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The Pool W.

Somerset Maugham

W. Somerset Maugham Pool 1921 Short story Summary Lawson does a trip to Apia. He meets a beautiful native- Ethel. They get married and go back to Europe. But Ethel isnt happy in Europe. She leaves and Lawson follows her. Ethel treats Lawson very badly and Lawson begins to drink. Ethel has a relation with another man. His name is Mller and Lawson has a fight with him. The short story ends with Lawsons suicide.

9. The exotic element in The Pool (setting, characters, customs,...) Exotic Clothes: -men: lava lavawoman: Mother Hubbard Imposed by the missionaries Exotic Houses: The natives live in Bungalows Exotic Values: The natives are very welcoming, generous, warm and happy The clash between Pacific and European cultures: Lawsons point of view: -First fells good in Apia, he likes the beautiful setting and the kindness of the natives -Returned to England, happy to find life again began to hate the Samoan Islands and the black people, wants never return -Ethel went back to Apia need to follow her, dont support life there, begins to drink Ethels point of view: -Cant stand the exotism of Scotland and misses Apia

The Pool

10. The Pool: mixed marriages -baby shock black -education -other culturs

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