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CA ovary

(kalau mau Tanya lagi- I BEG YOUR PARDON?)

Case:P4A0,53 years old complains of mass in the lower admonen since 8 months ago.Never been treated before.

Anamnesis:Good morning,im Dr.Atik,im your doctor today.

May I help you? Whats your name? What is your job? What is your educational background? What is your main complaint? Current Illness: 1. since when you felt the mass? 2. Do you feel any excess fluid in your stomach? 3. Do you feel any pain?(if yes,where?) Do you still have regular periods?(no I monopaused 2 years ago) When did you get your first period? Was your menstruation cycle regular? How many times do you change your pad in a day? Were you on any contraception before? Do you have a history of cancer in your family? PLEASE LAY DOWN.. Im sorry may I know the patients blood pressure?,pulse,respiration rate,temperature? Is the conjunctiva anemic,icteric? Does the patient have mass in the neck? What about the heart and lung? The size of the mass is from the.. How is the surface of the mass?(uneven/even) How is the condition of the cervix?

OUE:is it open or closed? Any discharge? VT: the cervix is moved to the left. May I know the details of the mass. Diameter,consistency,compact,surface is uneven May I know the lab details? DIAGNOSIS: ovarian cyst with suspect of malignancy

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