My responsibility was to communicate the necessary change, train the users, test the solution and write the documentation and user manual Configuration, roles and worksets, user management and authorization, groups of access

10/2004- 3/2005

Dreher Rt (Subsidiary of South-African Breweries) SAP CRM implementation (SAP CRM 4.0 version), contract management and maintenance functions I took part in the preparation of the conceptual and detailed plan I partially customized the contract management part of the system, simplified the user interfaces I also presented the conception to the client with my colleagues; my responsibility was to train the users and test the solution and write the documentation and user manual
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I made transactions, new products, users and product groups (Partner Product Ranges), changes in our developed tables according to the new customer needs After the implementation of some patches and an upgrade with various packages I tested the system and identified problems and solutions My responsibility was to do the support on my own, manage occurring SAP bugs/problems with date profiles, copy rules and handle exceptions


Dreher Rt (Subsidiary of South-African Breweries) SAP CRM implementation; 1st phase Contribution: I compiled the user manual-book and documentation


MKB, Major Hungarian commercial bank e-banking system selection group Contribution: I took part in the quest after the suppliers, in the enquiry (Request For Information and Request For Proposal), in the formation of the evaluation criteria, in the professional evaluation of the proposals Beyond the group assignments I also participated in the composition of the e-business strategy I acted as rapporteur, wrote the memos of the meetings with the professionals of the client and on inside work meetings

Other Relevant Information

Main research areas: Other, non-consultant work experience: Customer Relationship Management, web marketing, Web 2.0, e-business, marketplaces Professorial-lecturer experience I spent 2 semester as seminar leader (company management) at BUES Interviewer and pollster I interviewed 16 leaders of 4 Hungarian large company as a pollster in the "Versenyben a vilggal" (In Competition with the World) research of BUES Local Governments informatics survey (HRK eMAG; 8/2002-12/2002 at the time of maternity leave): data input and summation, statistics and research report writing about the full-range informatics surveying of the 3185
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local governments of the country Other Skills: Organizational Membership: Hobbies: Main Publications: article writing (occasionally by proxy, Npszabadsg, Heti Vilggazdasg, Figyel, Metro), photography, hiking Mongers of the Cyber Square; The Prospects of E-commerce in Hungary HVG, 6th May 2000, p. 82-85 Yourself are the key; Biometric Solutions of Identification HVG, 14th October 2000, p. 99-101 Hungarian web music HVG, 14thOctober 2000, p. 111 Interenterprise E-marketplaces HVG, 3rd March 2001, p. 67 Active and Evolving Hungarian B2B E-marketplaces at Late January 2001 HVG, 3rd March 2001, p. 68 Tricks of Advertisement in E-business HVG, 3rd March 2001, p. 79 Progress with rating to a new era Metro, 20th November 2003, p. 10 Virtual Mass Fire Figyel, 20th March 2008, p. 58-59 Knowledge Management 2.0 HVG, 20thSeptember 2008, Hl Internet supplement strong analytical skills, drive to achieve and deliver the highest quality work Hungarian Economic Society, since 1998

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