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Serving he sets ad he Uric comamiy sine 18% GOP leaders put ethics at top of agenda React to Easley’s State of the State BY ALUSON NICHOLS ‘RALEIGH ~ The Republican leadership inthe NC Senate and House reacted Tuesday to Co. ‘Mike Easley State ofthe Sate audares, saying it didn diver a Songs magog "While Ealy feud on eds ‘on initiatives nis space, Senate epublean Leader Pal Berger, ‘fom Rockingham, brought fomnat “las Speaker Jn Blacks public conuption cae tothe foretfont ‘ofthe poltical nd "I think the No. T thing (Gasky shold have talked tout was et Berger “We've got Former House to clean the Speaterjim | House up Black pleaded before e tart uly fueday faking about fweomption those. other bout ethics reform inthe NC. legislature was Jump-startd largely in rerponas to Blac, D- ‘Mecklnbarg who pleaded gly fon Tuesday to sata changes of fbstaston of ustie and ofr Ingabrbe. He i expected to plead guihy on Thneday toa feral public ermuption charge. ‘Blac, who narrowly won re. lection in November after a ‘ecount sete the race by #0 ‘ots rsgned his seat eb "epubiens plan to ietrodace ‘wo lle both chambers thie twee toadvans ets rer ‘One propeses term mls for the Speaker of the House and ‘the President Pro Tem of the Sonat. Tho other requires epis- lator who hare commited fee- tls to forfet taxpayer-funded pensions How sucessful th Republican laadersip wil bein passing ts roposed efor remains to be en, particulary i the wake of ive bipartisan eties ‘Stason pasate "ou hae to one that they so Republicans and that going {oinfluence how much lower ‘ge thoy have” sald Sen. le inna, D-Orange "Republicans sad that passing reform often is ot nga Dest persona interests ‘The bil calling fr term tims fu pares would require lege ‘sors to wots themesver ut of ae. ie ave leaders who stay ‘Tong time and have alot of ‘Povet sid Rep. John Bhs, Re Gatord “Too mush concentration of ‘power has enabled eoraption in the past Berger sud. He ssidseforms euch asthe il limiting lesderp terms would ‘ate more difuron of power fn the legislature, thus maltag Amore teak forspeca atte st groups to gin infuenee with ‘erat "Senate President Pro Tem Mare Basnight, D-Dae whe peition ‘wouldbe aeted bythe proposed Elation sai he dos not sop- ort the to it “ta wants me removed beesse of pary poles, not because of done, Tink Best {hid of Bere ‘Basnight abo sad he would be fntrested in eran move about the proposed pension forttture cry Sen. Tony Forest D-Alamanes, saldthat hes open to any legisla: ‘on that could benefit North Carolina and that the State Government Ethier Ast of 2008 sill needs tesking. SEEETHICS PAGE he Daily Car H ETHICS some ft lane ato aac Iya ei fara o Easley leat or ites, ld hey ned more thine pan “Allred was speed, 9 vrehawe to get more than that” Boonie “ie have io ot cost and we het eh ited headed ater ‘enmnang Haey on is oct rel ‘I think the No.1 thing (Gov. Mike Easley) should have talked about wus ethics." SER PIL BERGER, nom onimpviag neti, vdyetae eee Conte te Site Natal ‘Eatoroc matric ute

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