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A1: The coding logic in place is as follows: If the project is CAPITAL - even though you have marked the task not capitalizable, you cannot Interface those lines charged to the non-capitalizable task to Fixed Assets. In order for you to be able to interface invoice lines to payables you must meet the following criteria. > 1) Invoice distributions should have Asset Account A2: If the project is already defined in Projects as capitalizable and you decide that you want to capitalize some of the tasks and/or transactions here is what you do: Under your Projects Responsibility (1) Navigate Expenditures-->Expenditure Inquiry-->Project (2) Put in the Project Number in the Find Screen If you decide the entire project is capitalizable (3) You can select the Mass Adjust Button and then you will see the Capitalizable Option, select OK (4) You will get a Decision box You have selected the adjustment action: Capitalizable Do you wish to continue (5) Select Yes (6) Once you have done that, you will need to run any of the following processes that are related to the transactions you adjusted PRC: Distribute Vendor Invoice Adjustment Costs PRC: Distirbute Labor Costs PRC: Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Cost OR If you want to only capitalize certain transactions. (1) In the Find Screen you search on various combinatoins (a) Project and Task (b) Project, Task and Supplier (c) Project, Task, Transaction Source and select Oracle Payables Supplier Invoices (2) Once you pull up the records. You can either individually select records by putting your cursor on the records and keeping the shift key to select multiple records OR

Use the "Edit" from the Menu Toolbar and "Select All" (3) Once your items are selected using the "Tools" from the Menu Toolbar Select Capitalizable1 You'll get a message - "Do you want to continue the adjust action?" Say Yes (4) Then using the Button Run Request you would run the appropriate process for instance: If you selected Oracle Payables Supplier Invoices You would need to select Distribute Vendor Invoice Adjustment Costs or if Labor Distribute Labor Costs and OK. Running these process will produce two new pa_cost_distribution_lines Line 2 is a reversal of line 1 and is NOT capitalizable Line 3 is a positive amount and is capitalizable

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