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Tuscany Ristorante London Heathrow Marriott Hotel

Introduction to Marketing Audit Marketing audit is an analysis of existing marketing activities. Marketing audit enables organization to review the current market position of the organization and assess the performance providing scope for further opportunities to grow (Lorat, 2009). Organization demands to perform marketing audit regularly as the external and internal business environment changes. Internal Capability Different types of marketing audits are Marketing Function Audit: Function audit make use of marketing mix (7P) namely, price, product, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence are used. Product: The main factors of a company which creates differentiation, demand and provide worth the money spend. Description o The restaurant provide Italian and Mediterranean cuisine with Tuscan cooking style o Foods are cooked only in finest olive oil o Restaurant have famous and very popular l Carte menu o Italian liquors, coffees and desserts are other major attraction o Relaxed atmosphere Key Findings o Tuscany hotel targets the niche market of Italian cuisine lovers. o The products are not very expensive which the great attraction to the customers. o The restaurant is located in famous Marriot hotel brand in Heathrow which have tourist and passengers as customers from all around the world.

Price: The amount of money needed to obtain product or service. Marriot hotel follows a differentiation strategy in terms of pricing. Description o Products are at reasonable price o Special offers for travellers and frequents visitors o Offers include food and accommodation for frequents flyers Key Findings o Marriot Heathrow the customers are mostly passengers and tourists. o Hotel provides package pricing for the tourists. o Customers are happy with the pricing strategy of the company

Place It is the availability of the product in the market. Description Key Findings

o Tuscany hotel is located in Marriot Hotel which is a very popular brand in the hotel industry. o Passengers travelling through Terminal 1 and 3 of Heathrow Airport have easy access to the hotel as it is located near to these terminals in A4

o Business travellers and passengers who have to wait long time for the next flight are attracted to the hotel. o It is located in the highway which is an easy access to the place

Promotion It is part of marketing to attract the customers with offers and communicate the benefits Description o A complementary drink of Prosecco is offered to customers until 30 June 2012. o To attract tourist and business special offer of food and rooms are provided at competitive price o Online promotion are done through internet were customers can reserve seats online o Emails and special offers are communicated with the regular customers o Visa gift card and discount vouchers are given to customers or their next visit o Folders are given to travel information offices People Employers are key to market success Description o Well trained staff to prepare and serve the customers providing high standard services. o Highly experienced and qualified chefs in the kitchen which contribute to provide authentic cuisine from live theatre kitchen o Customers see and mingle with the staff in live kitchen giving good experience. o Employees are very friendly , customer oriented and diverse cultured Key Findings o The employees are well trained to understand and satisfy the needs and expectation of multi cultured customers. o Employees are capable of explaining each and every menu to the customers o Multi cultured employees to satisfy and understand the requirement of multi cultured customers Key Findings o Tuscany hotel take great effort to market the restaurant through different promotions both online as well as offline. o It tries to retain the existing customers rather than attracting new customers o 80% because of brand recognition

Process - Structured and systematic procedure followed in the organisations

Description o Customers can book online for the seats o Customers can pay their bills using the cell phone o Special offers are posed in the websites an circulated through emails

Key Findings o Use latest technology is all its operations and process o Use websites to promote the restaurant

Physical Evidence - The physical appearance of the company which through which the brand is identified. Description o Uses the logo and brand of Marriott Hotel o Interiors, designs, ambiance, experience attracts the customers o Close to authentic designs and presentation Key Findings o Identity of the restaurant is note separated but along with the brand name Marriott. o Physical appearance is convincing and attractive but popularity is less

Environmental Audit Macro environment audits the external business environment i.e. political- economicsocial- Technological and legal factors. Political Factors Key Points Equal opportunity employment Key findings Restaurant needs to remain in compliance with the rules and regulations of the country and need to provide equal opportunity without discrimination.

Physical and Psychological working environment

Since restaurant is located in Heathrow there will be customers from different countries. Employees need to understand the needs and requirement of multi cultured customers Economic Factors

Financial crisis globally

With economic crisis the number of traveller will decrease which are likely to affect the business of the restaurant as the major customers are the passengers.

Change buying attitude

in customers behaviour and

With increase in competition with low price services and the customers becoming price sensitive. Social Factors

Increase in unemployment Increase in leisure markets

Power of employees and consumer will vary with the increase in unemployment level. With the promotion of tourism spending nature of people for international travel have also increased Technological Factors

Boom in IT can increase the scope of marketing and promotions Advancement technology in

The marketing of the restaurant in websites to attract tourist and other business passengers can increase the business Customers of Marriot can pay their bills using cell phone and have free access to wifi.

Micro environment audit is carried out under Market (market size, growth, segment, target, profits etc), customer (needs and requirement, attitude, decision making, buying behaviour etc), competitors and other stakeholders such as dealers, suppliers, investors, distributors etc. (Stephen and Osborne, 2005). Customer: o Business operation and marketing of Tuscany is customer centric providing marketing mix to attract and retain existing. o Tuscany believes in word of mouth which is a viral marketing technique thus giving customers o Cutsomer should experience the value of money spend in the hotel so that they will spread Supplier : Suppliers provide materials to carry out the business. o Any changes in the behavior of supplier such as increase in price, decrease in the quality of product, timely service etc. will directly impact the service provided. o Marketing mix is influenced by the suppliers. The quality of the food cannot be compromised and thus power of supplier is more. Competitors: Competition is becoming crucial in all business with globalization. o To remain at the competitive edge Tuscany is following unique and differentiation strategy. o Heathrow have many popular branded restaurant located in the area increasing the competition level

Marketing Production Audit: Organisation works to attain profit in business. This audit analyzes the profit and revenue of the organisation thereby evaluating the market performance of the organisation. Description o Restaurants on profitably and cost effectiveness is analysed o Expense of the organization towards marketing and other activities are reviewed enabling companies to expand, contract, withdraw or enter into new business segment. o Cost efficiency, budgeting, and everything connected with productivity are measured. Key Findings o Marketing production audit and system audit is performed frequently o Tuscany measure that hotel is working cost effectively with increase in profit along with increase in market share.

Marketing System Audit: This audit checks whether organisation is using the appropriate system to collect information, plan the activities, control and monitor the operations for day to functionality. Description o In order to collect information and manage the operations Tuscany and Marriot are using different types of marketing system such as marketing information systems, marketing planning s ystems, marketing control systems, inventory system and new product development systems o Audit examines the functionality of each system along with the procedure used for marketing, forecasting, analyzing the data. o Sufficient systems are utilized in different stages such as planning, implementation and control are inspected. Key Findings o Production, inventory, supply, budget should word together for smooth cutsomer service o New menus and services can be planned only with adequate information

Marketing Organisation Audit: This audits the efficiency and effectiveness in the operations inside the organisation. This audit consider all the functional areas in the organisation such as production, finance, customer service, sales, HR and its coordination with the marketing department. o Audit ensures that Marriot and the food and beverage department have achieved operational efficiency and effectiveness within the organisation as well as within the market.

o The restaurant needs to keep communication, relationship and interface with other operational areas of the hotel for business growth. o It measures formal structure, functional efficiency and interface efficiency of the organisation 7S Framework Strategy o Increase productivity with good service quality is the stratgey of the restaurant o Innovative method and excellent service to satisfy the customer Shared Value o Respect towards the subordinates, amangemnt and the customers o Employees feel pride to be part of marrot hotel barnd which is world leading hotel group o Employees are motivated to perform well, place orders on time, avod absentism with rewards and recognition Structure
Board of directors, Partners, MD

Top Level Management

General Manager, Executive Chef, AGM Kitchen staff, runners, waiters, security

Medium Level Management Low Level Management

System o Recruitment Competent skilled people are selected o Training and Development Employees are trained to intergrate with the organstaion culture o Appraisal This is considered very important to make employees more productive, place orders on time and perform better Style o In the opertaions in the restaurent top down and bottom up approaches are taken o Major decisions on strategy, procedure, policies are taken by top level management are commuincated with lower levels o Middle managemnt make deciosn on technical side such as suppleurs, raw materials, products required etc and are passed to top level for approval which is a bottom up approach. Skill

o Training and motivation are given to employees to make adeuqtae in skill o Skills are developed to achieve compaines objectives and strategies Staff o o o o Well qualified and experienced staff are chosed for kitchen and service All staff are health food and safety certified Training are given to staff to perform well as it is alive kitchen Hirarchy of staff is top level management (directors, partners), middle level(managers, head chef, supervisors) and low level(waiters,kitchen porters)

Marketing Strategy Audit: This audit compares and contrasts the strategy of the organization with the companys goals and objectives. And ensure that management have intended the best strategy for growth. Mission: To enhance the lives of our customers by creating and enabling unsurpassed experiences. Vision: To become the premier provider and facilitator of leisure and vacation experiences in the world. Competition analysis - Porters five forces Model Porters five force analyses will analyze the on the whole competitive nature of the hotel industry and make appraisal on the position of Marriot Hotel and its food and Beverage department in the industry.

Figure 2 Porters Five Force Analysis Threat of New Entrants: It is hard for new entrants to enter into hotel industry as they need to make big inventsmnet to get established. In Heathrow only established and branded hotels are give space for business as it represent the country. Threat of new entrants is very less. Threat of Substitutes: The food and beverage department of hotel industry the threat of substitute is comparatively less.

Threat from the competitors:. Tuscany have threat of competitors are high as they have equal size and market share. Restaurants which provide excellent service with reduced price will be a threat. In Heathrow there are different branded hotels which offer excellent services. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers increase the price or try to decrease the quality which will have impact on the quality of food provided To remain competitive hotels will have to accept the demand of suppliers. In hotel industry quality of the food and the pricing is very important. With the increase in price of suppliers and to sustain the quality of food supplied the menu will have to be premium priced. Power of Customers: The bargaining power of customers will increase only if the customers are price sensitive and have other alternatives The bargaining power of customer is less in Marriot hotel as there are more returning customers and does not compramise on quality of the food SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is an important tool used in the beginning of marketing audit. Strength High expanse of brand Geographic Presence Leader in hotel industry globally Strategies to retain and attract new employees Brand equity Location of the restaurant Quality service Hardworking employees Appealing infrastructure

Weakness Highly depends on luxury products and service Lack of advertisements Target premium customers

Opportunity Focus on different market segments Introduce new items in menu and services Increase business through marketing online Promote with new offers Implement differentiation Strategy Trend to low cost products Attract family market segment

Coordinate with travel agency for details of customer and focus marketing the brand

Threats Change in customer spending behaviour due to economic crisis Political instability Increase in competition between other brands in hotel industry Price war

Conclusion Marketing audit is one of the crucial steps of developing market plan. Market audit helps to identify the external environment and the internal capabilities of the organisation. Any limitations of the organisation are focused in the plan with strategy to overcome. Market audit gave guidelines to develop market plan of Marriot Hotel for the next one year. Reference Bardi J A (2011), Hotel Front Office Management, John Wiley and Sons Joseph S. Chen (2010), Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Emerald Group UK Kotler P (2011), Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know, John Wiley & Sons Lorat N (2009), Market Audit and Analysis, GRIN Verlag Mercer, D. (1996). Marketing. Wiley-Blackwell. Michael A. H (2009). Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization : concepts & cases. Cengage Learning. Porter M. E (1998) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance: with a New Introduction, Simon and Schuster Stephen P and Osborne, K. B. (2005). Managing change and innovation in public service organizations. Routledge. Wilson A (2002), The Marketing Audit Handbook: Tools, Techniques & Checklists to Exploit Your Marketing Resources, Kogan Page Publishers History of Marriot [Online] [Cited: About Marriot Hotel [Online] [Cited: June June 5, 5, 2012.] 2012.]

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