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Modern Greek Verbs

see , to cast a spell on

, , , 47, and
, , , 33, to
, 226, to behave with navet,
ingenuously, like a child
only in present and imperfect [i.e. verb is
defective i.e. missing the aorist system].
, , 35, to overflow with joy
/, /,
/, 73, to be
, /,
, 53, to remain good, firm
/, , 58, to love
, , , 59, to be
, , 33, to reconcile
means chiefly (rare
). Not to be confused with the
aorist forms of , to love, (
, they
finally reconciled after many quarrels vs.

, they never really liked their jobs). [the
forms are spelled differently, but they sound
the same; only the context can be used to
distinguish the meaning.]
, , 17, to requisition someone
to do a dirty job
, , , 18, to
be requisitioned...

, , 23, to touch
, , , 24, to be
touched, to touch oneself
, /, 35, to consecrate,
sanctify, canonize (a saint), bless
, , , 36, to be
usually employed only in the active voice,
but with both active and passive meaning,
e.g. , I consecrate i.e. bless
something and , I am
consecrated i.e. blessed).
, , , 55, to
engage (an artist), book, reserve, retain (a lawyer)
, , 35, to embrace, hug,
, , ,
36, to hug each other
chiefly with reciprical meaning, e.g.
, we hugged each other.
, , 3,
, , ,
4, to hang on a hook, suspend, display, harpoon

, he was adopted by the family of
the girl. [A common practice in Greece, a
form of dowry]
/, 58, to run/be out of
breath, suffocate
chiefly in present and imperfect [i.e.
defective], imperfect usually in -.
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
prick, stick; bend, curve
, , ,
73, and
/, ,
, 58, to anchor, attach
imperfect usually in -.

, , 35,
, , ,
36, to make square, fold at right angle

, 60, to be in agony
only in the pres. and imperf. [defective]
, , 35, to empty

, , 17, to contemplate, scan

/, /, 3,
/, 4, to reconcile,

, , 73, to ignore, be unaware,

, , , 74, to be

, , 35, to buy,
, , , 36, to be , 73, to be anxiously impatient
only in pres. and imperf. [defective]
, , 19, to speak in public

, , 73, to be indisposed

, 226, to resemble a boy


, , 73, to be indifferent,

, , 17, vi. to become furious, vt. to

make angry, antagonize, scare,
, , , 18, to
become afraid
in the passive voice, the verb means
( ), to become afraid,
, I am afraid.

, , 73, to wrong someone

, , , 74, to be
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, 75, to disable, hold in

see , to hear, understand

, , 73, to be inactive
/, , ,
58, to stay awake
, , 29, to seize, grab
imperf. usually -.
, , , 33, to
, , 3, to anguish,
lose weight
, , , 4, to be
stressed out
, 73, to be unable to do something
the form , 32, occurs with the same
only in pres. and imperf. [defective], not to
meaning, but only in present tense.
be confused with , to lose weight.
, 135, to lead,
only in the pres.
, ( ), 136, to be led
usually in stereotypical phrases like,
, to be led by the nose.

, , 33,
, , , 34, to fan,
ventilate, air
, 73, to be in the clouds, dreaming

, , 34, to struggle, contend


, , 73, to talk nonsense

, 73, to talk dirty, use obscene


, , , 35, to disgust,
be disgusted

, , 73,
, , ,
74, to give reasons, motivate

, , 73,
, , , 74, to break
word, promise

, , 35,
, , ,
36, to surprise, disturb

, , 73,
, , ,
74, to put a prize on a competition
, , 74, to participate in sports

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to take prisoner

, , 33,
, , , 34, to
assemble, add up

, , 74, to swing, waver

, , 73,
, ,
, , 3,
, , , 4, to acquit, , 74, 75, to immobilize
the form , 73, is sometimes used
find not guilty
only in the pres. tense, with the meaning
, I immobilize something or
/, , 70,
, I am immobilized.
, , 33,
according to the grammar by Triandiafilidis,
, , 35, to be on top, flourish
while the two forms in - and - have
in formal speech, the erudite augment
the same meaning, the aorist in -
(, ) also occurs.
, , 173,
, , 34, to
, , 73,
drench in blood
, , 74, to follow
the conjugation in -, (58, 59) also occurs
in the spoken language and in literature.
, , 73, to spill blood
Often the imperative is ,
, (), 80, to raise, lift up
, , 81
, , 33,
, , , 34, to
, , 82, to feel, sense
sharpen, whet
, 73, to talk sentimentally
/, ,
, 58, to touch, stand, lean, rest
, 73, to be optimistic
, , 83,
, , , 84, to hear,


, to make dizzy, , to
the conjugation like (40, 41)
disrupt and , to feel dizzy,
occurs rarely, e.g. , I heard
, to be disturbed (from
laughter (. , pg. 46),
excessive fuss, bother, etc.).
, laughter and
applause were heard (. , pg. 51). , , 33,
, , , 34, to salt
, , 47, to raise the price of
something, become more expensive
, , 35, to make angry,
, , 73, to speak
, , , 36,
to be startled
, , 36, to listen to,

see , to make lighter

see , to make lighter

, 73, to perform acrobatics


, , 55, to liven up

, ,
, 34, to skirmish

, , 37,
, , , 38, to grind

, , 35,
, ,
, 36, to mutilate, amputate

, , 13, and
, , 7,
, , , 14, and
, , 8, to rub, smear, coat,

, , 73, and
/, , 58, to
imperfect usually -. Is conjugated like
and occurs sometimes also in the
passive voice (,
, ) with
the meaning to receive i.e. be exposed to
(electromagnetic etc.) radiation.

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
cover with flour
- , to come true, be right
personal and impers.,
; is the rumor true that
there will be increases?
; is it true that there will be

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
nullify, cancel

, , 17, to wander about

, , 23, to cry, shout in joy

, , 19,
, /, , 20,
to fish

, , , 35, to
stupify, daze, be dazed
passive voice is not constructed because the
active voice has the meaning of both

, , 23, to change
, , , 24, to be
(ex)changed, replaced
in the passive voice, the meaning is chiefly
, to be replaced (
, ,
since the clothes have been worn, it is not
possible to replace i.e. exchange, or return
them. In the active voice, this verb has both
active and passive diathesis ( , to
change something, or , to
change oneself).


, , 73, to change or
deny one's faith

, , 7,
, /, 8, to reward,

the erudite participle is used

as an adjective meaning ,
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
make dirty, tarnish
, , 48,
, , , 49, to
blunt, take the edge off

, , 33, French: loucher

, , 73, to write to
one another, correspond

, , 73,
, , , 74, to

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
alter, falsify

, 61, to vie/contend/compete with, rival

only in pres. [defective]
, , 19,
, /,
, 20, to grant amnesty

, , 3,
, , ,
4, to alter

, , 58, to slacken, let loose,

conjugation in - is not formed.
, , , 59, to
hasten, rush

, , 1,
, , , 2,
to chain up
/, , 58, to bark
imperf. usually in -

, , 55,
, , ,
54, to package, wrap

, , 35,
, , ,
36, French: araser

, , 3, to barricade
, , , 4, to
cloister oneself

, , 33,
, , , 34, to

, , 49, vi. to defend (+ gen.),


, , 104, and
, , 50, to sin, commit an

, , 146, to doubt

, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to dispute, call in question
the conjugation in - is also constructed
in the simple, spoken language, chiefly in
the imperfect (), according
to (59). The passive present
participle is frequently
used as an adjective with the meaning
, being in dispute.

, , 35, to exult
, /, 85,
, , , 86, to
, , , 61,
, , , 59,
to become reborn, revive, invigourate
the active voice (, 60) is not

/, 20, to
waver, be uncertain

, , 35,
, , , 36,
to compel, oblige

, , 146,
, , 147, to postpone, put

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to recognize

, , 33,
, , 19,
, , ,
, /,
34, to rebaptize, baptize again
, 20, to proclaim
, , 3, to revive
, , ,
, /, 9, to look up,
35, to disgust
recover one's sight
, , 33, to
anagram, encode, abbreviate
///, 33, to
, , 13,
well up
, /,
, 35, to effervesce, dissolve forming
, 122, to inscribe
, , 135, to raise, reduce, resolve
in common use the erudite participle
, ( ), 136, to relate to, go back
, effervescent, in the expression
to, date from
, effervescent tablets (
the use of the passive aorist is rare.
pills which dissolve forming bubbles).
The imperfect is usually preferred (
) as well as the forms of the
, , 7,
subjunctive ( etc.).
, , , 8, to light,
ignite, catch fire
, , 3,
the passive voice is rarely used (except the
, , , 4,
part. , lit) and chiefly with the
to reafforest
meaning , to give
someone a light,
, /, 87,
, wood does not light
, /, 29,
easily when it gets wet.
, /,

, 88,
, , , 30, to

rare, occurring chiefly in the imperfect

, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to revivify, like

, , 17,
, , 18, to stir
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to recreate

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to rekindle

, , 19,
, 20, to reproduce, republish

, , , 17,
, , , 73, to
take fresh courage

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to restructure, reorganize

, , 33, to interdict,
prohibit, curse
, ,
, 34, to be cursed, damned
the passive participle is
used both as an adjective and as a
substantive ( someone who deserves to be
damned, cursed).

, 186,
, 131, to emit
defective in both voices.
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to reorganize

, , 44,
, ,
, 46, to reheat, defrost

, , 35,
, ,
, 36, to reduplicate

, /, 137,
, , , 138, to
charge, entrust

, , 3,
, , ,
4, to retreat, pull back

, , 73,
, , ,
74, to reconsider, revise, review

, , 60, to search through,

, , 6, to emerge, break

/, /, 219,
/, , 220, to
rear, bring up

/, , 58,
, , 73,
, , 74, to look up,
search high and low for
the conjugation according to is rare
and appears chiefly in official speech. On
the contrary, in the passive voice, the
conjugation like is common,
while the conjugation like (59) is

/, 79, to remember
defective, and is rare.
, , 76,
, , 77, to refute, revoke
, , 73,

, ,
, 74, 75, to anaesthetize

, , 73,
, , , 74, to
stir up (trouble), bring up again (a subject)

, , 33,
, , 160, to reseat, set
something upright
for the aorist in - see the note .

, , 34, French:
, , 71,
, , , 72, to

, , 33,
, , ,
34, to renovate, renew

, , 3,
, , ,
4, to announce

, , 11,
, /,
, 12, to discover, uncover, find out

, , 11,
, , 124, to cut back,

, , 76,
, , 33,
, , , 163, to , ,
recall, revoke, countermand
, 34, to relieve, ease
, , 11, to redress, correct
, , 23, to shreek, cry
, , 165,
, ,
, 166, to retake, recover,

, /, 172,
, , , 2, to
investigate, interrogate

, , 17,
, , , 18,
to mix up, stir
, -, occurs chiefly in the
spoken language.

, , 60,
, , , 61, to

, , 40, to thrust back

, , 3,
, ,
, , 3, see , to , 4, to recycle, renew
mix up, stir
, , 11, to emerge, appear, be
, , , 4,
discovered, recover, get back
to interfere, feel sick
chiefly in the 3rd. pers. sg. and pl. with the
have almost the same meaning as
meaning , , (
, but occur chiefly in the spoken
during the discussion new problems came to
, , 3,
, ,
/, /,
, 4, to recapitulate
, , ,
, , 27,
166, to undertake, take up again, recover, assume,
, /, take on
, 28, to declare (e.g. the winner)

, , 34, to recall,
deliberate, take into account

, 4, to reform, recast, reshape,


, 73, to correspond

, , 19,
, /,
, 20, to lift up with a lever (a tool)

, /, 5,
, , , 6, to
analyze, break down

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
renew, update

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
spend, devote

, , 13, to regain consciousness

, , 35,
, ,
, 36, to soften up

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to restore

/, , 58,
, , , 59,
, , , 61,
to chew well, keep on repeating

, , 135,
, , ,
136, to reproduce
, , 158,
, , 104,
, , 133,
, , 89, to

, /, 87,
, /,
/, 88, to mix
, , 178, to await, anticipate
- - ,
impersonal idiom, the forms of the present
are usually employed. Typical expression of
the telephone service, (erudite
imperative instead of )
, remain on the line, please.

, /, 19, 17,
, /,
/, 20, to have a rest
/, , 58, to jump up
, /, 37,
, , , 38,
to regenerate, recreate

, /, 186,
, ,
, 187, to broadcast

, , 42, to set sail

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to take the place of

/, , 58, to
recount, measure again
, , ,
59, to measure up against, take stock of
in the passive voice, the meaning is distinct

, /, 42, to breathe
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to turn/knock over, spill
meaning to turn something
or , to turn oneself
over, or .
Infrequently used in the passive voice, with
the meaning ,

, , 3,
, ,

someone knocked me over.

, , 59, to wonder

, , 73, to recollect, conjure up , , 44, to breathe

, , 35,
, ,
, 36, to readjust
, , 3,
, , ,
36, to raise hopes, moral
, /, 27, to develop
, ,
/, 28, to develop
the participle /
chiefly has the meaning of an adjective

, etc. ,
that which is distinguished by large
corporal or economic, political etc.
development ( , a welldeveloped child, ,
developed countries).
/, , 58, to shake,
imperf. -

, , 17, no entry
, , 3, to raise
, , ,
4, to sit up
, , 17,
, , 18, to scratch,
stir up, stoke (a fire)
, , 11,
, , 7,
, /,
, 90,
, , , 8,
to dig up, excavate
, , 35,
, ,
, 36, to refute
/, , 58, to
shiver, shake
imperf. -
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to impale

, , , 61,
, , , 59 , ,
, 4, to roll up one's sleeves,
to climb up
prepare for action
used only in the passive voice [deponent]
, /, 3, to
convalesce, rest, recover
, /, 50, to bring
, , 60,
back to life
, , , 61, to
, , , 51, to
hang up, suspend
come back to life
, 74, to be in a state of anarchy
, , 3,
only in pres. [defective]. The part.
is often used as an adjective , , ,
4, to upset, turn upside down, disrupt
, that
which is distinguished by anarchy,
, , 85,
lawlessness ( ,
, ( ), 91, to
tyrannical state).
check, stay, inhibit, suspend, disable, stop

, , 23, to sigh
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to restore by rebuilding,
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to rehabilitate
imperf. (like
, 59) in the spoken language.
, /, 137,
, , 138, to
(), , (
), 158,
(), , 133, to
reconstitute, restitute
used primarily in the aorist
, /, 27,
, ,
, 28, to pull back, retreat
, /, 217,
, , , 218, to
pull out
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to reform, reshuffle
, , 23,
, , 27,
, , ,
, /,
, 28, to stir up, shake
, /, 85, to rise, appear,
, 1,
, 2, to dissect
active and passive only in pres. [defective]

, , 60,
conjugated like , 58, in the spoken
, , , 61, to
raise in price, revaluate
, , 23, to blow up something
, /,
, 24, to blow up, explode
, , 33,
, , , 34,
to compound interest
, /, 9, to upset,
, , 180, to capsize,
/, /, 219,
/, , 220, to
rear, bring up
, /, 31, to refer, go
back to
, , 35, to shiver, shutter,
have goose bumps
, , 3,
, , , 4,
to reprint
, , 225, to appear, arise
, /, 217, to refer to,
mention, quote, cite
, , 218, to refer, relate
, 22, to catch fire
usually defective
, 6, to reappear, arise
, , 73, to cry out
, , 33,
, , ,
34, to check, restrain

, , 73, to set out, leave
, , 73, to retry in court
the forms in -, - have prevailed, and the
forms in - (see also ) are not
used. Consequently, since equivalent forms
in - do not exist, we add to the aorist
stem ( etc.)

, ,
, 74, 75, to make oneself
, , 214, to ascend, climb, rise
, , 35,
, , ,
36, to supply

, ,
, 33, to become red in the
face from excitement, exertion

, /, 32, to tolerate,

/, 4, to become a man,
grow up

, , 73, to worry

, , , 35, to take/put
something up
, , , 92, to mount,
is used as the passive of ,
, the
National theater mounted a new production
a new production was mounted at the
National theater.

, , , 33, to flower, bloom,

the passive voice occurs in
rhembetic music meaning ,
" ", to perceive i.e. "smell

, , 93, to belong
, , 33, to go uphill

, 159, to resist
only in pres. [defective]

, , 35, to move up
and down

, , 73,
, , ,
74, to select the best specimens, anthology

, , 92, to climb
up and down, cavalcade

, 73, to bring flowers


, /, 143,
, , , 144, to
raise, erect

, , 17, to civilize, become

primarily with passive diathesis, to become
civilized (find a job, start a family, join the
human race!)

, , 5,
, , , 41,
renflouer un navire
, , 33, to flap, be ruffled, wave
to move something (like a flag) or to be
moved by the air. The passive voice
which appears in the dictionary
is very rare (see , 34, to have
a premonition).

, , , 73, to flower,
blossom, flourish
according to Triandafilidis, when the two
forms of the pres. - and - have the
same meaning, then the aorist in -
applies. We believe that the rule does not
apply in the case of and ,

because their meaning is not the same.
, but not , also has the meaning
of , to flourish, prosper, e.g industry
flourishes in large European cities.

, , , 4, to
meet, come across
many times has the same
meaning as , e.g.
( ), we will
meet each other soon.

, , 73,
, , , 74,
to recollect, relate
, , 71,
, ,
, 72, to reflect
, , 19,
, /,
, 20, to detect, scout
, , 73, to demand a refund
, , 1, to open and
close, blink, wink, bat eyes
, , 21,
, , , 22, to open
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to rebuild
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
stand upright
, , 73, to commit an
impious act
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, 75, to immunize, vacinate
, , 34, to rival,
conflict (with)
, , 27,
, , 23,
the erudite augment ,
also occurs in formal style of speech.
, /,
, 95,
, , ,
24, to exchange, trade, swap

, , 60, to realize
the pres. is also conjugated like (58)
in the spoken language.
, , , 186,
, , ,
187, to return
, , 2, to respond,
reflect, fulfill
, , , 35, to be
covered, become cloudy, stormy
, primarily with passive value
I was seized i.e. captured by the mist
(fog, mist, disturbance, disorder).
, , 17, to become a
rebel/partisan, revolt

personal and impers.
, to be contra-indicated
, , 214, to cope,

, , 138, to
, , 7,
, /, 8, to counterattack
, , 60,
, , 3,

, , 151, to wish in return,


French: souhaiter a son tour

, , 31, to be resistant, be hardwearing, withstand
in the simple spoken language and in
literature, the passive pres. is also used,
primarily in the 3rd. pers. (
, ; how much can
the real truth stand, the magic? .
, pg. 53).
, , 73, to resound, reverberate
, to go against, be
contrary to
imperf. - , impersonal.
, , 23, to resound, resonate,
, , 13,
, /,
, 122, to copy

primarily as a substantive, ,
the thing, object, aim.
, , 33, to see, be opposite,
, , 40,
, , ,
41, to repulse, refute
, , 73, to echo
, , 166, to notice,
see through, be aware of, understand
, , 94, to object, retort, say the
, 32, to fight against, detest
, , 33,
, , 34, to resist,

, , 85,
, ( ), 91, to
distinguish, differentiate
the use of the aorist is rare: it usually occurs
in the subjunctive ( etc.).

/, , 58, to answer
imperf. usually -

, , 73, to argue in court

, , 146,
, , 147, to
compare, collate

, , 73, to dislike

, , 71, to be opposed/react to
the conjugation in - (like , 68)
, /, 137,
also occurs sometimes in the simple, spoken , , 138, to
oppose, compare, confront
, , 158,
, , 133, to
replace, substitute, stand in for

, , 27,
, 28, to array against

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to reflect

, , 214, to pass by of
over, ignore, escape

, to be opposed
impersonal, defective, the participle is used

, , 74, to usurp
/, 20, to be in

the present participle is
primarily used as an adjective,

newspapers which exercise opposition.
, , 19,
, 20, to represent, exemplify

, , 172, to object (to a

, , 138, to be opposed
, to contradict oneself
found only in the expression
, to say one thing, then another.
, , 33, to reflect, shine, be

, , 172,
, 188, to make a counterproposal
passive usually in pres. only, [defective]

, , 73, respond to a speech

/, /, 7,
no entry

, 226, (of a woman) to look or act like

a man

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to balance, compensate,

, 73, to be impatient

, , 207, to resist
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to correlate, match up
, 73, to be equivalent
defective. the meanings of the two verbs are
not the same. means to
place something in opposition to something
else i.e. compare two things, while
to correspond, be equivalent
to something.
/, 20, to
conflict with, be bad for
, , 13,
, , ,
210, to reverse, change
, /, 27, to
array against, oppose

, , 73,
, , , 74, to pump,
find, draw

, , 3,
, , , 4, to lift,
, 33, to be worth, deserve, merit
defective, and impers. .
, , 73,
, , , 74,
to judge, evaluate
the conjugation of the imperfect in -
(e.g. ) according to
, 59, also occurs in the simple,
spoken language.
, , 73,
, , , 74,
75, to make the most of, use, exploit, leverage
, , 3, to judge worthy
, , 4, to manage, accomplish
in the passive voice, the meaning is distinct,
and the verb means , to

accomplish, succeed in. (
[. ,
pg. 106], why also this race victory not
, 73, to speak vaguely, imprecisely
, /, 85,
, , , 86,
to recite
, , 35, to protect oneself
from the wind
, ,
, 4, to free oneself from the
influence of another
, /, 17, 19,
, /,
, 20, to forbid, prohibit
impers. , it is prohibited.

, , 73,
, , 74, to demand, require
, , 13,
, /,
, 14, to surpress, abolish, nullify
, , 27,
in official style also the internal augment
(, ).
, /,
, 95, to deliver, release, absolve,
relieve (of duties)
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to expropriate
, , 48,
, , , 49, to
soften, temper, attenuate
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to calcify, carbonize

/, , 58, to answer,
reply, respond
, , 33, to hang someone
, , , 59, to get
, , , an answer, reply, response
34, to hang oneself
, , , 61, to be
, , 135,
primarily with the meaning
, ( ), 136, to abduct,
to be found (in the text etc.). is often
carry off, kidnap
used with the same meaning.
is also used in the present tense of
the simple, spoken language (see the similar , , 197,
phenomenon in , to confiscate,
, , 3, to disdain, think
which comes from the aorist of , to
, , 73,
, , 33,
, , ,
, ,
74, to count, enumerate
, 35, to immortalize
, , , 59, to
from the words + ,
consequently the is kept, (and not
, , 33, to form, compose
, , , 34, to

be made up of, consist
, , 73, to employ, concern,
distract, occupy
, , ,
74, to be busy with
(like , 59) also in
the simple, spoken language.
/, , 58, to cheat, deceive
, , , 59, to be
cheated, deceived
, , , 61, to be in
error, mistaken
has a different meaning than
(primarily in stereotypical
expressions like, , if I am
not mistaken or ..., you are
mistaken if... etc.).

, 4, to be set free
the participle, , is used as
an adjective with the meaning to be free
of social conventions, biases.
, , 33,
, , , 34, to
, , 73,
, , ,
74, French: brader
, , 73, to talk alot
, /, 73, to go on strike
, , 214, to depart

, /, 48, to deliver
, , 49, to address,
write, appeal, apply to
, /, , 60,
the perfect participle occurs only as a
to tire, become sick of
substantive, , the rectum,
, 71,
, from , aorist of the , 151, to wish not to happen
AG , to escape.
, , 73, to be insubordinate , 82, to detest
, , 73, to be disobediant
, , 33, to represent, portray , (), 190, to be far
, , ,
, 73, to echo
34, to be reflected
, , 73, to threaten
, , , 74, to be
, , 3,
, , , 4, to put
the conjugation like , 59, also
occurs in the simple, spoken language,
principally in the imperfect ().
, , 73,
, , ,
, /, 96,
74, 75, to simplify
, , 97, to expel
, , 3, to set free
, ,

, /, 19, 17,
, /,
, 20, to simplify

, , 3,
, , , 4, to hang,
put, spread, hold out
, (
), 145, to prove
, , 146,
, , 147, to reject, bring
up, give off

with the meaning , to end up

as, lead to, to reach some state or
, to become worse.
, /, 19, 17,
, /,
, 20, to let down
, , 13,
, /,
, 122, to take an inventory, a census

, , 35,
, , ,
36, put ashore, drop off

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to strip, plunder, lay bare

(), , 3, to die
principally aorist, , which keeps
the augment even when it is not accented.

, /, 87,
, /, 29, to prove,
, /,
/, 88,
, , , 30, to
be proven to be
the erudite participle
principally in phrases like,
], it has been demonstrated that the
Earth revolves around the Sun (describing
ways of behaving, appearing etc. which
often apply, i.e. whose frequent appearance
has been shown in practice.)

, , 3, to make stupid
, ,
, 4, to become stupid
, , 9, to aim at, aspire to, rely
found principally in the present with the
meaning . In the aorist, it must
not be confused with which is used
only in the expression,
dispared after sterile attempt, wait.
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
get into the air
a contemporary metaphor meaning
, to carry away, charm,
, to elevate, exalt, e.g.
, !,
the show is amazing, it lifts you high, i.e.
makes you look great!
, , 33, to become afternoon
(), /, 121, to become,
get worse, be undone
the aorist is found as and ,

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to decimate
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to index (on cards)
, , 19,
, 20, to release, unblock,
, /, 32, to
accept, admit

, , 73, to migrate

, /, 137,
, , 138, to deposit, set aside

, /, 186,
, ,
/, 187, to attribute,
ascribe, pay, render, return

, , 3,
, , , 4, to

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to destructure, deorganize

, /, 19, 17,
, /,
, 20, to store

, , 29,
, , , 30,
to push away

, , 3,
, , ,

, ,
, 35, to disapprove off

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to amass, accumulate (a

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to weaken

, , 48, to encourage,
strengthen, make hardy
, , 49, to get

, , 3,
, , ,
4, to compensate for
/, , 58, to miss, feel
the lack of
imperfect usually -. the conjugation
like (73) is rare in common MG.

/, , 58, to desire,

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to take off (from the water)
with a hydroplane
the active is used less than the passive voice.

, , 158,
, ,
, 133, to repair, restore

, , 48,
, ,
, 49, to discourage
the participle is written
with an because is comes from the verb
, , 19,
, 20, to heal, care for, give

, , 33,
, , , 34, to

, , 11,
, /,
12, to reveal
, , 76,
, , 163, to call
, /, ,
164, to get tired, finish off
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to demoralize, discourage
, to be, repose


, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to decentralize
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to behead, decapitate
, , 27,
, /,
, 28, to renounce, disavow,
, /, 40,
, , , 41,
to block, seal, cut off, exclude
impers. , out of the question
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to disinherit

, , 34, to carry away,

derive, receive
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to rouse to a high pitch
, , 2, to answer
, /, 40,
, , 41, to repulse,
reject, block
, /, 7,
, , 11,
, , , 8,
, /,
, 12, to hide, not declare, withhold
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to decipher, decrypt

, , 3,
, , 172, to lean, incline, diverge , ,
, 4, to crystallize
the erudite present participle (e.g.
, , divergent intellect) is
used in scientific terminology.

/, /, 58,
imperfect -
, , , 59,
, , , 61, to
get, acquire, gain

, /, 7,
, , 11,
, , , 171,
, , , 124, to , , 3,
cut off, wean
, ,
(the aorist ) has the meaning (of , 4, to brutalize
mothers) to stop breastfeeding one's child.
, , 98, to gain, get, enjoy,
, , ,
the erudite aorist occurs several
59, to go to sleep
times. The erudite present is rarely
used, in expressions like,
, , , 33, to
( he enjoys the confidence
put to sleep
the passive is rare, , 34
, , 60,
, , ,
61, to unglue
, , 33,

, , 33,
, , , 34,
to descale (a fish)

, 21, to lead to, end up in
usually defective
, , 3,
, , , 4,
to petrify, turn to stone
, , 74,
, , 59, to defend oneself

, 74, 75, to demystify

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to necrify, become gangrenous
, /, 125,
, , , 126,
to award, bestow, deal out

, , 3,
, , 44,
, , ,
, , , 4, to desensitize
46, to disinfect
, , 3,
, /, 5,
, , , 4,
, , , 6, to
to alienate, estrange
dismiss, release
(aorist ) has the meaning to stop , , 44,
, , ,
practicing religion
46, to drain, dry
, , 48,
, , 185, to chide, tease
, ,
, , 99, to attempt
, 49, to move away, remove
, , 9,
, /, 178, to be left
, , 10, to send away,
, , 74, to imitate
, , 19, to
the passive voice, (20) is
rarely used.

, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to complete, perfect

, , 60,
, , ,
61, to seduce
the conjugation like (58) also
occurs in the present tense in the simple,
, , 3,
spoken language.
, , , 4,
to isolate
, , 42, to sail
, , 60,
, 42, to exhale, emit
, , 61, to suck blood
usually defective
the conjugation like (58) also
, , 74, 75, to refuse,
occurs in the present tense in the simple,
spoken language.
, , 73,
, ,

, , 33,
, ,

, 34, to disorient
, 42, to flow, stem, result from
usually defective

, 4, to confound, abash
the participle is used
primarily as an adjective speechless from
surprise, doubt.

, /, 11,
, /, 12, to , , 60,
, , 61, to be quiet
fail, reject
about, not mention, hush up
/,, , 58, to
soak up
imperfect usually -
, , ,
, , ,
61, to become absorbed, engrossed
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to make someone an orphan
, , , 73, to be
the participle is used as an
adjective full of doubt, embarassement,
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to spoil, rot, decompose
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to make clear, explain,
shed light on
, ( ), 40, to extinguish,
wipe out
, aorist of AG

, ( ), 41, to be
extinguished, wiped out
, aorist of AG
, , 3,
, ,

, , 60, to defect (to the

other side)
the conjugation like (58) also
occurs in the present tense in the simple,
spoken language.
, 73, to aim, have as an objective
, , 73,
, , 74, to avert, keep
, , 71,
, , , 72, to
detach, extort, extract
the conjugation like (68) also occurs
in the present tense in the simple, spoken
, /,
/, 23, to distill
rarely used in the passive voice
(, 24). the participle
/ also as an
adjective, distilled.
, , , 52, to get
, ,
, 74, 75, to revolt, defect
, , 73, to rebel, betray
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to sterilize

, , 85,
, ( ),
, 91, to dispatch, dispute
the participle , the dispatch, is
used primarily as a substantive.
, , 33,
, 34, to learn/say by heart
usually pres. [defective].
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to silence
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to strain, drain
, , 19,
, 20, to discharge, demobilize
, /, 13, to turn
away, avert
, 210, to detest
usually defective in passive. The active
meaning is to turn away, toward the
other side e.g.
' [ ,
pg. 30], she turned her face away from the
glances of others. Semantically, the verb
does not have passive voice.
means , to detest
, , 5,
, ,
/, 6, to

separate, sucede from

, , 3,
, ,
/, 4, to finish up/off
, , 19, to save up
, /,
, 20, to save up, put by
, , 27, to reform
, /,
, 28, to abjure, renounce
, , 172, to address
primarily used in the expression,
, to address someone. not to be
confused with , to pay tax, debt.
, , 188, to inquire about
common error is to conjugate the aorist with
, e.g. , instead of the correct
, /,
, 3, to finish
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to stagnate, transform into a
, , 76, to make up, form,
, 78, to consist of
usually defective
, , 3,
, ,
, 4, to reduce to ashes

, , 60,
, , , 61, to
, , 138, to
assess, evaluate
decompose, rot, become disorganized
in the simple, spoken language, the
conjugation like (58) also occurs in
, /, 217,
the pres. tense.
, , 218, to repeal, retract,
, , 23,
, , , 34, to , , 27,

, , 24,
, /, 28,
to shake off
primarily used in the active voice.

opinion, pronounce, show, be apparent
, , 33,
, , ,
34, to decide
the participle is also used
with active diathesis someone who has
taken a decision to do something (usually
incited to do so).

, , 5,
, 6, to pay a debt, penalty
pres. only [defective]. the ancient form was
(rarely ), but in MG
has prevailed.
, , 217, to yield, bring in,
/, , 58,
imperf. -
, /, 228,
, 61, to risk, dare
, , 100, to avoid
only in 3rd. pers. pres.
, , 3,
, , ,
, , 3,
4, to skin, peel
, ,
, 4, to detoxify, dry out a drunk
, , 60, to leave school
the pres. tense is rarely conjugated like
, , ,
(58), primarily in the spoken
67, to withdraw
, , 44,
, , , , , 33,
, ,
45, to drive crazy
, 34, to decharge (a battery)
, /, 9,
, , 180, to avert, prevent , /, 23,
, , 3,
, , ,
4, to depilate, remove hair

, , 3,
, , , 4,
to impress
/, /,
, 148, to fail
the participle someone
who has failed, is used principally as an
, , 35, to be absent
, , 46, to give an

, /, 24,
to obstruct, bar, obliterate
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to release from prison
/, , 70,
, , 33, to say goodbye
to someone
according to Triandafilidis, when the two
forms of the present in - and - have the
same meaning, the aorist in - prevails.
, , 173,
, , 34, to take
leave of one another
passive used primarily with reciprical
meaning (e.g. we
took leave of each other.)

, , 3, to unbridle, let
, ,
, 4, to lose all restraint
the active is used less often than the passive

with the meaning , .

also means to thin out, make
less dense and to become thin, less dense
, , , 35, to
become covered with cobwebs

, , 3,
, , ,
4, debilitate, make torpid, French: engourdir

, , 35,
, , , 36, to tan

, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to remove color from,

, , 73, to delay, hold up, be late

impers. , it's getting late

, , 33,
, , ,
34, to separate
, , 73, to leave, withdraw
not to be confused with .
means to leave some place
which I am occuping etc.
, , 3,
, , , 4,
to deforest
, /, 31,
, , , 32, to
, , 73,
, , , 74, to
push away, repel, drive back

, , , 73, to
be slow/late

, , 19,
, /, 20, to irrigate
, 115, to take pleasure in, like
defective. not used as passive of ,
meaning ... an erudite
form, rarely used.
, , 101, to like, please
, 73, to write in a newspaper
usually defective
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
articulate, utter
, , 55, to arrive

, , 35,
, , , 36,
arrange in line, tell, recount

, , 73,
, , , 74, to
number, count

, , , 23, to park, moor,

anchor, relax

, 33, to be a leftist

, , 3, to dilute, cut down, thin

, , , 4, to
become rarer, less frequent
used rarely in the passive voice, principally

, /, 19, 17, to win

highest mark, be among the best
, , 76, to be enough

, , 78, to confine oneself, to

become ill
be content with
the participle is used chiefly
semantically, is not the passive of
as an adjective ( unhealthy, morbid).
, but means to be satisfied with
what one has or to limit oneself to doing
, , 102,
something, without planning to do more.
, , , 103, to spice,
, , 35,
the participle also means non
, , ,
lenten i.e. seasoned food and someone
36, to fill (with onions, tabacco etc.)
who eats seasoned food during lent.
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
arm, equip

, 33, to adopt old fashioned ways


, , 21, to milk

, , 33, to start
impers. .

, , , 22,
, , 33, to sail

/, , ,
, 58, to begin
- ,
impersonal: ., has the
personal, to join, adjust, and impersonal, to
same meaning as but occurs rarely,
fit, be suitable. The erudite present participle
chiefly in popular, spoken language and
is also found, , -, -,
pertinent, as an adjective.
, , 74,
, , 59, to refuse, deny
, , 23, to snatch away
, , , 24, to come
to blows, lose one's temper
is rarely used as the passive of
. It chiefly has the meaning
, to become angry, ,
to become annoyed (about something heard
etc.) or , to come into conflict
with someone.
, , 35, to perform an
engagement ceremony on
, ,
, 36, to get engaged
semantically, is not the
passive of .

, , 33,
, , ,
34, to put spray perfume on
, , 3,
, , , 4,
to whitewash
, , 73, to lack respect, offend
, , 73, to lead an obscene
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
silver plate
, , 73, to be ill
, 44, to pant
, , 17, to lead an ascetic life

, , , 50, to

, , 73,
, , , 74, to
excersize, train, drill, practice
, , 36, to kiss, embrace

, , 33, to gaze at
, , 35,
, , , 36, to

, , 33,
, , , 34, to
whiten, whitewash

, , 73, to fall into disuse

, , 18, to joke

, , 3,
, , , 4, to
harden like steel

, , 73,
, ,
, 74, 75, to urbanize
, , 73, to miss
, , 15, to be lit up, gleam,
, , 19,
, 20, to patrol, police
usually defective in passive
, , 33,
, , , 34,
to secure, insure

, , 73, to atrophy, weaken,


, , 73, to fail
, , , 7, to beat
an egg with lemon

, , 35, to talk back, be

impertinent, insolent
, , 73, to act arbitrarily
, , 147, to
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
groove, furrow, rifle

, , 3,
, ,
, , 34, to masturbate
, 4, to cover with asphalt, pave
, , 104, to increase
, 60, to asfixiate, suffocate
rarely .
, , , 105, to
//, ,
the participle is used often as an
47, to make something look ugly
adjective big in size, strength etc. e.g.
chiefly has active meaning, while

also means to do something
ugly and to become or appear ugly.
, , 3,
, , 33, to make or become ugly , , 4, to cause to
, 33, to commit unseemly acts
, , 73, to act
, , 74,
, 61, to delude oneself
, , 59, to be busy with

only in pres.
, , 74, to
help oneself to something

, , 33,
, , , 34, to
administer a narcotic

, , 73, to commit suicide

, , 3,
, , , 4,
to assimilate

, , 73,
, ,
, 74, 75, to automate

, , 33,
, , , 34, to

, , 73, to desert to the


, to concern
imperf. , impers.

, , ,
74, to be/become autonomous
, , 35, to improvise
, , , 77,
, , , 63, to
have one's thoughts elsewhere, be distracted
the participle is used as an
adjective ( an
absent-minded student,
a distracted style,
abstract art etc.).

, , 33,
, , , 34, to
excommunicate, delimit
the participle also as , also
meaning the devil, satan.
, , , 4, to
devote oneself to sb/sth
, , 36, to listen

, , 76, to remove, take away

, , 77, to be removed,
taken away

, , , 33, to foam, froth,


, , 33,
, , , 34, to
destroy, exterminate, ruin

, , 33, to wake up, arouse

, , , 34, to
wake up

, , 74, to relate, tell a story

, , 33, to smoke, steam cook

, , , 35, to bolt
(of a horse)

, 21, to shine dimly

imperf. -, impers. .

, , 106,
, , , 107, to let, leave
, 73, to abound, be abundant
, , 3, to offer
, , , 4, to
devote oneself to something

, , 73, to be free of
military obligations

/, , 58, to make
noise, resonate
imperf. -.
, /, 17, 19, to
make useless
, /,
, 20, to become i.e. be made


, , ,
4, to embalm, console, ease

/, , 58, to flout, risk

imperf. -.
, 73, to skirmish

, , 33, to bark, growl, scream

, , 33, to walk, move
, , 108, to put
-, , ,182
does not constitute the passive
voice of , to put, because it has a
completely different meaning e.g.
, he started to run. So we do not
say: * , but
( etc.) , that was put
(placed, set etc.) right.
, , 47, to get deeper
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to grade (e.g. homework)
the conjugation like (59) also
occurs in the simple, spoken language.
, , , 3, to
sculpt, make hollow
, to come/go
only in stereotypical expressions like,
[=] , everything is
going well.
, , 146, to throw, launch
, , 147
the aorist is used infrequently, for
, bullets were fired or shells
were launched.
, , 3,

, , , 3, to stagnate,
become a marsh

, , 3,
, , , 4,
to throw over the edge, destroy, ruin
, , 47, to weigh down, make
heavier, gain weight, to be a burden on, to weary
meaning to have weight, importance, (
, his view i.e.
perspective is boring) [ ].
/, , , 62, to strike,
hit, kill, wound
the participle has acquired the
special meaning in common MG to be
crazy, , the
person who drove her crazy).
, 83, to be deaf
, , 23, to sigh,
snore deeply
/, ,
, , 63, to be bored (with)
, , , 58,, to
have enough, be bored
[], found is principally the
participle (rarely
, from , which is
not constructed) which is used as an
adjective ( someone who shows worry,
lack of interest, moodiness).
, , 225, to displease
[] (pop.)

/, , 58, to
, , 48, to weigh down, make heavy
its meaning, in relation to has been
confined principally to to have weight,
importance, while customary is the use of
the verb with the meaning

...). Found is also the erudite
participle , -, - as an
adjective (e.g. ,
very important view, opinion).
, , , 49, to be given
defective. The participle is
used as an adjective (
loaded with much injustice). The
comes from [ ].
, ,
, 35, to have the stomache
full, indigestion
, , 33, to examine, torture
, , , 34, to
have alot of trouble
, , 33, to base
, , , 34, to rely
, , 17, to reign, (sun) set, close
/, , 44,
, , , 45, to
cast evil eye upon, envy
, , 23,
, , , 24, to
carry, support
not to be confused with .
means to set upright, carry a load on my
shoulders. ( ,

... [ ,
pg. 21]).
/, , 64,
/, , 66, to carry, hold,
support, control, endure
, , , 65,
, , , 67, to
control oneself
, , 17,
, , , 18, to cover
, , 33,
, , ,
34, to rock or lull to sleep
, , 33,
, , , 34, to
baptize, christen
, , 13, to temper (steel), dye, paint,
polish (shoes)
, /, , 122, to
make up
, , , 108, to take out,
the passive voice aorist also
occurs in the Grammar by Triandafilidis. In
our investigation we could not find passive
forms of (except of course the
participle , removed) and we
believe that in their place the forms of
are used (e.g.
, to take something from (out of) its
place , it was
taken from (i.e. went out of) its place).
, , , 109, to come/go out
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
assure, confirm, affirm
, , 3,
, , , 4, to

desecrate, sully

, 74, to videotape, record

, , 23, to bleat

, , 73,
, ,
, 74, 75, to industrialize

, , 35,
, , , 36,
to stitch
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
make better, improve

, , 55, to lift anchor

, , 3,
, , , 4, to live,
experience, take part in, participate

, , 3,
, , 11
, , , 4, to
impers. []
, , , 12, to harm,
hurt, injure, wrong
, , 33, to walk, pace
the part. is used primarily with
, , 31, to cough
the meaning ,
, , 36, to be in a hurry
pronounced "" ( to show haste)
, , 50, to sprout, shoot, grow
usually does not have active voice.
, , 35, to rape, violate, force, urge
pronounced "-": sometimes the form
also occurs with the meaning to
compel, oblige, e.g.

[ , pg. 58], She was compelled
by an uncontrollable urge to prepare the
, , , 36, to be raped,
pronounced "-" : the erudite part.
is used today as an adjective
( unatural, forced,
under the application of pressure, smile).
, , 73, to assault
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to bind a book
, , 33, to keep a look out for
, , 3,
, , , 4, to screw
, , 73,
, ,

/, , 58, to
blaspheme, curse
, , 73,
/, , 58,
to prune (vignes)
imperfect -
, , 73,
the contemporary meaning of is
not the same as , however it
does occur in the dictionary. (of
limited use in the spoken language (erudite),
means to attack i.e. offend a sacred
person or thing e.g. ,
you offend the gods.
, , 15,
impers. []
, , , 16,
see . the consonant group is
used primarily in the spoken language.
, , 110, to see; watch TV
, , , 111, to be seen,
admired, worth seeing
besides the meaning I am worth looking

at, ( , that work is
not worth seeing). primarily has
reciprocal value (
, eyes that do not see
each other are quickly forgotten i.e. "out of
sight, out of mind").
/, , 58, to bless
[ ] imperf. usually
, , , 59, to be

, 34, to bombard, bomb, shell

/, , 58,
, , 112,
, , , 59,
, , , 151, to
graze, feed, wander aimlessly
, , 33,
, , , 34, to
, , 44, to make dumb
, , , 45, to be
made dumb

/, , 66, to groan, moan

sometimes written . According to
Triandafilidis, is more correct, as an , , 23, to buzz, hum, roar, make a
confused noise
evolution of AG , which is not
immediately obvious.
, , , 23, to sink,
bring down, bash in, ruin, collapse, be ruined
/, /, 58,
, , 151, to want
, , , 59, to help,
, , , 3, to seal, stop
the pres. part. from the erudite up, block, close, plug, fasten down, fill in (a
tooth), brand (an animal), become stopped up
form has survived in the
contemporary language.
, , , 3, to brim
, , it is convenient
imperf. , aor. as impers.
, , 17, to fit in, cope with, be
, , , 18, to be
comfortable, get settled
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to sound, fathom

with tears, threaten rain, get muddy

, , 33,
, , , 34, to
drive crazy, exasperate
, , 33,
, , , 34,
to brush
, , 66,
conjugation in - is not constructed.
, , , 67, to dip,
plunge, pilfer, pinch, dive

, , 120, to goof off


, , 3,
, , , 4,
to butter

, /, 53, to go for a

, , 19,
, /,
, 20, to reward, give prize to

, , 33,
, ,

, , 35, to become evening


only in 3rd. pers. and impers.

principally in 3rd. pers. , and

3rd. pl. ,

, , 48, to be slow or late

no passive, principally meaning to move , , ,
or act slowly. the expression
35, to become a vampire
( , to start
walking slowly).
, , 114, to find, hit, strike, obtain,
consider, judge
, 73, to go slowly, lag
, , 115, to be, find oneself
principally in pres. and imperf. [defective]
/, , 58, to stink
the written (and not ) follows the
, , 35,
etymology of .
, , , 36, to boil,
seethe, teem, ferment
, , 33, to get dirty
since has both active and passive
the written (and not ) follows the
value [i.e. diathesis] (
etymology of .
or ), the passive
, , , 34, to get
voice is rarely used (except the part.
) and principally with the
the passive voice is rarely used (except the
part. ), with the meaning
, to get oneself dirty, principally
, the bottle must be boiled before it
when used to state the causal agent i.e. the
is given to the baby).
agent with causes the sullying. Even though
also means , it does
, , , 35, to
not permit the statement of cause.
make/become hoarse
Therefore, we say,
, the house gets dusty [i.e.
, , 3, to short
dirty] (even) when it is closed, and
, my hands
, ,
got dirty with mud.
, 4, to suffer a short circuit
, , 31, to wet, moisten
impers. , it is raining
, , (), 113, to get wet
, , 33,
, , , 34, to abuse,
revile, swear at
part. is rare. the passive voice is used
principally with reciprical meaning e.g.
, they make
each other sick.
, to teem with (vi. + gen)
only in pres. and imperf. [defective],

/, , 58, to
the written (and not ) follows the
etymology of .
/, , 66,
/, , 58, to thunder,
boom, bang
impers. , it is thundering
/, , 58,
to bang, thump
[, to thunder, boom,

, , 23, to scream,
, , 59,
, , 61, to roar
, to stink
, , 116,
, , , 117, to
suckle, breastfeed

, , , 35, to cover in
green, moss
, , 3,
, , , 4, to
hook, catch
the meaning in the passive is different that
in the active voice. It means ,

, , 33, to sink
, , , 34, to be
sunk, lethargic

, , 3,
, , , 4, to plate
with tin

, , 73,
/, , 58, to
measure depth

/, , 58, to tickle
, , 59, to be ticklish

, , 73, to machinate,

, , 33, to bark

, , 33, to gargle
, , , 35, to be dirty
, , 56,
, , , 57, to

, , 118,
, , 3,
, , , 119, to skin,
, , , 4, to stitch (by flay
, , 1, to undress somebody
, , 33,
, , , 2, to get undressed
, , , 34,
, , 17, to be in the
to galvonize, rouse to enthousiasm
neighborhood of
, , , 17, to
, , 3,
make/grow calm
, , , 4, elec. mettre a
, , 73,
la masse
, , , 74,
/, , 68, to laugh
to suckle, rear
, , , 69, to be
conjugated like (59) in nondecieved or mistaken
official speech.
the meanining in the active is different than
in the passive voice , to make
/, , 58,
a mistake, , to make a false step.
, , , 59, to fuck,
screw, have intercourse with
, you
are mistaken if you think your behavior will
, , 33, to ask for hand in
not have consequences.

no passive voice, because it means both
, etc., to
occupy, cover completely, as well as
, etc,
to be completely occupied, covered.
occurs in some dictionaries with
the meaning , to load a
weapon ( , to put
in an explosive charge, a round of
the active voice, , 3, also occurs
in some dictionaries.
, to lick something
, to lick one's lips
the meaning in the active is different than in
the passive voice
and (figuratively) ,
, to be desirous to taste
the meaning in the active is different than in
the passive voice , I like
something, , to be drawn
by something.
, to have a sweet tooth
not to be confused with to
make or become sweet
the conjugation like (
etc.) does not occur in demotic MG.
the conjugation like (
etc.) does not occur in demotic MG.
, to consult, be a consultant, give
the passive voice occurs in some
dictionaries without distinction of meaning

, to express my expert
, to become known, make someone's
aquaintance, get to know each other
in the passive also with reciprical meaning,
to get to know each other.
, to stuff, fill, load
rare in passive, , 4.
(), to scratch
according to Triandafillidis, when two
forms, in - and -, have the same
meaning, the aorist in - prevails.
the passive occurs less frequently than the
active voice.
(), to be hit, to hit each other
in addition to acting as the passive of ()
, the verb also has reciprical value.
, to see, look, ask for
the passive voice also occurs in some
dictionaries without distinction of meaning.
because of equivalence with , aorist
in - prevails.
, to be filmed
limited use in passive voice
, to be filmed,
, to be videotaped, etc.

, to lend
, to be loaned, to borrow
sometimes used as the passive of ,
to lend ( , these
books cannot be loaned, and sometimes with

the meaning
, to take some
, to be propagated, spread out
foreign object and adopt i.e. borrow it, (
the part. , widespread, is used

primarily as an adjective

, something which
, the european languages have
knowns (i.e. enjoys) a wide circulation, e.g.
borrowed many scientific terms from
, , a
ancient greek). The part.
widespread opinion, custom etc.
usually occurs with this meaning, borrowed.
, to take place
, to beat
principally in 3rd. pers. sg. and pl.
, to beat one's breast, toss and turn,
, clashes took place, happened).
not usually used as the passive of ,
, to be beaten by
() - , to have at one's disposal
someone, but with reciprical value,
- to be disposed, inclined
, they beat on i.e.
the part. is used primarily in
complain to each other, i.e. "misery has
phrases like, (
many friends", , to lament, mourn,
, it is pointless).
, to lament, wail.
, to be interrupted
, , 3, to declare, state, utter
the part. is used as a
, , , 4
adjective (
, a broken i.e. non-continuous line).
, to be created
the imperf. like (59),
, to distinguish, differentiate
, occurs in the simple,
, to be outstanding, distinguished,
spoken language.
the part. is used as an
, to be readable, well-read, prepared
adjective ( , outstanding,
the part. means to be readable,
, distinguished, , eminent
, this book
is readable, and to have studied,
, he went prepared , to command, govern
to the lesson.
the conjugation like (58) is rare, in
the spoken language.
, to assure
the erudite form, , was found
, to choose, select
several times, principally in the 1st. pers.,
, to discuss
conjugated like , 197.
no relationship at all with the passive of
. It means , to discuss,
, to transmit, convey
, to have a dialog. [the
the erudite augment, , ,
dictionary lists the forms separately, in two
also occurs in official speech.
, to propagate, diffuse, disseminate,

, to dissolve, disband, liquidate


the pres. also occurs in the speech of

uneducated people.
, , 151, to state
opposition, protest, petition
, , 73,
, ,
, 74, to contest, protest, sue
(for bills-of-exchange etc.)
, to protest. Consequently not
to be confused with
, to protest. [Sorry, I
don't see the difference, unless they mean
the same thing, but are simply used in
different contexts.]
, to inform, warn
the erudite aorist also appears in
the official style of speech. The verb is
rarely used in the passive voice

the part. () also

occurs in simple, spoken language.
, to debate, negociate
the use of the verb with the meaning
, to deal with, (, to
examine, , expose, ,
analyse a subject) is incorrect.
, to conduct negociations.
(), to break, tear, vandalize
the pres. is rarely used, primarily in
stereotypical expressions like
, to protest violently. Many
times certain erudite forms occur in the
passive voice, e.g. , they
have (quarrelled and) broken i.e. separated

, to pass the night

the erudite pres. part. (
, all-night pharmacies) is also

, to entertain, enjoy oneself

, to be scattered
the passive voice has only the meaning
, to be scattered, ,
to be dissolved (
, let doubts be dispelled).

, to cover (distance), accomplish, effect

constructed from the prep. + , so
the aor. , which we found several
times, is incorrect. The erudite aor. is

, to step over
the passive voice too appears in dictionaries
while the verb , to step over,
straddle, with similar meaning, does not

, to be controlled by feeling
the active voice (of wind)
, to blow sideways, or figuratively,
, to inspire, occurs in certain
dictionaries. The passive voice is
constructed more often in contemporary
Greek, with the meaning
( etc.), to be
dominated (by some feeling).

, to split, distract, break through

the conjugation like (68) also occurs
in the pres. in the simple spoke language.

, to mock, ridicule publicly, defame


, to arrange, order

, to twist, distort, pervert
the part. , is used as an
adjectve that which presents (primarily
sexual) perversion


dictionaries mention that the verb also has
the meaning of (
, to give an order to someone),
while the meaning has differentiated in the
contemporary language
, , to place in a certain
order, class. The part. is
used as an adjective in stereotypical
expressions like, ,
etc. ( with the meaning of a command, an
, to continue to be
the erudite aor. also occurs, with
unaccented internal augment.
, to corrupt, seduce, bribe
the part. is used primarily as
an adjective
, that which is characterized by
litigation, , lack of ethics,
, corruption.
, to dispute
of the passive voice primarily the pres. part.
, object of dispute) is still extant.
, to manage, administer
only as transitive ( , to
manage something) [transitive deponent].
, to teach
extant the erudite pres. part. ( ,
, the pupil).
, to investigate
the pres. is conjugated like (58) in
non-official speech.
, to manage
used many times (incorrectly) also with the
meaning , to be
pointed i.e. directed somewhere, where the
aor. also occurs.

, to widen, amplify, make larger,

the part. is often used as an
adjective (
more than usual.
, to diverge
extant principally the part. as adj.
( divergent
, to explain, justify oneself
conj. like (59) in non official
speech. The part. is used
primarily as an adj. that for which there
exits (or can be found) some justification, (

, the reaction of
the public to the price increases is
absolutely justifiable).
, to be networked
the part. used primarily as an
adj. someone who has built a network of
contacts (for professional developement etc).
, to be given
the erudite part. occurs as an adj.
e.g. , at a
specific, determined moment in time, or in
expressions like, ..., given
that... or as a noun, , the data.
, to administer, govern, command
extant the erudite pres. part. in phrases like,
, the governing
, to persecute, chase, pursue, prosecute
to file a (legal) complaint, not to be
confused with , to remove someone
by force, evict
, to be murdered

in official speech, conj. like (59),
particularly the imperf. , I
was murdered. ["But your Honor, I object. I
was murdered!" It must be meant
figuratively, "I got murdered in the stock
market, at the . I took a licking." ]
, to work
the erudite part. is used in
order to describe wages etc.
, day wages
, to step over, straddle, stride
sometimes (, like
- , 70).
, to be placed in effect
in non-official speech, conj. like
(59), primarily imperf., .
, to be displeased
the part. is used primarily
as an adj. someone who shows

, to guarantee, vouch for (+)

the part. primarily as adj.
, guaranteed rights,
, to raise, erect, waken, rouse
principally in stereotypical expressions like,
( ) , to make
demands, , to provoke reactions.
, to get up
, , 73, to commit a crime
[ ]
, , 33,
, ,
, 34, to acclimatize
do not confuse the aor.
, to commit a crime with
(, an
organism etc) , to get
used to a different climate [they are spelt
differently, but sound the same].

, to complicate, make something

difficult, hamper
, to remit, deliver, to operate
, to have difficulty doing something
the aor. is also used with the
the meaning is distinct in the passive voice
meaning ( etc.), to remit
to do something with difficulty, confront
(a letter).
difficulty, , to
have difficulty walking.
3rd. pers. sg. aor. of AG , I must,
, to be unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy
impers. appears in expressions like,
the part. , unhappy, unlucky,
'! ( !), you finally
is used as an adj. , ,
, to defame, villify, slander
sometimes the older form, (like
, 73, but with aor. in -, based on

, to illustrate
the part. is primarily
used as an adj. ( ,
illustrated stories , with
, 134, to be
also as impersonal : ; isn't

that right? The erudite present participle,
, , is also found in expressions
like: , out of nothing, or as a
substantive ( , , the being).

the conj. (-, -,...) occurs chiefly

in expressions like, ( ) ..,
to estimate, judge that...

, to serve (a sentence), pay (a penalty)
the pres. part. is widely used as
the AG was (rare ). In MG
an adj. ( , imported
has survived.
, , 33, to abate, slacken,
, to reach the age of one hundred
the aor. is used in wishes like,
the active is a little more common than the
passive voice.
may you live to be one hundred.
, , , 34
, , to wash up on the beach
has been replaced by .
the erudite augment (, )
occurs in official speech.
, to vanish, be in eclipse, be hidden
the erudite aor. is still used in stereotypical
expressions like, , the
danger has vanished, and in the part.
( , the late, i.e.
, to exploit, leverage
transitive only [vt.dep] (
or , to exploit somtehing or
someone). [only the negative connotation?]
, to fall, decline in value
intransitive only, e.g. ,
the markets have declined. The transitive
use of the verb ( ) is incorrect.
[does not mean to drop something]

, to indicate, apply to
the part. , qualified,
appropriate, is used principally as an
the erudite pres. part. , -,
- occurs as both an adjective and a
substantive ( , the interesting
the pres. part. is used
[principally] both as an adjective and a
substantive ( that which has interest in
something, is directly affected by something,
or plays a role in something).
, ,

, to extend
the part. , vast, extensive is used ,
as an adj. ( , a large
, ,


, , ,


, ,


, /, 150, to come
also as impersonal [] ' ()
or , it fits like a glove.
, I want to leave.
, ,
, 154, to have
also as impersonal : ,
there are no more. The erudite present
participle, , -, -, the possessor, is
in my French dictionary.


, , 157, to want
and as impersonal . The erudite
participle is used as an adjective
( , on purpose, , with



, , , 35, to admit, lead,

usher in
is used as the passive of , e.g.
, they ushered him
in the room , he went
(i.e. was ushered) into the room.

, , 73, to consider
, , , 74

, , , 179, to enter, go in

, , 76, to be able to, allow, can

impers. , , could be that.

, , 174, to say, tell

rare .
, /, , 175
also as impersonal , they say.

, , 1, to untie, release, solve

, , , q.v.*2, to be untied
the traditional form has survived in
stereotypical expressions like:
, the meeting is adjourned, and
in the present participle (
), unstable i.e. disorganized, untidy,
cheap (house) etc.

, , , 176, to learn
(), -, 18
only in 3rd. pers. aorist, as personal or
impers. The present tense of the passive
voice () is also used in the
simple, spoken language in expressions
like : ; is this how
love is learned? (. , pg. 82).
Triandafillides (1941, pg. 365) mentions the
form with aorist , but
in common modern Greek, (and
) is used with different meaning
to become known. The participle
means chiefly that which
derives from some concrete custom (e.g.
he is
not accustemed to a chilly climate).

, /, 17,19, to pause, stop

temporarily, cease, relieve, fire
, /, 20
the aorist and the passive voice have
the special meaning ,
etc. to dismiss, remove someone
from their work place, high office.
, , 47, to fatten, get fat
/, , , 192, to go
impers. , ; how is it going? The
two forms are not always equivalent: is
used in many expressions, like : ...,
to go for ..., ..., I am going to ...,
, I am lost, , wherever he
goes, , he is going to drink,
, he comes and goes etc.
, , , 4, to
the active voice occurs very rarely
(, 3).


, , , 44, to die

, to form, constitute.
, , 133, to consist of
vi. + , meaning , to
consist of, ,
, to have certain
properties, content.

, , 146, to surround, clothe

, , (),
the erudite present participle occurs as an
adjective ( , the
surrounding space) or substantive (
, the surroundings).

, , 158, to recommend, suggest

, 61, to be recommended
only in pres., vt. meaning ,
to recommend, , to indicate,
, , 13, to describe
suggest, 1) , something to
, (),
someone, 2)
, 122, to be described
, someone as suitable or valuable (i.e.
the participle is used when
dependable, ).
the verb has the special meaning
, to draw
one geometric figure around another.
, , 1, to present someone to
someone else, introduce
or in spoken language, to recommend,
, , 36, to scrutinize,
advise, (instead of the more correct
is used only as a transitive verb
( , I scrutinize something) , , , 2, to
introduce oneself
The part. means chiefly that
, 190, to contain
which is sent in installements (instead of
defective i.e. only in pres. and imperf.
payment-in-full) or (in the case of letters and
, 191, to be contained
packages) with special-delivery to the
defective. The present participle occurs
chiefly in the neuter gender, as a substantive
( , the content and
, the contents).

, (), 178, to wait for

The aor. is rare. Semantically the
forms with the present stem (-) prevail
because the action being expressed (waiting)
usually implies some duration.

, , 158, to form, constitute

vt. meaning , to form,
assemble, , to form,


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