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Chapter 4

Power in World Politics

Power in World Politics

The Nature of Power: Objective and Subjective, Hard and Soft
Hans Morgenthau: power is a psychological relation Potential and Kinetic Power Role of perception Dynamic Nature of Power Relative and Situational

Objective Power
World Military Spending:
The UN Budget approximately 1.8% of world military spending or $1.6 trillion
$4 for every human being (Global Policy Forum) Followed by world spending on narcotics: $400 Billion US Supremacy

Objective Power
Military Power Continued:
Military spending, weapons: SIPRI The Future of War: Robots, Space and So On
PW Singer and next generation warfare: military robots and drones used by both state and non-state actors
Taking humans out of it: good and bad Unmanned slaughter. Who is accountable for war crimes?

Space-based weapons: orbit based Dependent to an extent on population (human and infrastructure capital)

Objective Power
Economic Power
Infrastructure: industrial base, transportation networks, scientific and technological development, information and communication systems Brazil, Russia, China, India:
Aside from the EU and Japan, these are the only challengers of the US
Huge economic growth rates (all over 5%)

Have recent events (faltering US/EU economies, Arab Spring (Syria), etc.) altered or revealed an alternate Chinese path to superpower status?

Geography and Resources

Access to sea routes, temperate weather, or militarily advantageous terrain: see Russia
Game Changers: Artic Ice Field, Technology

Strategic Resources:
Oil Coltan* Water Arable Land

People Power
Population: Long Term Projections
Size v. Territory Age Distribution Health Education


Top 10 Population
China 1.3 Billion 2. India 1.1 Billion 3. USA 307 Million 4. Indonesia 229 Million 5 Brazil 193 Million 6. Pakistan 169 Million 7. Bangladesh 162 Million 8. Nigeria 154 Million 9. Russian Federation 141 Million 10. Japan 127 Million 11. Mexico 107 Million 12. Philippines 91 Million 13. Vietnam 87 Million 14. Ethiopia 82.9 Million 15. . Egypt 82.8 Million 16. Germany 81 Million 17. Iran 72 Million 18. Turkey 74 Million 19. Thailand 67 Million 20. Democratic Republic of Congo 66 Million

World Population

World Population

By Centuries End
By 2100: India, China, USA, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Brazil, D.R Congo, Uganda, Yemen, Egypt, Philippines, Mexico, Vietnam, Niger, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan.

Soft Power
Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue soft power The US ranks first in Asia survey for every country except Vietnam, in terms of appeal thru popular culture VOA


Changing Dynamics

Conclusion: Look at Brazil

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