Operation Coordinator

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are all blessed to be a blessing.

Operation Coordinator
You are the organizer. You are the forecaster. You are the budget-er. You are the executor. You are the
YES man (woman) or the NO man (woman). As the Director of Operations for your chapter, you are glue that keeps the team together. Your Supply Chapter has hopes and aspirations to do many amazing things this year, but to see these things come to life, you will need to keep all things in check while becoming the master of logistics. As the Director of Operations, you will have the opportunity to have a deep impact into the goals that the chapters are attempting to reach: $1000 raised in a school year. As fundraisers and campaigns are being planned by your executive team, you are interested in your potential budgets for the events and what type of turn out you need to make the event a success. Setting mini targets and goals for everything that is happening with your club will make things fun and organized for your team. For you, its all about check lists. With so many things going on and your responsibilities in many different directions, keep organized. From starting the organization with school paperwork to counting the raised funds after a big event, your efforts are truly all encompassing. The privilege it is to work tirelessly for education in the slums across the world is an opportunity that has unbelievably rewarding. I trust that your efforts will lead you to the same place.

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