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Travel and Tourism (T&T) - the worlds largest industry

Travel and Tourism (T&T) - the worlds largest industry

Share of world: GDP Employment % of Total

11.0 8.0

Capital Investment


A powerful engine for generating jobs and wealth

International Tourist Arrivals 2000



129.0 27.6
Africa Americas

111.9 20.6
EAP Europe Middle East

South Asia

Share of World Total International Tourist Arrivals 2000

South Asia 1% Africa 4% M iddle East 3% Slice 7 0%

Americas 18% Europe 58%

EAP 16%

Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO)

Share of World Total International Tourist Receipts 2000

South Asia 1% Africa 2% M iddle East 2% Slice 7 0%

Europe 49% Americas 29%

EAP 17%
Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO)

Average Receipts Per Arrival 2000




US $




0 World Africa Americas EAP Europe Middle East South Asia

Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO)

International Tourist Arrivals


New Zealand 1607

Growth Rate 8.2%


Growth Rate









International Tourist Receipts

US$ MLN New Zealand 2083 Growth Rate 20.7% Growth Rate











In East Asia & Pacific New Zealand has 1.6% of the Tourist Arrivals Market Share

In South Asia India Has 41.2% of the Arrival Market Share

In East Asia New Zealand has 2.8% of the Regional Tourist Receipts In South Asia India Has 65.8% of the Regional Tourism Receipts

Phenomenal Explosion of Domestic Tourism

Year 1990 Domestic 63,817,285

1999 2000

176,082,442 210,082,442

Average Length of Stay in the Country

Country India Canada Brazil France Hong Kong/China Japan Malaysia Singapore(1997) Spain Thailand Days 31.2 5.22 13.00 7.31 3.38 8.80 5.50 2.60 12.9 8.4

India - A Civilization Alive

Heritage Site Cultural Attractions Beaches / Benchmarks Health And Wellness - Yoga & Ayurveda Shopping Indian Cuisine New Experience - Meditation, Naturopathy

The Indian Tourism Product

Whats New ?

Air Links

Fast Trains

Roads And Highways

Hotels And Resorts

Recreation Facilities e.g. Golf

India - Business Opportunity

5th largest Economy (PPP) High Growth - 250 Middle Class Huge Outbound Market - Growth Huge Infrastructure Investment Opportunities 100% FDI Permitted

Tax Incentives Available

Investment Facilitation System Union Government State Government
Single Window System

India A Safe And Secure Destination - I

0.5 Million tourist arrivals September November 2001 Down turn after 11th September Disaster

India Condemns Terrorism No Un-toward incidents Now we know why terrorism has hit tourism the most. Tourism is a foe of terrorism. Whereas terrorism feeds on intolerance and arrogance, tourism breed tolerance and empathy. Terrorism seeks to erect walls of hatred between faiths and communities. Tourism breaks such barriers. Terrorism detests pluralism, whereas tourism celebrates it. Terrorism has no respect for human life. Tourism pays a tribute to all that is beautiful in nature and human life. Terrorism may have temporarily hit tourism in this metaphorical battle between the two. But tourism will make a major contribution to the eventual defeat of terrorism and all other manifestations of fanaticism.

India A Safe And Secure Destination - II

Constantly Monitoring Tourist Experiences gearing up tourist grievances redressal Tightening airport security Additional; Precautions for Tourist Security

Tourist Police
Tourist Act Many Thousand Miles / Flying Hours from Afghanistan Friendly, English, Speaking Country Union Government

Steps Taken to Accelerate Tourism Growth - I

Reduction in Entry Fee and Passenger Tax for Monuments
Over 17,000 additional international air seat capacity Maximizing use of Information Technology For Promotion Touch Screen Information Kiosks

PATA Annual Conference 2000 in Indian on 14 - 18 April

Steps Taken to Accelerate Tourism Growth - II

WTO Visit South Asia year 2003

Up-gradation of Domestic Airlines, better services and increased frequency

Communication revolution

Increase Hotel Rooms to 1,25,000 by 2002

More Budget for Overseas Marketing Being Restored

More Efficient Immigration

Response Present International Security Scenario

Restoring Confidence Rejuvenating Marketing Efforts Re-focus on Potential Market Segments Support to Tourism Industry Gearing up of Security Setting of Special Task Force for Crisis Management Monitoring of Visitor Experience (No Complaints from Tourist Whatsoever)

T&T has become a strategic priority for India and New Zealand economic growth
A fundamentally new And aggressive approach To tourism development

Has been adopted

World Travel & Tourism - The Future

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