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(Please place on End Client company letterhead)

Re: (Insert Applicants name)

To Whom It May Concern: This is to confirm that Mr./Ms ______________________________, an employee of _________________________ is working for ( E n d C l i e n t ) _________________ at (address) as (Job Title). (End client) is (H-1B employers) client. Mr./Ms _____________________ is working on (End Clients) __________________(name project) Some of his/her major responsibilities include: ' Enter detailed list of Duties Here The position of (name position) requires at a minimum, (name education) This is an ongoing project requiring Implementation, support and (H-1B Employer) will be providing services to (End Client) via Mr. /Ms. Until (Date). Mr./Ms._______________ day to day activities will be jointly controlled and managed by both (End Client and H-1B Employer) and they will be responsible for timely completion of deliverable services. (H-1B Employer) also provides training to him/her , technical input, performance reviews and controls other aspects of his conduct of employment. (H-1B Employer) only, provides Mr./Ms. ______________ with employee benefits such as holidays, vacation time, sick leave, and health insurance. (H-1B Employer) conducts the formal performance reviews or Mr./Ms.__________________ Personnel actions by (H-1B Employer) such as raises and promotions are conditioned upon the results of the performance reviews by (H-1B Employer) (H-1B Employee) is responsible for the overall quality of Mr./Ms. ___________________________ s work. (End Client) has no employer-employee relationship with Mr./Ms. _________________________. If you have any further questions, please contact me at (email and phone number of End Client

Name and Title and Signature

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