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1. This is the go of the world. Which parts of speech the underlined word is_ a. Verb b. Noun c. Adjective d.

Adverb 2. Choose the right verb. Rabindranath's stories of ten___surprising endings. a. Had b. Have c. Has d. Have had 3. Fill in the gap. I don't mind___with the cooking but I am not going. a. to help b. help c. helping d. for helping 4. Select the correct passive form of Zahid's behaviour annoyed me. a. I was annoyed at Zahid's behaviour b. I was annoyed with Zahid's hebaviour c. I was annoyed by Zahid's behaviour d. I was annoyed to Zahid's behaviour 5. Correct indirect form of I said to him, Let us play. a. I told him let us played b. I suggested him play c. I suggested him playing d. All of them are correct 6. Select the right one. Nurses attend___patient a. to b. by c. on d. Both "a" and "c" 7. Fill in the gap. I have a headache___you buy some aspirine for me? a. shall b. will c. could d. should 8. Choose the correct sentence_ a. She is not running and do not intend to run b. She is not and does not intend to run for political office c. She is not and will not intend to run d. She is not running and does not intend to run 9. Cancer cells are normal cells run riot growing and multiplying out of_ a. Spite b. danger

c. control d. apathy 10. He hates to part with his money. _ . . . . 11. Antonym of "Captive" is_ a. fascinate b. Bewitch c. Entrance d. Rebel 12. Antonym of "Circuitous" is_ a. Round about b. devious c. tortuous d. direct 13. Synonym of "Daze" is_ a. stupefy b. furore c. zeal d. fanaticism 14. Synonym of "Despicable" is_ a. contemptible b. honourable c. praiseworthy d. commendable 15. Cut and dried means_ a. secret b. already decided c. brief d. humorous 16. "A perfect democracy is therefore the most shameless thing in the world"_is quoted by a. Abraham Lincon b. Aristotle c. Lord Brice d. Edmund Burke 17. Correct spelling is_ a. Assassination b. Assasination c. Asassination d. Assassinition 18. "Pride and Prejudice" is a_ a. Epic b. Poem c. Novel d. Play 19. Which is not related to literature? a. Demagogue b. Epilogue c. Monologue d. Prologue 20. First language means_ a. important b. main c. natural d. official

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. M 11. d 12. d 13. a 14. a 15. b 16. d 17. a 18. c 19. a 20. c

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