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Huachuca City Senior Center Checklist Afternoon 1730 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sweep the kitchen floor Empty the kitchen trashcan into the garbage can in the lobby Empty the bathroom trashcans into the garbage can in the lobby Put a new trash liner in the kitchen trashcan Take out the garbage can to the dumpster out back Put in a new liner in the large garbage can in the lobby Turn off the coffee pot with the toggle switch below the power light Rinse out the coffee pots. If they are stained clean them out with a little salt and ice cubes and swish. 9. Fill up the ice tea pitcher from the Sun Tea jar in the refrigerator and place it back in the refrigerator 10. Empty the water pitcher and ice bucket in the sink. 11. Turn off the fan by the organ. 12. Make sure the the convection oven and electric stove is off. 13. Make sure the light is off in the walk-in refrigerator (reg light on the outside is off) 14. Shut down the computer properly before turning any switches off 15. Turn off the computer power strip 16. Straighten out tables and chairs 17. Turn off four switched by double doors 18. Turn off bathroom lights and prop the doors open 19. Turn off storeroom lights 20. Lock backdoor by storeroom 21. Turn off kitchen lights 22. Lock kitchen door 23. Lock both front double doors (outside and inside) 24. Make sure office door is locked. 25. Leave a note for the morning crew if necessary. 26. When you leave double check all doors as they sometimes close but don't lock. 27. Turn Key 13 back in to Police Dispatcher if you have it

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