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Battle of Tobruk 1) What was the objective of the Australian 9th division in North Africa To prevent the Desert

fox team which was led by Rommel, to take over Tobruk which would have been an advantageous position for the Germans in their campaign for Egypt. 2) What success had they enjoyed against the Italian army They had successfully won the previous battles and advances against the Italian army on the coast of Africa 3) How had the arrival of the Afrika Korp under the desert fox (Rommel) changed the course of the campaign? The Afrika Korps arrival helped to reinforce the Italian army and therefore pushed the Australian forces back on their defence. 4) Why were the Australians known as the Rats of Tobruk They were known as the Rats of Tobruk because they were seemingly trapped in the town of Tobruk and were like rats in determination and their will to live 5) What did the Australian governments decision to withdraw the Australian division from the Middle Wast signal about the change in relations with Britain. This signalled the turning point between relations of Australia and Great Britain. Things went downhill from here and the British got angry at Australia.

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