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The Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi

The Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi, written by Andrea Hirata, makes the new booming in the world of literature. The book which consist of four titles, Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, Edensor, and Maryamah Karpov, have become so exciting because its different stories can reach the world market. The writing of this tetralogy can come and beat the popularity of Metro Pop. Moreover, these four stories is longer to be the best seller and have spreaded into Asian market. This tetralogy tells the journeys of Ikals life that could reach his study to France. The first book, Laskar Pelangi, tells about the struggle in studying inspite of the fight limitation. And also describing about the pieces of fate that form our character in the future. Ikal, with his friends, also his teacher that had a fith to make a progress of education. The second book, Sang Pemimpi, tells about the spirit of getting the scholarship to abord and how the child could make his father proud. The third book, Edensor, tells how to enjoy the science like what Einstein said. The forth book, Maryamah Karpov, tells about the answer of the pieces of his fate. I think, the Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi must be between in our collection book. The cheap price makes the book is often read. Two thumbs for Andrea Hirata with his master piece, Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi.

By Nanda Shabrina XII Science 1

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