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-You will read a short description about Jimms routine.

After reading it, you will have to rewrite another text similar to the first one with your own information and experience. Then, send it to this e-mail.

Hi, my name is James Hoover, but everyone call me Jim. I start my day waking me up at 8 oclock in the morning. After that, I go for a power walk around my neighborhood, and then come back my house to prepare to go to school. I arrive to the musical institute at 11 a.m. and I stay there about 4 hours. Later on, I go out for a meal and see my girlfriend Marie. When it gets dark, I go home and start practice my violin and do my homework. I usually go to bed at 11 p.m. but there are sometimes I have a musical show in a restaurant near my house. That is an ordinary day for me.

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