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MAY newsletter


Whats Happening in the Month of May?

I can hardly believe that May has arrived and that we are in the home stretch of the school year! The second graders have been hard at work in the past weeks working on their Africa unit of study. We have been researching different African animals and writing non-ction pieces during our Writers Workshop time. We have also focused on mapping and the geography of the continent of Africa as well. The children have throughly enjoyed this unit. We are having a second grade PENNY DRIVE this month in order to raise money in hopes of purchasing a goat for an African family in need through HEIFER International. Any spare change at home can be sent in to help our cause and to help us help others. Thanks so much! to check it out you can visit: We will be beginning a new unit this month discussing PONDS and PLANTS. Throughout the unit we will cover life cycles and plant growth. We will be having a eld guide from Fields Pond come into our classroom on a number of occasions to offer some hands on learning. We will be going to Fields Pond in Orrington as our wrap up! More information will be coming home in the folders about the eld trip! :)

LAST SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER for the school year is due back on or before Friday, May 18th. Checks payable to Scholastic. Thanks! Happy Summer Reading!!!

Looking Ahead: The annual 2nd grade eld trip to Fields Pond in Orrington will be on Friday, June 1st! more to com e
Mark the calendars... The K-2 Spring Concert will be on Wednesday, June 6 at 6:00 PM. Students should arrive by 5:30 PM.

In Math we are working on a new unit centered around Patterns, Functions, and Change. In the following weeks we will be using Tables to represent, record and compare changes. We will be also be working on linear relationships and describing and representing ratios.

I hope that all of you moms have a WONDERFUL Mothers Day!!!

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