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REPORTED SPEECH - exercises (

Check the solutions at the bottom of the page, but do the exercises first !

STATEMENTS exercise 1
Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Charlie told you a lot of things...
1. Im thinking of going to live in Canada.
2. My father is in hospital.
3. Nora and Jim are getting married next month.
4. Ill tell Jim I saw you.
5. I havent seen Bill for a while.
6. Ive been playing tennis a lot recently.
7. I dont know what Fred is doing.
8. I hardly ever go out these days.
9. Tom had an accident last week but he wasnt injured.
10. I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.
1. Charlie said (that) ______________________________________________________________
2. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
3. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
4. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
5. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
6. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
7. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
8. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
9. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________
10. He said (that) __________________________________________________________________

exercise 2
In this exercise someone says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before You have
to answer : I thought you said
Example: That restaurant is expensive. I thought you said it wasnt expensive.
1. Ann is coming to the party.

I thought you said she _________________________________________

2. Bill passed his examination.

I thought you said ___________________________________________

3. Ann likes Bill.

I thought you said _______________________________________________________

4. Ill be here next week.

I thought you said ________________________________________________

5. I can afford a holiday this year.

I thought you said _________________________________________

QUESTIONS exercise:
1. What caused the explosion?

The journalist asked_____________________________________________

2. Has Bill passed his examination?

Tom asked _______________________________________________

3. Where did you play last Sunday?

She asked us _____________________________________________

4. Will you be here next week?

Jim asked Ann ________________________________________________

5. What are you doing with your mobile?

The teacher asked me _________________________________


ORDERS , REQUESTS , ADVICE (conselhos) exercise:

1. Shut the door but dont lock it, she said to us.
She told ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Will you please tell Sam I miss him?, Susan asked me.
Susan ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Can you please speak more slowly ? I cant understand what you are saying , the foreign girl said to

The foreign girl ____________________________________________________________ , because

4. Why dont you make your presentation in power point instead?, the teacher said to us.
The teacher advised ________________________________________________________________

Statements - Exercise 1
1. Charlie said (that) he was thinking of going to live in Canada.
2. He said his father was in hospital.
3. He said Nora and Jim were getting married next month (the following month).
4. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me / he saw me.
5. He said he hadnt seen Bill for a while.
6. He said he had been playing tennis a lot recently.
7. He said he didnt know what Fred was doing.
8. He said he hardly ever went out these days. (those wouldnt be as logical as these in this case)
9. He said Tom had had an accident last week (= the previous week) but he hadnt been injured // = Tom
had an accident last week but he wasnt injured

10. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago (= before) and he had seemed fine. // = he
saw Jack and he seemed fine.

Statements - Exercise 2
1. I thought you said she wasnt (coming to the party).
2. I thought you said Bill hadnt passed his examination.
3. I thought you said Ann didn'
t like Bill.
4. I thought you said you wouldn'
t be here next week.
5. I thought you said you couldn'
t afford a holiday this year.

1. The journalist asked what had caused the explosion.
2. Tom asked if Bill had passed his examination.
3. She asked us where we had played last Sunday.
4. Jim asked Ann if she would be there next (the following) week.
5. The teacher asked me what I was doing with my mobile.

Orders and requests

1. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
2. Susan asked me to tell Sam she missed him.
3. The foreign girl asked Jim to speak more slowly, because she couldnt understand what he was
4. The teacher advised us to make our presentation in power point (instead).

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