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=============================================== C++BUILDER COMMAND LINE TOOLS RELEASE NOTES =============================================== This file contains important supplementary and late-breaking

information that may not appear in the main product documentation. We recommend that you read this file in its entirety. CONTENTS =============================================== -- PRODUCT NOTES AND ISSUES -- ONLINE HELP -- PRODUCT INFORMATION ON THE WEB PRODUCT NOTES AND ISSUES =============================================== Installing and running the Command Line Tools ----------------------------------------------1. Run freecommandlinetools.exe; choose the drive and folder into which you want to install the free C++Builder 5 command line tool development system. 2. From the bin directory of your installation: a. Add "c:\Borland\Bcc55" to the existing path b. Create a bcc32.cfg file which will set the compiler options for the Include and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to compiler) by adding these lines: -I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include" -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" c. Create an ilink32.cfg file which will set the linker option for the Lib path by adding this line: -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" Other product notes ----------------------------------------------"PSDK" (\lib\PSDK) is an acronym for the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit. ONLINE HELP =============================================== The online Help file included with this product --BCB5TOOL.HLP--describes the core functionality and options available in this edition of the product. To enhance your Help system you can add any number of files from the Borland C++Builder 5

online Help set, including the core C++Builder Help file (BCB5.HLP), Standard C++ Library Help (BCB5SCL.HLP), C++Builder Language Guide Help (BCB5LANG.HLP), the C Runtime Library Reference (BCB5RTL.HLP), and the Errors Messages and Warnings listing (BCB5ERRS.HLP). All of these files are available for free download from the Borland C++Builder documentation site at http:\\\techpubs\bcppbuilder. PRODUCT INFORMATION ON THE WEB =============================================== In addition to numerous private sites that offer C++Builder information, instruction, and samples, the following C++Builder/Inprise Web-based resources provide a continuous stream of news, product information, updates, code, and other materials. Borland Community site and CodeCentral ----------------------------------------------The Borland community is a place created by programmers, for programmers, to celebrate the joy and challenge and exhilaration of programming. We invite you to come hang out at The CodeCentral Repository is a free, searchable database of code, tips, and other materials of interest to developers. For details and registration information, visit The Borland/Inprise Web site ----------------------------------------------Borland/Inprise home page: or [IDE: Help|Borland Home Page] C++Builder home page: [IDE: Help|C++Builder Home Page] C++Builder developer support: [IDE: Help|C++Builder Developer Support] C++Builder updates and other downloads: bcppbuilder/downloads/ C++Builder documentation site: Information for C++ developers: Information for Visual Basic developers: Newsgroups: Electronic newsletter subscriptions: International list server: Worldwide offices and distributors: Inprise FTP site (anonymous access): TechFax ----------------------------------------------Technical documents are available via fax at: 1-800-822-4269 (North America) =============================================== Copyright (c) 2000 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved.

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