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DC or AC Drives?

A guide for users of variable-speed drives (VSDs)



~ ~


ytilibitapmoc-erutuf evitavonni rof :sevird BBA sevird CD gnitsixe fo noitazinredoM sgnidnuorrus eht no stceffe yna sevird tnardauq-4 rellortnoc rewop sa retrevnoc eht ssecorp eht ot ecafretni eht sa rotom evird eht :stniop gniwollof eht revoc woleb snoitces ehT .egreme gninoitcnuf fo dohtem lacisyhp eht ni dna serutaef evird eht ni secnereffid ,ylesolc erom deziniturcs nehw ,revewoh ;dnuof eb nac secnereffid tnacifingis yna yldrah ,nosirapmoc laicifrepus tsrif a nI

moor lortnoc eht morf noitapissid taeH rotom dna retrevnoc rof ecaps deriuqeR CME krowten ylppus :sgnidnuorrus eht no stceffe ynA sriaper "tops-eht-no" ;ecivres noitcetorp fo seerged ;snoitidnoc latnemnorivne .cte ,LU ,ASC ;CME-EC ,NE ,CEI ekil snoitaluger lanoitanretni :sevird eht fo ytilibaliava ,ytilibadneped lanoitarepO ygolonhcet CD erutuf-eht-ot-pu thgiew ;stnemeriuqer ecaps .cte ,POTS YCNEGREME ;noitarepo tnardauq-4 ;emit pu-pmar ,esnopser cimanyd :stcepsa evitavonnI/lacigolonhceT stnemeriuqer ecaps


mpr 0051/Wk 0002 ... mpr 0003/Wk 57.0 V 096 ... V 083 =

rotom .norhcnysa CA retrevnoc MWP CA rotom CD retrevnoc rotsiryht CD tnenopmoc

U ;AVk 0052 ... AVk 5.0 =

mpr 009/Wk 0023 ... mpr 0006/Wk 5 V 0911 ... V 002 =


;Wk 0025 ... Wk 11 =


egnar gnittes deeps egral a tuohguorht ytilibapac dnatshtiw daolrevo rof stnemeriuqer tnegnirts dna euqrot daol tnatsnoc a htiw sevird cimanyd nehw ,ekila snosaer lacisyhp dna lacinhcet rof ,elor tnatropmi na yalp ot eunitnoc lliw )stnairav tnardauq-4 dna tnardauq-1 sti htob ni( evird CD

segnar BBA fo yrogetac gnitar lacipyT


:seirogetac gnitar lacipyt gniwollof htiw )noitaludo

lanoitnevnoc eht ,sselehtreveN .sevird CA dna CD htiw htob deldnah eb ot boj evird yna tsomla selbane )smret lacigolonhcet ylerup ni( hcihw noitacitsihpos lacinhcet fo level a dehcaer won sah ,sevird CA dna CD rof htob ,ygolonhcet retrev -noc rewop dellortnoc-rossecorporcim latigiD

CD deticxe yllanretxe htiw sevird rotsiryht esahp-3 eslup-6 ylno srevoc scitsiretcarahc evird-CA dna evird-CD cisab fo nosirapmoc gniwollof ehT

Handling drive jobs: DC or AC drives?

This overview is intended to outline to users, plant managers, industrial design engineers or the persons responsible for a particular process the features offered by DC drives as compared to AC drives.

The annual growth rate for variable-speed drives (abbreviated to VSDs in the following text) is approx. 6 %, while the growth rate for AC drives is around 8 % p.a., with the market's volume for DC drives remaining more or less stable.

Comparison of the basic characteristics of DC and AC drives in industrial applications


ni sretrevnoc ycneuqerf esahp-3 dna ,]s


eht ni ,]s

sa woleb ot derrefer[ srotom esahp-eerht suonorhcnysa htdi eslu htiw sretrevnoc ecruos egatlov( ngised MWP sa woleb ot derrefer[ srotom

Main criteria for the user



DC Drive

Fig. 1


AC Drive

Fig. 2


.cte ,slevel ycneiciffe/stsoc ssecorp ecnanetniam :stsoc gnitarepo tnerruC )s(metsys DSV eht rof stsoc esahcrup latoT B A

:era kcehc siht rof gniylppa airetirc niam ehT .sessecorp/stnemeriuqer cificeps reh/sih rof ygolonhcet evird CA dna CD ni elbaliava yltnerruc snoitpo eht tuo kcehc ot si od dluohs resu a gniht tsrif ehT

.devlovni era

... euqrot daol gnisaercni yllacitardauq a htiw .cte ,snaf ,spmup :)4 .giF( sdeeps llams ta rotcaf ecnabrutsid a ton si srotom CA fo citsiret -carahc euqrot gnillaf eht erehw snoitacilppa lacipyT .lla ta elbissop yldrah si sessol rotor eht fo noitapissid ,sdeeps llams tA .noitapissid sDSV fo % 09 .xorppa( desu yliramotsuc noitalitnev ecafruS

... ,sredurtxe ,syawelbac lairea ,srotarepo tfil ,srosserpmoc notsip ,senihcam gniward-eriw :egnar deeps cisab eritne eht revo euqrot tnatsnoc a rof snoitacilppa lacipyT

.rotom CD eht ni gnitanigiro % 58 .xorppa( desu yliramotsuc erutaef noitalitnev decrof ehT

)noitciped cisab( segnar gnitarepo :citsiretcarahc euqroT

)noitciped cisab( segnar gnitarepo :citsiretcarahc euqroT

!yniturcs deliated erom ot tcidrev gnipeews siht tcejbus ot elbasivda sselehtenon si ti ;snoitacilppa elpmis ynam rof eurt eb llew yam noitazirogetac sihT .niagrab eht otni noitcetorp fo eerged rehgih a sessessop dna ,evisnepxe ssel erofereht si ,ecnanetniam hcum deen ton seod ,ydruts dna elpmis si ,dnah rehto eht no ,rotom CA ehT .noitcetorp fo eerged rewol a sah osla ti ;nur ot evisnepxe ti sekam hcihw ,ecnanetniam fo tol a seriuqer dna detacilpmoc si rotom CD eht :weiv citsilpmis rehtar gniwollof eht tpoda sresu ynam ,noitaulave rotom lareneg roF

Differences between DC and AC motors






nG x

Current limit of thyristor converter

DC Drive

n1 y

Commutation limit of motor

G F n G n1

= = = =

Basic speed range Field control range Basic speed Black-band speed

Fig. 3

n n

taeh secuder yllaitnatsbus srotom dradnats CA rof )Wk 052

sessol rotor eht fo noitapissid doog serusne )Wk 052

sDSV fo






Motor with forced ventilation

Self-ventilated motor

nG x

Current limit of frequency converter

Breakdown torque limit of motor

AC Drive

G = Basic speed range F = Field control range n = Basic speed G

Fig. 4
n n

.woleb 1 elbaT nosirapmoC eht ees ;euqrot emas eht ot ecnerefer htiw ,srotor eht rof -rewop dna noitamrof dleif-citengam ni srotom dradnats CA dna CD neewteb secnereffid detaler-ngised dna lacinhcet cisab ehT

.egnar deeps ediw a ni rewop evird tnatsnoc a eriuqer hcihw sessecorp tius ot detpada eb nac noitseuq ni rotom eht retteb eht ,rewop mumixam sti tuptuo nac rotom a hcihw ni egnar deeps eht regral ehT . llew sa retrevnoc ycneuqerf CA / retrevnoc rotsiryht CD detaicossa eht fo gninoisnemid eht no eerged hgih a ot tub sretemarap rotom eht no ylno ton sdneped ytud emit-trohs ni daolrevo elbissop ehT .rewop tnatsnoc ta segnar gnittes hgih rof dna sdeeps wol ta noitarepo suounitnoc rof rotom suonorhcnysa eht ot suoegatnavda si rotom tnerruc-tcerid eht taht swohs srotom CA dna CD fo scitsiretcarahc gnitarepo fo nosirapmoc A

)noitciped cisab( edom 1S ni deeps tsniaga dettolp rewop :citsiretcarahC






AC Motor

G = Basic speed range F = Field control range n = Basic speed

= DC Motor


n 1 AC

n 1 DC

= AC Motor


Sizes, moments of inertia and ramp-up times:

nG x

^ =

mgk ni


J aitreni fo stnemom ssam tnereffid dna srotom eht rof )H thgieh tfahs

( sezis tnereffid liatne osla noitapissid ssol

srelioc :noitacilppa lacipyT


Fig. 5
n n

Power limitation is caused by the commutation of DC motor. Power limitation is caused by the breakdown torque of AC motor decreasing as the square of speed (1/n2). Depending on the size of the DC motors, on the basic speed specified and the design involved (either as compensated or non-compensated DC machines), the field weakening range is either 1 : 3 or 1 : 5 (see section entitled "High speed setting range at constant power" on Page 6). In contrast to the AC standard motor with fixed basic speeds (synchronous speeds of 3000/ 1500/1000/... rpm at 50 Hz), the DC motor's basic speed can be designed from approx. 300 rpm to about 4000 rpm for each working point.

02.2 24.2 37.1 649.0 ces


75.1 37.1 51.1 916.0 ces


52 01 5.2 161.0 mgk


0051 0002 0002 0002 nim n

065 923 521 51 Wk P

5653 0751 975 17 mN


4 3 2 1


M ).xE = ( elpmaxE :2 elbaT

rotoM CA dna CD rof

rotoM CA dna CD rof

egnar gnittes deeps cisab eht ni atad rotom evoba eht no desab t semit pu-pmaR

55.9 ces 649.0 =

17 =

ces 916.0 =

55.9 x


0002 x )161.0 + 161.0(


0002 x )161.0 + 50.0(

mgk 161.0 = aitreni fo tnemom rotom = ^

J :1 .xE :rof

rotoM CA sa eulav emas ; mgk 161.0 =


081 = H thgieh tfahs ;mN 17 / Wk 51 rotoM CA

211 = H thgieh tfahs ;mN 17 / Wk 51 rotoM CD

M =

M htiw srotoM CA rof

t emit pu-pmaR

M =

M htiw srotoM CD rof

t emit pu-pmaR

:kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

:kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV




= J(

] mgk[

.)sedom gnikarb dna gnivird( noitarepo tnardauq-ruof ni esnopser cimanyd s'rotom eht dna t e m i t p u - p m a r e h t n o ecneulfni dekram a sah ti ecnis ,sevird gnisrever dna ,sraehs gniylf ,sgir tset sa hcus ,snoitacilppa cimanyd ylhgih rof elbairav tnatropmi na si aitreni fo tnemom ssam siht tuB .llew sa srotom CD htiw rellams yllaitnatsbus gnieb yltneuqesnoc

eht fo aitreni fo tnemom ssam eht htiw ,srotom CA od naht thgiew dna H thgieh tfahs rewol yltnacifingis a evah srotom CD

0893 0081 078 571 )45PI( gk thgieW

054 553 513 081 H thgieh tfahS rotoM CA

00.52 02.8 03.2 161.0 mgk


4GL054 4AMS553 4AMS513 4M081 epyT

0012 2301 554 011 32PI

513 522 081 211 H thgieh tfahS

86.01 00.3 96.0 50.0 mgk


M513+AMD S522IMD BL4-081PMD L4-211PMD epyT

5952 2521 575 511


rof sthgiew dna sthgieh tfahs/sezis ,srotor eht rof aitreni fo stnemom ssaM


AC Standard Motors



:1 elbaT nosirapmoC


rotoM CD

DC Motor

AC Standard Motor

gk thgieW

Available in version IC37

Cooling system IC86W

x )


J +

:emit pu-pmaR

a 2

2/ 1

:aitreni fo tnemom ssaM

0051 0002 0002 0002 mpr n

065 923 521 51 Wk P

5653 0751 975 17 mN


MA Jmot Jexternal

J m ra ta n

mpr 0002 = n

mpr 0002 = n


= = =

= = = = =





J emas

atad tuptuo war emas


J :1 .xE :rof

mass moment of inertia in kgm2 mass in kg radius of the solid cylinder (rotor) ramp-up time in sec differential between highest und lowest speed in rpm starting (acceleration) torque in Nm motor moment of inertia external moment of inertia

J rotor

4 3 2 1

.)dohtem gnilooc no gnidneped % 4 ... 1 .xorppa :Wk 55 >( retteb si srotom CA fo ycneiciffe eht revewoH .stnemeriuqer ssecorp eht ot gnidnopserroc srotom CD fo tniop lanimon eht ngised ot elbissop ti sekam tnatsnoc rotom ehT

,snoitacilppa eniram ,snoitallatsni tfiliks ,sgir gnillird( muimerp a ta si ecaps erehw smetsys ni ro ,)"hcniw gnillevart yellort" eht ni senarc ezis-egral rof .g.e( daol eht htiw rehtegot devom eb ot sah rotom eht erehw snoitacilppa rof laicurc era )45 PI noitcetorp fo eerged lausu( srotom CA eht ot derapmoc sa )32 PI noitcetorp fo eerged lausu( ezis rellams dna thgiew rewol 'srotom CD ehT

.ria gnilooc eht ni tsud dna trid fo eerged hgih a dna snoitidnoc tneibma evissergga yb deziretcarahc yrtsudni fo srotces esoht ni yllaicepse tsom ytilitu lacitcarp sti devorp dna noitisop mrif a flesti now sah rotom CA eht taht snaem sihT .ylevisulcxe tsomla desu era srotom CA detcetorp-noisolpxe ,saera suodrazah ni sboj evird roF .noitcurtsnoc ydruts dna elpmis rieht ot etubirt a si dradnats sa 45 PI noitcetorp fo eerged ni deilppus era Wk 0041 .xorppa ot pu fo sgnitar htiw srotom CA taht tcaf ehT .dedulcnoc neeb tey ton sah sretrevnoc CA htiw sevird deeps-elbairav rof gniylppa stnemeriuqer eht ot yltsom hcihw ,s08/s07 eht ecnis dezilitu neeb yltnanimoderp evah srotom dradnats suonorhcnysa ,sevird CA deeps-elbairav roF

tnaem sah seitnewt eht fo gninnigeb eht ecnis evird deeps-elbairav cirtcele na sa rotom CD eht fo tnempoleved lacirotsih ehT

.srotom CD ni sehsurb eht fo emitefil lufesu eht naht retrohs eb yam srotom CA/CD fo sgniraeb eht rof slavretni noitacirbuler eht ,devlovni snoitidnoc lacinahcem eht no gnidnepeD .desu stinu ylppus dleif dezimitpo dna sehsurb nobrac ,srotcelloc detacitsihpos eht ot sknaht ,)h( sruoh 00021 ... 0007 .xorppa ta si srotom CD ni sehsurb fo emitefil lufesu eht ,devlovni noitacilppa eht no gnidneped ,yadoT

339 031 0521


3842 031 005


3842 0 0

)mN( euqroT )Wk( P rewoP )mpr( n deepS

503 08 0052

728 031 0051


3842 031 005


n 21LL054... rotoM dradnatS CA :elpmaxE

)5 .giF ees(

)5 .giF ees( K 082 + AMD rotoM CD detasnepmoc :elpmaxE

)mN 00542 ... 0042 = M( Wk 0041 ... 521 fo yrogetac gnitar

-moc ta egnar gninekaew dleif eht rof eulav mumixam ehT

mumixam a ot pu 5.1 : 1 ylno si egnar gninekaew dleif eht rof

fo yrogetac gnitar eht ni mm 522 ... 211 fo thgieh tfahs a htiw srotoM CD fo egnar gninekaew dleif eht rof eulav lacipyt A :kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

:kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

rotcaf gninoisnemidrevo eht rellams eht ,) n o t

mumixam sti tuptuo nac rotom a hcihw ni egnar deeps eht regral eht :snaem sihT .tneiciffe-tsoc ylralucitrap noitatnemelpmi sekam enihcam CD deticxe yllanretxe na htiw noitarepo gninekaew dleif lanoitnevnoc ,sesac eseht nI .detalupits era rewop tnatsnoc ta segnar gnittes egral yrev ,.cte ,sredniwnu dna sredniw ,sgir tset ,sevird relioc ekil ,sboj evird dezilaiceps roF

High speed setting range at constant power (field weakening operation or field control range):

eulav lacipyt eht ,5,2 x

M euqrot tuo-llup eht ot euD

1 G


P /


n morf ,5 .giF ni citsiretcarahc eht fo noitces latnoziroh eht fo htgnel( rewop

.srotoM CA dradnats lla rof 5.2 : 1 fo

eht ni mm 052

fo thgieh tfahs a htiw srotom CD detasnep

.3 : 1 si )mN 0092

Degree of protection for motors:

3842 0 0

Motor maintenance:

.)Wk 052

sDSV fo % 58 .xorppa( noitalitnev decrof/lanretni htiw desu yliramotsuc era srotom CD taht

srotom dradnats esahp-eerht eht gnihctam fo ssecorp eht suhT .)Wk 052

Efficiency and operating point of DC and AC standard motors:

sDSV fo % 09 .xorppa( noitalitnev ecafrus erutaef

Weight and space requirements:

noitalusni ot gnidrocca dezilitu eb ot desu era srotom CA dradnatS .

ssalc noitalusni ot gnidrocca dezilitu netfo era srotom CD

.).cte ,sesserp gnitnirp

)mN( euqroT )Wk( P rewoP )mpr( n deepS

.5 : 1 si

M( Wk 063 ... 5

P tpek eb nac

.srotom CA htiw ycneciffe rehgih elbissop a ni stluser sihT .


rewop elbarapmoc ta deriuqer ecaps eroM .)melborp CME ,egatlov rotom eht ni ecnerefretni FH( ecnerefretni fo level rehgih a etareneg erofereht dna retsaf nur senituor noitatummoc ehT : sretrevnoc rotsiryht CD ot derapmoc nehw segatnavdasid gniwollof eht yb tesffo si sretrevnoc ycneuqerf CA htiw tniop ffo-nrut/no-nrut elbatceles-resu a fo egatnavda ehT

.devlovni egatlov enil eht fo evitcepserri emit yna ta elbissop si tub ,lortnoc egatlov rednu nur ton seod dnik siht fo enituor noitatummoc A .elop egatlov CD etisoppo eht ta edoid leehw-eerf a ot sessap tnerruc eht ,ffo sehctiws TBGI na ro OTG a nehW .tnerruc tuptuo eht tpurretni ylevitca ot elba eb ot evah yeht ,esiwirartnoC .lortnoc egatlov rednu ffo hctiws tonnac )sTBGI ro sOTG( stnemele gnihctiws eht ,orez hguorht segassap yna evah ton seod egatlov CD ecniS .egdirb retrevni maertsnwod eht ni tnerruc esahp-eerht otni kcab "detrevnoc" eb ot sah detareneg ylsuoiverp tnerruc tcerid eht ,llew sa retrevnoc rewop detatummoc-enil a sa noitces tupni sti ni skrow )retrevnoc ycneuqerf( retrevnoc CA eht hguohtlA .eulav tnerruc .s.m.r emit-gnol eht rof tub tnerruc kaep s'evird a rof denoisnemid eb ot evah ton od srotsiryht eht yhw si sihT .dedaolrevo ylivaeh gnieb si retrevnoc rotsiryht CD eht nehw neve smelborp yna tuohtiw snoitcnuf ssecorp ffo-nrut siht ,noitatummoc enil ot sknahT .orez ot nwod "rossecederp" eht ni tnerruc eht secuder ylgnidnopserroc suht dna sesir rotsiryht derif ylwen eht ni tnerruc eht taht yaw a hcus ni dezi -ralop neeb sah sesahp sniam gnitatummoc eht neewteb egatlov eht taht snaem sihT .edom detat -ummoc-enil ni sdeecorp taht retfa dna ,eslup gnirif a htiw snigeb )noitatummoc( gniwollof eht ot hcnarb rotsiryht eno morf refsnart tnerruC

)sevird tnardauq-eno(

Differences between DC thyristor converters and AC frequency converters

Commutation and energy conversion:

DC thyristor converter

AC frequency converter

mmargaid kcolb-

)srotsiryhT ff

-nru -eta

=( sOTG htiw )a )sevird tnardauq-eno( mmargaid kcolb-




X k iL


Ud =



ralopi -eta

-detalusn =( sTBGI htiw )b

Fig. 6

Fig. 8 Fig. 7

.stnemeriuqer lla rof ,noitareneger rof ,ylppus rewop dellortnoc TBGI htiw

~ ~
.stnemeriuqer lla rof ,noitareneger rof ,egdirb tupni rotsiryht dellortnoc ylluf htiw stnemeriuqer lla rof ,noitareneger fo elbapac

~ ~
.cte ,POTS YCNEGREME ,noitarepo tnettimretni rof ,rotsiser gnikarb dna reppohc htiw lasrever dleif htiw ,noitareneger fo elbapac

.snoitacilppa evird lairtsudni detacitsihpos ni htrow rieht devorp evah hcihw ereh elbaliava era snoitulos owT .cte ,sevird gnisrever ,sevird sraehs ,sevird enim ,senarc ,srotavele ,stfiliks :era ereh selpmaxe lacipyT ."yltneg ylemertxe" ro "ylneddus" edom gnikarb ot gnivird morf lasrever etucexe ot evah osla dna ,)edom evitareneger ni yltneuqerf( noitator fo snoitcerid htob eldnah ot elba eb ot evah sevird eht ,sessecorp noitcudorp dna snoitacilppa evird ynam nI

.)gninoitidnoc ria rof tsoC( erutaef tnatropmi na era sessol rewop wol dna ecaps llams revenehw ,sevird CD rof egatnavda na ni stluser sihT

;rewop detar eht ot ecnerefer htiw % 5.3 ... % 2 ;rewop detar eht ot ecnerefer htiw % 5.1 ... % 8.0




.sretrevnoc rotsiryht CD fo taht elbuod naht erom si ssol rewop eht .e.i ,)CA C D CA( senituor noisrevnoc ygrene owt era ereht ,retrevnoc ycneuqerf CA eht nI CA( enituor noisrevnoc ygrene ylno si ereht ,retrevnoc rotsiryht CD eht nI


^ =

.% 003 ... % 031 .xorppa CA

% 001

CD :

4-quadrant drives (reversing drives) for both directions of rotation:

)Wk 001 >( rewop detar ot ecnerefer htiw sevird laudividni sa stenibac retrev -noc rewop rof tnemeriuqer ecapS sretrevnoc CA ta ssol rewoP sretrevnoc rotsiryht CD ta ssol rewoP :kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

4-quadrant DC drive


Fig. 11

Fig. 9

4-quadrant AC drive 4-quadrant AC drive 4-quadrant AC drive

Fig. 12a


Fig. 10

Fig. 12


.yrassecen serusaem lan -oitidda redner yam ,ecnerefretni detaler-elbac htiw rehtegot ,sevird CA htiw gnirrucco snoissime citengam-ortcele ehT CME(

.sevird CD htiw thgils ylevitarapmoc si )senilediug snoissime citengamortcele gnicuder rof deriuqer yaltuo noitallatsni eht ,evoba denoitnem snosaer eht roF

.sdael s'rotom eht ni srotcaer lanoitidda ro noitalusni gnidniw desaercni yb ,elpmaxe rof ,deidemer eb nac tI .noitalusni s'rotom eht no lla evoba dna ,denrecnoc selbac eht no sserts lanoitidda ot sdael sihT .egatlov detar s'rotom eht eciwt ot esac eht ni hcihw ,sesir egatlov peets sniatnoc sOTG ro sTBGI htiw sretrevnoc CA dellortnoc-eslup morf tnerruc tuptuo ehT egatlov enil eht fo eulav kaep eht ot lauqe si slanimret rotom eht ta deretnuocne egatlov mumixam eht ,sevird CD htiW pu fo skaep egatlov ni tluser yam )m 01 >( selbac yhtgnel fo .) 2


.)lortnoc CTD htiw BBA morf sret -revnoc :noitpecxe( retaerg yltnatimocnoc suht si ).cte ,stne -nopmoc lacinahcem ,noissimsnart ,hctulc ,rotom( niart evird eht ni snoitallicso citehtapmys fo ytilibaborp ehT .denrecnoc retrevnoc eht fo elpicnirp lanoitcnuf eht dna tniop gnikrow eht no tnedneped ylesolc yrev ycneuqerf dna edutilpma ni si )enis laedi eht morf noitaived( egatlov dna tnerruc fo tnetnoc cinomrah eht morf gnitluser euqrot gnitaslup ehT ..cte senihcam gnitaoc ,sredniwnu /sredniw ekil snoitacilppa rof smelborp on eb lliw ereht nosaer siht roF .raf yb metsys evird fo seicneuqerf ecnan -oser lacinahcem eht sdeecxe yllareneg dna euqrot evird eht no desopmirepus si elppir tnerruc eht morf gnitluser )zH 063 ro zH 003 =

f x 6 =


f( euqrot gnitallicso ehT

.thgils ylemertxe era sevird CD htiw deretnuocne smelborp esion eht ,noitarugifnoc siht ot sknahT .ycneuqerf enil dlof-6 .esac hcae ni detceles ycneuqerf kcolc eht dna ssecorp kcolc eht no tnedneped ylesolc era sevird CA morf snoissime esion ehT htiw tnenopmoc gnitanretla na desopmirepus si hcihw no tnerruc tcerid a si tnerruc rotom ehT .egatlov enil ladiosunis eht morf stnemges fo stsisnoc srotom eht ot def egatlov ehT

)noitciped cisab deifilpmis( MWP htiw retrevnoc ycneuqerf ecruos egatloV egdirb rotsiryht eslup-6



Output currents of the DC thyristor converters/AC frequency converters; noise generation in the motor; load on the winding insulation, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC):

Phase 1

DC Thyristor Converter

Phase 2

Phase 3


Fig. 13

:snoissime esion/tnerruc rotoM

:noitareneg esion/tnerruc rotoM

:euqrot rotom eht fo tnetnoc cinomrah evitaleR

:euqrot rotom fo snoitallicsO

:noitalusni gnidniw/egatlov rotoM

:noitalusni gnidniw/egatlov rotoM



+ UD

- UD
AC Frequency Converter


Fig. 14


.krow noisrevnoc fo noitaruD .rotom wen rof tnemeriuqer ecapS ?tneiciffus rotom rof gnitnuom ,snoitadnuoF ?tneicif -fus moorhctiws eht morf sessol ygrene fo noitapissiD .selcibuc retrevnoc rof stnemeriuqer ecapS .gnilbac rewop wen rof yaltuO :noit -aredisnoc otni nekat eb dluohs stniop gniwollof eht ,ngised CA ot CD morf evird a yfidom ot edam si noisiced a erofeB ?erutuf ni egnahc snoitidnoc ylppus eht lliw raf woH ?)yaltuo ecnanetniam ,ega ,ytilibailer( metsys eht fo stnenopmoc laudividni eht era noitidnoc tahw nI ?)snoitidnoc latnemnorivne ,stnemeriuqer daol( erutuf ni egnahc evird eht rof stnemeriuqer eht lliW :tnatropmi era airetirc niam gniwollof eht ,esac ralucitrap a ni noitulos mumitpo eht setutitsnoc hcaorppa tahw fo noitseuq eht gnirewsna nehW :dessessa eb ot deen hcihw stnemugra suoirav osla era ereht ,evird CA na htiw yleritne ti ecalper ot evisnepxe ssel ro evird CD gnitsixe na gnizinredom elihw htrow si ti rehtehw fo noitseuq eht ot semoc ti nehW .evird CA wen a htiw metsys evird eritne eht ecalpeR .)WM 1 evoba sgnitar rof ylno dednemmocer( noitces rewop eht esu ot gniunitnoc elihw scinortcele latigid ,wen yb scinortcele evird golana ,dlo eht ecalpeR .tinu latigid nredom a yb eludom retrevnoc eht ecalpeR .noitidnoc doog ni llits si rotom eht fi ,elcibuc retrevnoc eht ylno ecalpeR .evird CD wen a yb )rotom dna retrevnoc( evird CD eritne eht ecalpeR .1 :boj noit -azinredom a rof elbaliava snoitpo lareves era ereht ,yllacisaB .2 .4 .3 .5

:kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

:kcabdeef laciripme morf deniatbo seulaV

.ereh noitpo elbaruovaf erom eht si evird CA ehT .sevird CD htiw deeps detar eht woleb tnedneped -MPR si dna ,sevird CA fo esac eht ni elbigilgen si ezis stI .sniam eht morf rewop evitcaer ekat )CD dna CA( stpecnoc evird htoB

sihT.tnerruc latot emas eht htiw evird eno sa dedrager eb nac sniam emas eht no sevird lareves ,stnerruc cinomrah eht fo elgna esahp lacitnedi eht ot euD .sevird tnardauq-1 ni egdirb edoid eslup-6 a gnirutaef sevird CA htiw detapicitna eb tsum % 6.7 dna % 9 ,% 41 ,% 04 fo stnetnoc htiw stnerruc cinomrah ,srotcudni gnihtooms eht rof detpoda dohtem gninoisnemid eht ot euD .noitullop sniam fo level eht ni "tnemevorpmi lacitsitats" a ecudorp lliw stnerruc cinomrah eht fo secneuqes esahp tnereffid eht ,sniam eht no ylsuoenatlumis gnitarepo sevird CD lareves fo esac eht nI .evaw latnemadnuf eht ot decnerefer , % 6.7 ,% 9 ,% 41 ,% 22 fo seulav laciripme htiw scinomrah ht31 dna ht11 ,ht7 ,ht5 eht ,evaw latnemadnuf eht ot noitidda ni ,niatnoc syawla lliw egdirb rotsiryht eslup-6 a htiw sevird CD fo stnerruc enil ehT

Mains pollution:


ylesrevnoc tub ,decuder yllaitnatsbus eb ot scinomrah

eht elbane stnemele gnihctiws TBGI htiw segdirb tupnI

.noitarepo tnardauq-4 ni segdirb rotsiryht rof seilppa osla



Reactive-power demand:

ni si

soc rof eulav eht ,sevird CA roF




sniam eht otni yrevocer ygrene htiw dna egdirb rotsiryht htiw snoitacilppa tnardauq-4


egdirb edoid htiw snoitacilppa tnardauq-1

58.0...0 9.0...0

Modernization of existing DC drives

soc soc snoitacilppa tnardauq-4 snoitacilppa tnardauq-1 soc rof eulav eht ,sevird CD roF ni si

erom etaerc


.niagrab eht otni ssenildneirf -resu decnahne rof deifilpmis dna ,snoitalupits remotsuc dna tekram tsetal eht htiw enil ni dezimitpo yllaunitnoc , 4 9 9 1 e c n i s segnar 006 SCA / 006 SCD dna 005 SCD ;004 SCA / 004 SCD eht ni detnemelpmi neeb ydaerla sah sihT .tpecnoc gnitarepo dna lortnoc evird dennalp yllacitsiloh a otni meht gnitargetni ,sevird CA fo egnar lufsseccus dna ediw eht dna sevird CD detset-dna-deirt eht htob foor eno rednu spuorg yhposolihp evird s'BBA

! evird CD a gnisu redisnoc uoy dluohs yltnegru erom eht ,snoitseuq eseht ot rewsna ni s"seY" fo rebmun eht retaerg ehT

? stinu lortnoc dna srotom rof muimerp a ta ecaps sI

DC or AC is therefore the crucial question which must be examined and decided for every single project.
? )5.1:1>( )i rewop tnatsnoc ta egnar gnittes deeps ediW )e ? senituor noitareleced dna noitarelecca tneuqerF )d ?moor lortnoc eht ni noitareneg taeh sseL )c ? deeps wol ta neve noitarepo suounitnoC )b ? noitareneger htiw noitarepo tnardauq-4 )a ? )ytilibissecca( elbissop ecnanetniam rotom sI )h ? saera suodrazah oN
emulov tekraM sevirD CA

:nevig eb nac serugif enilediug gniwollof eht ,evoba denoitnem segatnavdasid/segatnavda 'smetsys eht lla tnuocca otni gnikat dna ,gnireenigne evird CA dna CD fo sutats tnempoleved yad-tneserp eht no desaB

If the following requirements have to be met, then the use of DC drives should be examined: A comparison of the two drive systems in this short overview shows that the question of whether the DC drive or the AC drive is the right choice for any particular user is entirely dependent on the individual application involved.

Prospects: ABB drives for innovative future-compatibility

Wk 08...04< sevird tnardauq-1

Price comparison DC and AC drive systems


tenibac raeghctiws etelpmoc ro rotom


DC drives less expensive

DC drives less expensive

AC drives less expensive

? 45PI

srotom rof noitcetorp fo eergeD )g

sevirD CD



.seiduts tekram tsetal eht yb demrifnoc weiv a ,sraey gnimocpu eht gnirud elbats ssel ro erom niamer ot sevird CD rof emulov tekram eht tcepxe ew ,tekram evird gniworg ylidaets eht neviG


Wk 51 > sevird tnardauq-4 evitarenegeR ;)01 .giF ees ;rotsiser gnikarb Wk 06...04 + retrevnoc CA(

sevird tnardauq-4


ZVEI-Sonderdruck: Gleichstrom- oder Drehstrom-Antrieb? Systemvergleich und Entscheidungshilfe (1990), ZVEI, Fachverband Elektrische Antriebe, D-W-6000 Frankfurt/M Antriebstechnik im Verbund, Technische Rundschau Nr. 28, 12.7.1991 Elektrische Antriebstechnik Formeln, Schaltungen, Diagramme; Verlag W. Girardet, Dsseldorf Electric Motors; Manual Moving industry with even greater efficiency Guide to Variable Speed Drives, Technical Guide No. 4 DC Drives Demonstrating Strength

Heinrich, Walter: Stben, Heinz: Rentsch, Herbert Dr.-Ing.: ABB Industry ABB Industry ZVEI offprint

DCS 400 / DCS 500 / DCS 600: ABB Automation Products GmbH

Type DMP motors: ABB Automation SA Automation and Drives Rue de General de Gaulle BP N 3 F-77430 CHAMPAGNE S/SEINE, France Telephone +33 1 60 74 65 00 Fax +33 1 60 74 65 65

Type DMI motors: ABB Motors AB Machines Division 394

Type DMA+ motors: ABB Industrie AG Electrical Machines Division

Postfach 1180 D-68619 LAMPERTHEIM, Germany Telephone +49 (0) 62 06 50 3-0 Fax +49 (0) 62 06 50 3-60 9

S-72170 VSTERS, Sweden Telephone +46 21 34 00 00 Fax +46 21 18 21 48

CH-5242 BIRR, Switzerland Telephone +41 56 466 8444 Fax +41 56 466 6907


3ADW 000 059 R0201 REV B (02.01)

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