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Artifact 2B: Balanced Literacy List: African Animals NBPTS Standards- Proposition 2 Standard: Teachers Know The Subjects

They Teach and How to Teach Those Subjects. Rationale: A balanced literacy list displays the many ways to reach the variety of students that we have in our classrooms. It offers a number of different, high quality resources for students to explore in the areas of nonction books, ction books, websites, movies and learning software in order to reach each student effectively while focusing on one topic area. As teachers of today, we must present our students with varied opportunities to learn and help them more closely connect with a subject in a way that is most benecial to them. Reection: As part of the grade two curriculum in my school district, I teach a global studies unit about Africa. Since time is of the essence in teaching, it is imperative to have an integrated curriculum into all areas with this content focus during the unit. A major piece of this unit takes place during our daily writers workshop time and focuses on writing non ction animal reports on an African animal of the students choosing. Creating a balanced literacy list is one way in which the enormous amount of knowledge and resources are combined together to create a comprehensive study concerning this topic area.

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