Multiple Integrals and Its Application in Telecomm Engineering

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Moin Ul Haq

Babar Ali
Naveed Ramzan
The process, which is the reverse of differentiation,
is called integration. The process of integration is
sometimes referred to as finding the anti-
derivative of the specified function.

The function to be integrated is called the
integrand. When a function has been
integrated the result is referred to as the integral.
In calculus, the integral of a function of more than
one variable is multiple integral. As the integral of
a function of one variable over an interval results in
an area, the double integral of a function of two
variables calculated over a region results in a
volume. Functions of three variables have triple
integrals, and so on. Like the single integral, such
constructions are useful in calculating the net
change in a function that results from changes in
its input values.

Multiple integration of a function in n variables
, x
, ..., x
) over a domain D is most
commonly represented by nested integral
signs in the reverse order of execution (the
leftmost integral sign is computed last),
followed by the function and integrand
arguments in proper order (the integral with
respect to the rightmost argument is
computed last). The domain of integration is
either represented symbolically for every
argument over each integral sign, or is
abbreviated by a variable at the rightmost
integral sign:
Integrals of a function of two variables over a
region in
are called double integrals.

The double integral of a positive function of two
variables represents the volume of the region
between the surface defined by the function (on the
three dimensional Cartesian plane where
z = (x, y)) and the plane which contains its

We have

The inner integral is

Note that we treat y as a constant as we
integrate with respect to x. The outer integral

In R
if the domain has a circular "symmetry"
and the function has some "particular"
characteristics you can apply the
transformation to polar coordinates
The fundamental relation to make the
transformation is the following

D is the portion of the region between the circles of radius 2 and
radius 5 centered at the origin that lies in the first quadrant.
First lets get D in terms of polar coordinates. The circle of radius 2 is given
by r=2 and the circle of radius 5 is given by r=5. We want the region
between them so we will have the following inequality for r.

Also, since we only want the portion that is in the first quadrant we get the
following range of u s.

Now that weve got these we can do the integral.

Dont forget to do the conversions and to add in the extra r. Now, lets
simplify and make use of the double angle formula for sine to make the
integral a little easier.

Integrals of a function of three variables over a region in

are called triple integrals. The volume can be
obtained via the triple integral the integral of a function
in three variables of the constant function (x, y, z) = 1
over the region between the surface and the plane


Just to make the point that order doesnt matter lets
use a different order from that listed above. Well do
the integral in the following order.

In R
the integration on domains with a circular base can be
made by the passage in cylindrical coordinates; the
transformation of the function is made by the following

So it becomes:

In R
some domains have a spherical symmetry, so it's
possible to specify the coordinates of every point of the
integration region by two angles and one distance. It's
possible to use therefore the passage in spherical
coordinates; the function is transformed by this relation:

A line integral is an integral where the function to be
integrated is evaluated along a curve. The value of the line
integral is the sum of values of the field at all points on the

Evaluate where C is the curve shown below.

So, first we need to parameterize each of the curves.

Now lets do the line integral over each of these curves.

Finally, the line integral that we were asked to
compute is

Green's theorem gives the relationship between a line integral
around a simple closed curve C and a double integral over the
plane region D bounded by C. Let C be a positively oriented,
piecewise smooth, simple closed curve in the plane and let D
be the region bounded by C. If L and M are functions of (x, y)
defined on an open region containing D and have continuous
partial derivatives there, then

For positive orientation, an arrow pointing
in the counterclockwise direction may be
drawn in the small circle in the integral

The outward flux of a field F = M i + N j across a simple
closed curve C equals the double integral of div F over the
region R enclosed by C.

The divergence of a fluid's velocity field measures the rate at
which fluid is being piped into or out of the region at any
given point. The curl measures the fluid's rate of rotation at
each point.

Stokes' theorem include the concept of curl and it simplifies
and generalizes several theorems from vector calculus. It says
that the circulation of a vector field around the boundary of
an oriented surface in space in the direction counter
clockwise with respect to the surfaces unit normal vector
field n equals the integral of the normal component of the
curl of the field over the surface.

f.dr=F.n d
This is the mathematical formula of calculating stokes

Divergence theorem is similar to stokes theorem but main
difference is that it contain dot product instead of cross
product of nebla sign and function and it include triple
the divergence theorem states that the outward flux of a
vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume
integral of the divergence of the region inside the surface.
Intuitively, it states that the sum of all sources minus the sum
of all sinks gives the net flow out of a region

Example: Use the divergence theorem to evaluate
where and the surface consists of the three
surfaces, on the top, ,
on the sides and on the bottom.

Lets start this off with a sketch of the surface.

The region E for the triple integral is then the region enclosed by
these surfaces. Note that cylindrical coordinates would be a
perfect coordinate system for this region. If we do that here are
the limits for the ranges.

Well also need the divergence of the vector field so lets get

The integral is then

When talking about application of multiple
integral it has lot of application also in
telecomm but here we discussed its some
application in telecomm engineering.
The main thing is in electromagnetic is
Maxwell equation which is based on this
stokes theorem and divergence theorem.
When we calculate stoke theorem then
definitely double integrals is used.
Maxwell's equations are a set of partial
differential equations that, together with the
Lorentz force law, form the foundation of
classical electrodynamics, classical optics,
and electric circuits. These fields in turn
underlie modern electrical and
communications technologies.
In physics, the Lorentz force is the force on
a point charge due to electromagnetic
fields. It is given by the following equation
in terms of the electric and magnetic fields.

( )
Gauss's law electric
0 Gauss's lawin magnetism
Faraday's law
Ampere-Maxwell law I
o o o

= +
E s
B s
Gausss law (electrical):
The total electric flux
through any closed surface
equals the net charge inside
that surface divided by c
This relates an electric field
to the charge distribution
that creates it

Gausss law (magnetism):
The total magnetic flux
through any closed surface
is zero
This says the number of field
lines that enter a closed
volume must equal the
number that leave that
This implies the magnetic
field lines cannot begin or
end at any point


d =
Faradays law of Induction:
This describes the creation of an
electric field by a changing magnetic
The law states that the emf, which is
the line integral of the electric field
around any closed path, equals the
rate of change of the magnetic flux
through any surface bounded by that
One consequence is the current
induced in a conducting loop placed
in a time-varying B

The Ampere-Maxwell law is a
generalization of Amperes law

It describes the creation of a
magnetic field by an electric field
and electric currents
The line integral of the magnetic
field around any closed path is the
given sum
E s
o o o
= +
B s
Picture a shows first half cycle. When current reverses in picture b,
the fields reverse. See the first disturbance moving outward. These
are the electromagnetic waves.
Notice that the electric and
magnetic fields are at right
angles to one another! They are
also perpendicular to the
direction of motion of the wave.

E d
o o
B d
= c
Applying Ampere to
Helmholtz equation is also a optics equation
whose solution is an double integral

It has application in electromagnetic mode
which is depend upon width of the fiber
optics so here also we use multiple integrals
because this modes comes from Maxwell
equation and to solve these modes we need
to evaluate multiple integrals.
Modes are the possible solutions of the Helmholtz equation
for waves, which is obtained by combining Maxwell's
equations and the boundary conditions. These modes define
the way the wave travels through space, i.e. how the wave is
distributed in space
Its one application is in quantum well laser whose wavelength
is small as compare to ordinary laser.
Multiple integration is also important in Karhunen-Love
theorem. It is used here for expansion of this theorem. This is
probability/stochastic theorem and probability is used in
digital communication. Specially it is applied in receivers
detection portion.

Quantum Well Laser

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