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Do you like how my perfume advert is set out? 1.

) Yes I like how it is set out but I think you could make the actual bottle a little bit bigger so it is the main feature of the advert whereas at the moment my eyes are drawn to the couple in the moonlight and not the perfume itself. Do you like the colour scheme of the advert? 2.) Oooh yes its perfect; dark, sexy and mysterious! What is your favourite feature of my perfume advert and why? 3.) My favourite feature would either be the couple in the moonlight because it stands out and fits the product perfectly!! Either that or the colour scheme which again fits with the product. Do you like the text and colour used for the brand name and product name in my advert? 4.) Yes I do :) it looks quite pretty but I'd have gone for a silver or grey colour font to keep in with the theme of night time and moonlight. Do you like the images in the advert? And do you find them appropriate and relevant? 5.) Yes they are very relevant and appropriate; especially the moon :p Would this advert make you want to buy the perfume? And why? 6.) It would intrigue me and encourage me to smell it but I have to smell it first before I decide whether I like it or not. Is it appealing? 7.) Yep, its appealing Are there any aspects you would like to change? Or anything you would add in order to improve my advert? 8.) Well, I'd make the bottle slightly bigger, take the flowers out or reduce the size of them so that there is less going on in the advert and I'd try making the moon and the people slightly smaller so customers are forced to look only at the product itself and not have any distractions. Oh and finally I'd write what the product is (as obvious as that sounds, its not been mentioned in the ad) How well does my advert fit the purpose? 9.) It fits the purpose very well as long as people understand that it is perfume you are advertising.

This is the overall reaction for my perfume advert. The feedback that I have received has been very positive, though they have all suggested one improvement which would be to make the perfume bottle the main feature of the advert so that it becomes more clear as to what I am advertising.

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