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Linksys Router Setup Process

Step 1: Launch your Internet browser program. Step 2: In the Address filed, type the IP address, and then press Enter. Step 3: Type admin for the admin username and password. This is the default setting for a lot of Linksys routers. On the other hand, in some Linksys router versions, you should leave the username field blank and enter admin in the password field. Step 4: In the Encapsulation list, select the protocol mentioned by your ISP to be used for starting the Internet connection. Step 5: Select the appropriate Multiplexing type. In general, you can skip this step and let this setting be set automatically. Step 6: Select the valid QoS type for your Internet connection. Like in the previous step, this setting can be set automatically according the type of encapsulation. Step 7: Enter the VPI/VCI settings. You can let the Linksys router detects them automatically, or enter the values supplied by your ISP (Internet service Provider). Step 8: Select the type of your DSL Modulation.

Step 9: In the username and password text boxes, type your Internet accounts username and password. Step 10: Now, choose one from the following options:

Connect on Demand: tells the Linksys router to launch Internet Connection every time a computer wants Internet access. Furthermore, you must setup the Max Idle Time (quantity of time that the Linksys router will keep Internet connection up before shutting it down if it did not receive any user Internet request within that interval time). Keep Alive: this option tells the Linksys router to keep the Internet connection up all the time.

Step 11: Go to the network Setup area, and click on the enable option in the case that DHCP were disabled. Step 12: Type the start IP address (allocated for first DHCP request). Step 13: In the Maximum Number of DHCP users, type the number of IP addresses that you authorize your Linksys router to assign. Set this field to the number of devices in your network. Step 14: Type the client lease time (amount of time a network computer can keep using the IP Address offered by the router). Step 15: Type you DNS servers IP addresses. If you do not know them, then you can use these values: and Step 16: Click on Save Settings.

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