Thypoid Fever

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Thypoid Fever By : Nur QurAini Shinta Setyaningtyas

Tyhpoid febrile illness commonly called thypus or tipes in Indonesian language is a disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella Tyhposa especially attacked humans in the digestion. Typhoid fever is an acute infection there are always people in Indonesia start from age five, children to adults. Fever is mainly appears in the dry season and is said girls are more often attacked, the current increase in cases occurred at ages under 5 years old. Modes of Transmission typhoid fever Typhoid fever can strike when the germs enter through food or drink, resulting in infection of the digestive tract of the small intestine. And through the bloodstream, the bacteria reach the organs of the body especially the liver and spleen. He then proliferate in the liver and spleen that causes pain when touched. Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fever more than a week. Tongue dirty. Weight nausea to vomiting. Diarrhea or Diarrhoea. Weakness, dizziness, and abdominal pain. High fever cause a sense of weakness, dizziness. 6. Fainting, not unconscious.

Typhoid Fever Prevention Typhoid fever prevention of diseases can be done by improving hygiene and environmental sanitation and health education. Immunization using oral vaccines and vaccine injections (antigen Vi Polysaccharida capular) has been widely used.

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