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Learning Area Time Form Topics Lesson Objectives

Programming (Basic Programming Concepts) 2.00 pm -- 3.50pm 5 5.1.5 Basic Elements In Programming At the end of this lesson , Students should be able to : 1. Differentiate between constants and variables. 2. Differentiate between the data types: Boolean, integer, double, string and date. Laptop, projector, LCD screen , CD Teaching Courseware Students in Individual task 1. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on constants and variables. 2. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on different data types. Students answer the evaluation sheet and discuss with the teacher the answers. Teacher encourage students to record their answers or findings in their students file.

Teaching Aids Activities



Learning Area Time Form Topics Lesson Objectives

Programming 2.00 pm -- 3.50pm 5 5.1.5 Basic Elements In Programming

Teaching Aids Activities


At the end of this lesson , Students should be able to : 1. Differentiate between mathematical and logical (Boolean) operators. 2. Differentiate between sequence control structure and selection control structure. Laptop, projector, LCD screen , CD Teaching Courseware Students in Individual task 1. Draw a chart or table to illustrate the understanding on the mathematical and logical (Boolean) operators 2. Find out a simple flow chart for both structures from printed materials or the internet. Students answer the evaluation sheet and discuss with the teacher the answers. Teacher encourage students to record their answers or findings in their students file.


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