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CS623 CAD for VLSI

Lecture 31 : Static Timing Analysis

Shankar Balachandran Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Timing Analysis
Identify the potential performance of a circuit Many variations in timing
Rise time vs Fall time Setup, Hold violations Gate delays and interconnect delays Exponential number of paths Clock skew and jitter

1 April 2007


Dynamic Timing Analysis

Give test vectors at inputs Observe the changes in all gates Follow it through to the outputs Find the worst case time Not a simple problem :
Order of inputs matter Simulation is tedious Mixes logic and timing, which failed and why is difficult to discern

1 April 2007


A Simplified Model
Assume rise and fall times are similar Gate delays are characterized ahead of time Many good models for predicting interconnect delay Assume clock skew = 0

1 April 2007


A Simple Problem?
Lets ignore interconnect delays for now What do we need to do :
Perform timing analysis between all flops to flops Find the worst case delay in each sequential stage Assign clock accordingly Design algorithms

Does not solve the inputs and the order of supply though
1 April 2007


A Nave Algorithm
Enumerate all paths Calculate delay on each path Find the worst case delay Problem?
Exponential Number of Paths Exponential algorithm

Why is this bad?

Timing analysis done many times during synthesis, place and route
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Static Timing Analysis

Done without specifying vectors A very powerful technique, widely used A big turn in the EDA industry
Hitchcocks Algorithm Exhaustive without specifying vectors Linear in number of gates
Not edges, not paths

1 April 2007


Basic Sketch
Find when outputs are required at the different gates Find out when they are actually arriving If the signals arrive at every gate before they are required in every single gate, we are done
Circuit is safe

Pick better gates Restructure the circuit
1 April 2007 8


Arrival Time
0 1 1 4 7 13 6 5 18

0 3

3 6

6 15


0 1
1 April 2007

1 4

7 5


18 4


Required Time
1 4 5 4 9 6 15 5 22

3 0 3

6 9

6 15 15


1 8
1 April 2007 10

4 9 13

5 18

4 22


Which Nodes are Critical?

Any node where signals arrive just in time Simply put
Required Time (i) = Arrival Time (i)

Not every node is critical A path with all nodes that are critical is called the critical path

1 April 2007



Which Are Critical?

0 1 4 1 5 3 3 0 0 1 8
1 April 2007 12

7 9 9 9 7

13 6 15 5

18 22

15 6 15 7


6 3 1 4 9


14 18

18 4 22


Arrival Time
AT(i) = max [AT(j)] + delay (i) where j fanin(i)

Required Time
RT(i) = min [RT(j)) delay (j)] where j fanout(i) Remember that delay (j) is subtracted here Also, notice that min encompasses subtraction

Define Slack
Slack(i) = RT(i) AT(i) Slack == 0 => Node is critical A path whose nodes all have slack 0 = critical path

1 April 2007


4 1 4 4 2 6 2 5 4

6 0

1 April 2007

6 5



Lets Change Required Time

0 1 2 1 3 3 3 -2
Arrive in the past?

7 4 7 9 6 6 7 7 4 11 5 6

13 5 13

18 20

15 13 13

22 7

1 1 1 7

18 4 20

0 6

14 16

1 April 2007



Lets Redo Slacks

2 1 2 4 0 6 0

Critical Edges

2 5
Failing Path




6 -2


1 April 2007

4 5



Specifying Required Time

Run as fast as you can
First case Pick the max(AT) as RT(outputs)

Can the circuit run as fast as T

Second case Fix RT(outputs) = T

1 April 2007

Calculate Arrival Times as before Calculate slacks as before Check if there are paths that are violating timing


Observations on Slacks
For a circuit to run safely All slacks 0 When slacks are less than 0
Relax the constraints Pick gates with lesser delays

The model ignores interconnect delay

Easily extendable for interconnect delay

More discussion later

1 April 2007


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