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Technology and Applied Studies

Practical Room Policy

Practical Room Policy Specialised (D 04 & D 05)

When undertaking practical work students MUST Not take bags into the room. Wear black lace up school shoes. Bring all required equipment to class. Wear an apron. Long hair tied back. Wear Eye and Hearing protection when appropriate during machining operations. Wear Eye and Hearing protection when in the Machine Room. Leave the work areas clean and tidy. Empty bins when becoming full. Procedures for students who do not abide by these policies First offence Be spoken to by the class teacher and reminded of the need for safety procedures. As above Be excluded from the room and be given other work to continue with for Second that lesson, the situation noted in the students diary and the parents signature offence sighted. As above and the student given a lunchtime cleanup duty and the situation noted in Third offence the students diary and the parents signature sighted. As above and the students name is to be given to the TAS Coordinator for further Fourth offence disciplinary action.

Student Agreement
I .. of PC . Promise to abide by the above rules at ALL TIMES and understand the penalties that will be applied if they are not followed.

Signed ..


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